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Lecture 3 Saturday, September 16th

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1 Lecture 3 Saturday, September 16th
Kristina Gonzales, BS, MHA

2 Gonzales, Fall 2017

3 US History Gonzales, Fall 2017

4 Lesson 4: The United States as an Emerging World Power
Expansion of industries caused an effect on politics Wanted more access to natural resources & sell more goods overseas To promote industrial growth & increase US power, the US became Imperialistic/Imperialism Policy by which a stronger nation extends economic, military, &/or political control over a weaker nation or region; often by force Late 1800s  the US joined the imperialism movement, following Europe Gonzales, Spring 2017

5 Lesson 4: The United States as an Emerging World Power
1898  US fought in the Spanish-American War US declared war on Spain because of their mistreatment of Cuba; they WON & took over the Spanish colonies THE NEXT WAR… Gonzales, Spring 2017

6 Lesson 4: The United States as an Emerging World Power
World War 1 [ ] in Europe War against… US joined the ALLIES in 1917 Because Germany sank American ships & helped the Allies WIN the war, that is when World War 1 ended Allies Central Powers -Great Brit -Russia -France -Germany -Austria-Hungary -Ottoman Empire Gonzales, Spring 2017

7 Lesson 4: The United States as an Emerging World Power
Within 12 years, 1929  world had fallen into a serious economic downturn = The Great Depression The economic problems lead to the rise of  fascism Squelched (silence) democracy & advocated the takeover of other nations Example: Germany Germany: Lead by Adolf Hitler Mid-1930s: He started attacking smaller nations in Europe Gonzales, Spring 2017

8 Lesson 4: The United States as an Emerging World Power
Italy  took over Ethiopia, Africa Japan  attacked China 1939  war against the Allies & Axis World War II  US didn’t join the war until  1941 When Japan bombed US at Pearl Harbor World War II included: horrific battles, fire bombing, Holocaust, 2 atomic bombs on Japan Victory by Allies in 1945! Joined an alliance with Germany Axis Gonzales, Spring 2017

9 Lesson 5: The Cold War & the Civil Rights Era
After WWII, capitalist & communist nations engaged in power struggle = the Cold War Political and military tension Little fights US led the Capitalist nations Soviet Union lead Communist nations US sent soldiers to both Korean War [early 1950s] Vietnam War [ ] *US pulled out in 1973 Gonzales, Spring 2017

10 Lesson 5: The Cold War & the Civil Rights Era
The Cold War ended with the break up of Soviet Union & end of Communism For communists, loosing Soviet control led to collapse of communist government The Berlin Wall  separated Eastern & Western Germany 1950s  African Americans launched the Civil Rights Movement Try to end segregation & discrimination in the US Gonzales, Spring 2017

11 Science Practices Gonzales, Spring 2017

12 Lesson 1: Comprehend Scientific Presentations
Main Idea  topic Details, facts, and evidence The earliest americans traveled from Asia to North America. These americans were called “Native Americans”. They were the first to settle, until an explorer name Christopher Columbus arrived. There were many explorers traveling and discovering the world in the late 1400s. In 1492, CC set out across the Atlantic ocean. He was rejected by multiple Kings, and finally went to Spain and convinced them finance his trip. At first he assumed he found India and later on it was discovered that he actually found the “new world”. After this discovery, European nations set out to conquer what they could. In other terms, they discovered new “colonies”. Was about power, wealth, and place to live Gonzales, Spring 2017

13 Lesson 2: Use the scientific method
1 2 3 4 5 Set of techniques that scientists use to investigate observable facts & occurrence & to acquire new knowledge The earliest americans traveled from Asia to North America. These americans were called “Native Americans”. They were the first to settle, until an explorer name Christopher Columbus arrived. There were many explorers traveling and discovering the world in the late 1400s. In 1492, CC set out across the Atlantic ocean. He was rejected by multiple Kings, and finally went to Spain and convinced them finance his trip. At first he assumed he found India and later on it was discovered that he actually found the “new world”. After this discovery, European nations set out to conquer what they could. In other terms, they discovered new “colonies”. Was about power, wealth, and place to live Gonzales, Spring 2017

14 Lesson 2: Use the scientific method
Dependent variable  the phenomenon you’re studying Independent variable  a factor that you believe might be affecting the phenomenon Taking samples: for step #2 sample  portion of the entire thing or population To make an inference on entire population, have guidelines concern: sample may not be representative of entire population -an unrepresentative sample introduces bias -to prevent this, collect large enough sample size to reduce the probability The earliest americans traveled from Asia to North America. These americans were called “Native Americans”. They were the first to settle, until an explorer name Christopher Columbus arrived. There were many explorers traveling and discovering the world in the late 1400s. In 1492, CC set out across the Atlantic ocean. He was rejected by multiple Kings, and finally went to Spain and convinced them finance his trip. At first he assumed he found India and later on it was discovered that he actually found the “new world”. After this discovery, European nations set out to conquer what they could. In other terms, they discovered new “colonies”. Was about power, wealth, and place to live Gonzales, Spring 2017

15 Lesson 2: Use the scientific method
Randomization  increase the chance of valid results Control group  does not receive any treatment The earliest americans traveled from Asia to North America. These americans were called “Native Americans”. They were the first to settle, until an explorer name Christopher Columbus arrived. There were many explorers traveling and discovering the world in the late 1400s. In 1492, CC set out across the Atlantic ocean. He was rejected by multiple Kings, and finally went to Spain and convinced them finance his trip. At first he assumed he found India and later on it was discovered that he actually found the “new world”. After this discovery, European nations set out to conquer what they could. In other terms, they discovered new “colonies”. Was about power, wealth, and place to live Gonzales, Spring 2017

16 Lesson 3: Comprehend Scientific Presentations
The test require you to recognizing or citing specific evidence to support a conclusion. Conclusion or scientific theory  a substantiated explanation of the natural world Other questions will ask to make predictions  based on evidence or data that the test provides to you based on trends  forecast The earliest americans traveled from Asia to North America. These americans were called “Native Americans”. They were the first to settle, until an explorer name Christopher Columbus arrived. There were many explorers traveling and discovering the world in the late 1400s. In 1492, CC set out across the Atlantic ocean. He was rejected by multiple Kings, and finally went to Spain and convinced them finance his trip. At first he assumed he found India and later on it was discovered that he actually found the “new world”. After this discovery, European nations set out to conquer what they could. In other terms, they discovered new “colonies”. Was about power, wealth, and place to live Gonzales, Spring 2017

17 Lesson 4: Express & apply scientific information
*You will be asked to find relationships among science passages, graphics, formulas or equations Reference page 508 The earliest americans traveled from Asia to North America. These americans were called “Native Americans”. They were the first to settle, until an explorer name Christopher Columbus arrived. There were many explorers traveling and discovering the world in the late 1400s. In 1492, CC set out across the Atlantic ocean. He was rejected by multiple Kings, and finally went to Spain and convinced them finance his trip. At first he assumed he found India and later on it was discovered that he actually found the “new world”. After this discovery, European nations set out to conquer what they could. In other terms, they discovered new “colonies”. Was about power, wealth, and place to live Gonzales, Spring 2017

18 Lesson 5: Use statistics & probability
Math in the science section: -Central tendency  average, median, mode, range -Independent and dependent probabilities -counting techniques for combinations and permutations The earliest americans traveled from Asia to North America. These americans were called “Native Americans”. They were the first to settle, until an explorer name Christopher Columbus arrived. There were many explorers traveling and discovering the world in the late 1400s. In 1492, CC set out across the Atlantic ocean. He was rejected by multiple Kings, and finally went to Spain and convinced them finance his trip. At first he assumed he found India and later on it was discovered that he actually found the “new world”. After this discovery, European nations set out to conquer what they could. In other terms, they discovered new “colonies”. Was about power, wealth, and place to live Gonzales, Spring 2017

19 Lesson 6: Construct short-answer responses
You will need to write 2 written responses 2 writing tasks: 1. cite specific evidence -complete & well developed explanation -specific facts, details, or evidence from source material 2. design a scientific experiment -clearly stated hypothesis -well-formulated design of how the experiment would be conducted -logical method to collect data -sound criteria for evaluating the results in relation to the hypothesis The earliest americans traveled from Asia to North America. These americans were called “Native Americans”. They were the first to settle, until an explorer name Christopher Columbus arrived. There were many explorers traveling and discovering the world in the late 1400s. In 1492, CC set out across the Atlantic ocean. He was rejected by multiple Kings, and finally went to Spain and convinced them finance his trip. At first he assumed he found India and later on it was discovered that he actually found the “new world”. After this discovery, European nations set out to conquer what they could. In other terms, they discovered new “colonies”. Was about power, wealth, and place to live Gonzales, Spring 2017

20 Lesson 6: Construct short-answer responses
***Budget 10 minutes per short answer 5-Step process: Read question Develop a thesis statement Emphasize facts, details, and evidence Plan your response Write 1 or 2 paragraph response The earliest americans traveled from Asia to North America. These americans were called “Native Americans”. They were the first to settle, until an explorer name Christopher Columbus arrived. There were many explorers traveling and discovering the world in the late 1400s. In 1492, CC set out across the Atlantic ocean. He was rejected by multiple Kings, and finally went to Spain and convinced them finance his trip. At first he assumed he found India and later on it was discovered that he actually found the “new world”. After this discovery, European nations set out to conquer what they could. In other terms, they discovered new “colonies”. Was about power, wealth, and place to live Gonzales, Spring 2017

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