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Rodney H. Clarken School of Education Northern Michigan University

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1 Rodney H. Clarken School of Education Northern Michigan University
Integral Psychology 2: Presentation on Chapters 3-4, The Self and Self-Related Streams Rodney H. Clarken School of Education Northern Michigan University Selling your ideas is challenging. First, you must get your listeners to agree with you in principle. Then, you must move them to action. Use the Dale Carnegie Training® Evidence – Action – Benefit formula, and you will deliver a motivational, action-oriented presentation. © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

2 Integral Psychology 2 This series of presentations entitled Integral Psychology is based on Ken Wilber’s book Integral Psychology published in 2000 by Shambhala Publications of Boston. This presentation, Integral Psychology 2, is based on the book’s Chapter 3 The Self and Chapter 4 The Self-Related Streams. © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

3 \Self\ n.; pl. Selves. 1. The individual as the object of his own reflective consciousness; the man viewed by his own cognition as the subject of all his mental phenomena, the agent in his own activities, the subject of his own feelings, and the possessor of capacities and character; a person as a distinct individual; a being regarded as having personality. (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary ) © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

4 The Self Two parts to the overall self
Proximate self: An inner subject or observing self; “I” Distal self: Some objective things you observe about yourself; “me”, “mine” The “I” of one stage becomes the “me” of the next © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

5 Self Identity What we identify with at one stage of development as “I” becomes transcended so that we see it more objectively as a part of “me” The subject of one stage becomes the object of the next © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

6 For example As infants we identify with our bodies, therefore we cannot see our bodies objectively. As we develop mental capacities our identity shifts to our minds, allowing us to see our bodies as an object of the subjective mental self. As our identities shift to our souls, our minds can be objectively viewed from that new identity. © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

7 Overall Self Is an amalgam of our current and past identities
Contributes to our sense of self in the present Is the basis for our development © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

8 Self Navigates through levels of being and knowing
Is the locus of identity, will, metabolism, navigation, defenses and integration Navigates through levels of being and knowing Balances and integrates all the aspects of the individual © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

9 Identification Each time the self encounters a higher level, it first identifies with it then consolidates it, then disidentifies (transcends it, de-embeds from it) with it, and then includes and integrates from the next higher level. The self will tend to have a center of gravity around one level, but will move among higher and lower levels. © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

10 Death from a level As we move to a higher level we experience a sort of death from the lower level of who we were: we die (disidentify) from a lower self to be born (identify) to a higher Identity expands and deepens as move through the levels of body, mind and soul © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

11 “As the central navigator through the Great Nest,
the self is the locus of such important functions as identification (what to call “I”), will (or choices that are free within the constraints and limitations of its present level), defenses (which are laid down hierarchically), metabolism (which converts states into traits), and most important of all, integration (the self is responsible for balancing and integrating whatever elements are present).” (Wilber, p ) © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

12 The self stages A number of different theorists have developed models to explain human development. These are aspects of the self stages that involve several developmental lines. We will look at a few of them. © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

13 Some developmental lines
© Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

14 Erickson’s Psychosocial Stages
Each stage of development sees a different world with different needs, tasks, and crises Trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt and anxiety, industry vs. inferiority, identity vs. role confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, generativity vs. stagnation, integrity vs. despair © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

15 Loevinger’s Ego Development
Autistic Symbiotic Impulsive Self-protective Conformist 6. Conscientious- conformist 7. Conscientious 8. Individualistic 9. Autonomous 10. Integrated © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

16 Some self-related lines
© Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

17 Common self-stages among theories
Material self-autistic- undifferentiated from the material world Body self-instinctive, impulsive, magical, animistic Emotional self- narcissistic, safety, security, power Lower Mental self-rule and role thinking, conventional, conformist Higher Mental self- formal, postconventional Relativistic individualistic self-post formal, pluralistic Global holistic self- integrated, autonomous © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

18 Clare Graves "Briefly, what I am proposing is that the psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process, marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behavior systems to newer, higher-order systems as man's existential problems change." (Quoted in Wilber, p. 40 from Graves, 1966 Harvard Business Review) © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

19 Graves’ Developmental Scheme
Development is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating spiral process Feelings, motivations, ethic and values, biochemistry, degree of neurological activation, learning system, belief systems, conception of mental health, etc., are all stage determined © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

20 Developmental Approach
There are many different worldviews and values, some more complex than others Many problems of one level can only be solved by evolving to a higher level Facilitating development leads to social progress and justice © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

21 Spiral Dynamics “reveals the hidden complexity codes that shape human nature, create global diversities, and drive evolutionary change. These dynamic Spiral forces attract and repel individuals, form the webs and meshes that connect people within groups, communities and organizations, and forge the rise and fall of nations and cultures.” ( © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

22 MEMES Richard Dawkins defined memes: self- replicating ideas or cultural DNA, beliefs, and actions that like viruses use the human mind as a host and are transmitted from mind to mind. Beck & Cowan, authors of Spiral Dynamics, use the term MEMEs or "vMEMEs“ to refer to conceptual frameworks, value systems, worldviews or mindsets from which emerge the surface memes of Dawkins. © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

23 Spiral Dynamics MEMES (value levels)
Instinctive Animistic/tribalistic Egocentric Absolutist-religious 5. Individualistic- achiever 6. Relativistic 7. Systematic- integrative 8. Global-holistic © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

24 1. Archaic-Instinctual (Survival Sense)
Basic survival: food, water, warmth, sex and safety have priority Use habits and instincts to survive Distinct self barely awakened Seen in infants, senility, survival bands (.1% of population) © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

25 BEIGE Instinctive/Survivalistic MEME - starting 100,000 years ago
Basic theme: Do what you must just to stay alive Uses instincts and habits just to survive Distinct self is barely awakened or sustained Food, water, warmth, sex, and safety have priority Forms into survival bands to perpetuate life Lives "off the land" much as other animals (This and all following MEME slides from © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

26 2. Magical-Animistic (Kin Spirits)
Magical and animistic thinking Spirits exist in ancestors and bond the tribe Kinship and tribal bonds Seen in athletic teams, gangs, ethnic tribes (10%) © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

27 PURPLE Magical/Animistic MEME - starting 50,000 years ago
Basic theme: Keep the spirits happy and the tribe's nest warm and safe Obeys the desires of the spirit being and mystical signs Shows allegiance to chief, elders, ancestors, and the clan Individual subsumed in group Preserves sacred objects, places, events, and memories Observes rites of passage, seasonal cycles, and tribal customs © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

28 3. Egocentric (Power Gods)
Powerful, impulsive, egocentric, heroic The powerful rule, underlings obey for protection Mythic-enjoys self to fullest without regret Seen in terrible twos, rebellious youth, feudal empires (20%) © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

29 RED Impulsive/Egocentric MEME - starting 10,000 years ago
Basic theme: Be what you are and do what you want, regardless The world is a jungle full of threats and predators Breaks free from any domination or constraint to please self as self desires Stands tall, expects attention, demands respect, and calls the shots Enjoys self to the fullest right now without guilt or remorse Conquers, out-foxes, and dominates other aggressive characters © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

30 4. Conformist Rule (Truth Force)
Meaning determined by all-powerful Other of Order Absolutist-religious, rules and principles Rigid social hierarchies, paternalistic Seen in fundamentalism, patriotism, ancient nations (40%) © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

31 BLUE Purposeful/Authoritarian MEME - starting 5,000 years ago
Basic theme: Life has meaning, direction, and purpose with predetermined outcomes One sacrifices self to the transcendent Cause, Truth, or righteous Pathway The Order enforces a code of conduct based on eternal, absolute principles Righteous living produces stability now and guarantees future reward Impulsivity is controlled through guilt; everybody has their proper place Laws, regulations, and discipline build character and moral fiber © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

32 5. Scientific Achievement (Strive Drive)
Individualistic-achiever, seeks objective scientific truth and meaning Rational, achievement-oriented Science rules, use to advance interests Seen in colonialism, materialism, corporate states (30%) © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

33 ORANGE Achievist/Strategic MEME - starting 300 years ago
Basic theme: Act in your own self-interest by playing the game to win Change and advancement are inherent within the scheme of things Progresses by learning nature's secrets and seeking out best solutions Manipulates Earth's resources to create and spread the abundant good life Optimistic, risk-taking, and self-reliant people deserve success Societies prosper through strategy, technology, and competitiveness © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

34 6. The Sensitive Self (Human Bond)
Relativistic, communitarian, networking, ecological, bonding Emphasis on dialogue and relationships Pluralistic relativism, subjective Seen in diversity groups, politically correct, collective communities (10%) © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

35 GREEN Communitarian/Egalitarian MEME - starting 150 years ago
Basic theme: Seek peace within the inner self and explore, with others, the caring dimensions of community The human spirit must be freed from greed, dogma, and divisiveness Feelings, sensitivity, and caring supersede cold rationality Spreads the Earth's resources and opportunities equally among all Reaches decisions through reconciliation and consensus processes Refreshes spirituality, brings harmony, and enriches human development © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

36 7. Integrative (Flex Flow)
Systematic-integrative, flexible Differences integrated into one interdependent order Unity in Diversity Seen in only 1% of population, cutting edge thinkers © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

37 YELLOW Integrative MEME—starting 50 years ago
Basic theme: Live fully and responsibly as what you are and learn to become Life is a kaleidoscope of natural hierarchies, systems, and forms The magnificence of existence is valued over material possessions Flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality have the highest priority Differences can be integrated into interdependent, natural flows Understands that chaos and change are natural © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

38 8. Holistic (Global View)
Universal holistic system thinking, multiple levels interwoven together Unites feelings with knowledge Sees multiple levels of interaction Seen in .1% of population, the very leading edge, sages © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

39 TURQUOISE Holistic MEME—starting 30 years ago
Basic theme: Experience the wholeness of existence through mind and spirit The world is a single, dynamic organism with its own collective mind Self is both distinct and a blended part of a larger, compassionate whole Everything connects to everything else in ecological alignments Energy and information permeate the Earth's total environment Holistic, intuitive thinking and cooperative actions are to be expected © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

40 Eight Value Systems / vMemes
1 BEIGE based on biological urges/drives; physical senses dictate the state of being 2 PURPLE threatening and full of mysterious powers, spirit beings which must be placated and appeased 3 RED like a jungle where the tough and strong prevail while the weak serve; nature is an adversary 4 BLUE controlled by a Higher Power that punishes evil and eventually rewards good works and Right living 5 ORANGE full of resources to develop and opportunities to make things better and bring prosperity 6 GREEN the habitat wherein humanity can find love and purposes through affiliation and sharing 7 YELLOW a chaotic organism where change is the norm and uncertainty a usual  state of being 8 TURQUOISE a delicately balanced system of interlocking forces in jeopardy in human hands (adapted from © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

41 What people in each level seek out in life
1 BEIGE survival; biogenic needs satisfaction; reproduction 2 PURPLE safety/security; protection from harm; family bonds 3 RED power/action; asserting self to dominate others; control 4 BLUE stability/order; obedience to earn later reward; meaning 5 ORANGE opportunity/success; competing to achieve results; influence 6 GREEN harmony/love; joining together for mutual growth; awareness 7 YELLOW independence/self-worth; fitting a living system; knowing 8 TURQUOISE global community/life force; survival of Earth; consciousness (adapted from © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

42 How "rational" people might deal with such a world
1 BEIGE as natural instincts and reflexes direct; automatic existence 2 PURPLE according to tradition and ritual ways of group; tribal; animistic 3 RED asserting self for dominance, conquest, and power; exploitive; egocentric 4 BLUE obediently as higher authority and rules direct; absolutist; conforming 5 ORANGE pragmatically to achieve results and get ahead; multiplistic; achievist 6 GREEN responds to human needs; affiliative; relativistic; situational 7 YELLOW build functional niche to do what one chooses; existential; systemic 8 TURQUOISE experiential to join with other like thinkers; holistic; transpersonal (adapted from © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

43 Horizontal Typologies
There are many personality types, such as Jungian, Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, that are at available at each level An outline of possible orientations that can exist a each level of consciousness development, but are not stages of development © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

44 © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

45 Self and levels of consciousness
When self identifies with a level of consciousness We transcend and include lower levels Honor and embrace every level Higher potential available to all © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

46 Where is the spiritual dimension?
Freud: nothing but wish fulfillment of infantile needs Marx: opiate of the people Feurbach: projection of human potentials Science: not objective, therefore not real © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

47 References Most of the material in this presentation was taken from
Wilber, K. (2000). Integral Psychology. Boston: Shambhala, pp © Rodney H. Clarken, 2004

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