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Debate challenges Toward the end of this unit we will have a debate about the successes and failures of multiple revolutions. Trying to understand differing.

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Presentation on theme: "Debate challenges Toward the end of this unit we will have a debate about the successes and failures of multiple revolutions. Trying to understand differing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Debate challenges Toward the end of this unit we will have a debate about the successes and failures of multiple revolutions. Trying to understand differing sides of an argument is a historical thinking skill and one that not only helps us understand history, our peers and the world, it also helps our writing. To “practice” this skill, we will do some small debate exercises about different controversial issues during the French Rev, as a way to break up the plot and review key events.

2 Review Part 1: The Revolution Begins
Review Events: Estates General Meets, Tennis Court Oath, Storming of Bastille, Declaration of Rights of Man issued. Why do these matter?

3 Part 1: The Revolution Begins Super Debate Challenge #1: Argue with yourself
GOAL: Be able to make an argument and provide evidence. QUESTION: Which event was more important in starting the Revolution: The Declaration of the Rights of Man or the Storming of the Bastille? Give evidence to support your argument. WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT IN CHANGING SOCIETY: WORDS OR ACTION TASK: WRITE FOR 3 MINUTES. YOU MUST BE WRITING THE WHOLE TIME TO COMPLETE THIS DEBATE CHALLENGE.

4 Super Debate Challenge #1 Continued
YES, but….there are arguments on both sides here. Write “Yes, but….” in the next paragraph and spend 3 minutes writing arguments for the other side. Give evidence in support of your argument. Congratulations! You practiced the art of “counter- arguments”

5 Review Part 2: The Revolution and the Monarchy
Review Events: Women’s March on Versailles, King Louis XVI and family captured fleeing France, France at War, Legislative Assembly Splits, King Louis Guillotined Why do these matter?

6 Part 2: The Revolution and the Monarchy Super Debate Challenge #2: Argue with someone else.
SKILL: Argue with someone else and counter their arguments. QUESTION: Did the king have to die in order to realize the goals of the revolution? Why or Why not? STEP 1. Write for 3 minutes on this question. Use evidence to explain your point of view.

7 Super Debate Challenge #2 Continued
STEP 2: NOW – swap papers with the person next to you. Whatever side your partner has argued, you must argue the opposite. In addition, you must explain why the evidence they used and their specific argument is wrong. STEP 3: Return the paper to the original writer. NOW you must respond to their argument. Explain why you are right and they are wrong without repeating your original argument. “You are wrong and this is why….” THIS IS TRICKY – CAN YOU FULFILL THIS CHALLENGE?

8 Part 3: From Revolution to Terror
Review Events: Robespierre Leads Committee on Public Safety, Terror Ends Why do these matter?

9 Part 3: From Revolution to Terror Super Debate Challenge #3: Argue out loud
Claim: The violence of the Terror was necessary to fulfill the Revolution. Accept or Challenge this claim. We will debate this as a class for 8 minutes. Some people will assigned to be “referees” to decide who won.

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