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Just English Explorer Short story Mujo and his Three Wishes - part 2

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1 Just English Explorer Short story Mujo and his Three Wishes - part 2
Vol. 11 issue 3 page

2 Mujo And His Three Wishes Part 1
Due to an unpleasant slapping incident, Mujo developed resentment; a feeling of anger and bitterness in his heart towards his father………

3 Mujo And His Three Wishes Part 1
The story is about a poor village boy named Mujo. He was unhappy that his father was a fisherman. He wanted his father to be more successful and rich. Mujo was envious when he saw his friends playing ball while he had to help his father at sea. When he complained, his father slapped him in front of his friends. Everyone within earshot heard the slap and stopped their work and stared at him and his father. He ran as fast as he could to a quiet place with tears streaming down his face. He felt angry, humiliated, sad and embarrassed. Due to this unpleasant slapping incident, Mujo developed resentment; a feeling of anger and bitterness in his heart towards his father.

4 Mujo And His Three Wishes Part 1
Mujo entered a cave and continued crying until he fell asleep because he was tired. When he woke up it was already night, he became afraid and ran out of the cave when he tripped over something and fell down. Suddenly, there was an explosion and a huge green cloud appeared in the cave. The huge green cloud asked Mujo if he had summoned him while he was in deep sleep.

5 thin air * (page 16 ) homesick * (page 17) fulfilling * (page 17 )
Task 2 : Find words from the text to match the meaning of the given words /phrases below. thin air * (page 16 ) * Feeling sad or missing home because of being invisible or non-existent homesick * (page 17) * to do something as promised or intended, or to satisfy your hopes expectations. fulfilling * (page 17 ) * nowhere to be found; the state of being invisible or non-existent

6 Task 3 : Mujo and His Three Wishes - Part 2 Summary passage.
Fill in the blanks using the past tense of the words given in brackets. The green cloud (1)________________ (grant ) Mujo three wishes. His first wish ( 2 ) ____________( be) that he wanted to be the son of Majino. His second wish was to be the richest person in the village. As he couldn’t think of anything else , so, he ( 3 ) ______________ ( keep ) his last wish for later.

7 Task 3 : Mujo and His Three Wishes - Part 2 Summary passage.
His two wishes ( 4 ) _____________ ( be ) granted and since then, Mujo never lack. Whatever he wanted he (5 )______________ (get) them. He ( 6 )_____________ (doesn’t ) (have ) to work hard and (7 ) _______________( have ) a carefree life like the others around him. He was rich, popular but unfortunately not happy; lacking purpose and love. Life ( 8 ) ______________ (become) aimless. He ( 9 ) __________( feel ) empty. He ( 10 ) ______________ ( miss ) his family. He felt homesick. Suddenly, he (11) _____________________( remember ) he still ( 12 ) ___________ ( have ) a last wish. He ( 13 ) ____________( use ) his last wish to return to his family.

8 Task 3 : Mujo and His Three Wishes - Part 2 Summary passage.
That night, Mujo ( 14 ) ___________ ( find ) himself in the cave. He ( 15 ) ______________ ( run ) home to find his parents. Mujo’s father happily ( 16 )______________ (hug) him and (17 )________________ ( apologise) to him , his father (18) _______________ (tell) him he loved him very much. Mujo apologized to both his parents and ( 19 ) __________________ (promise ) not be selfish in the future. Mujo’s parents (20 ) ________________ ( weep) with joy.

9 Task 3 answers : Mujo and His Three Wishes - Part 2 Summary passage
The green cloud (1)__granted___ (grant ) Mujo three wishes. His first wish ( 2 ) _was____( be) that he wanted to be the son of Majino. His second wish was to be the richest person in the village. As he couldn’t think of anything else , so, he ( 3 ) ___kept___ ( keep ) his last wish for later. His two wishes ( 4 ) __were__ ( be ) granted and since then, Mujo never lack. Whatever he wanted he (5 )__got__ (get) them. He ( 6 )___didn’t__ (doesn’t ) (have ) to work hard and (7 ) ___had__( have ) a carefree life like the others around him. He was rich, popular but unfortunately not happy; lacking purpose and love. Life ( 8 ) ___became__ (become) aimless. He( 9 ) __felt__( feel ) empty. He ( 10 ) __missed ( miss ) his family. He felt homesick. Suddenly, he (11) __remembered__( remember ) he still ( 12 ) ___had___( have ) a last wish. He ( 13 ) ____used__( use ) his last wish to return to his family.

10 Task 3 answers : Mujo and His Three Wishes - Part 2 Summary passage
The green cloud (1)__granted___ (grant ) Mujo three wishes. His first wish ( 2 ) _was____( be) that he wanted to be the son of Majino. His second wish was to be the richest person in the village. As he couldn’t think of anything else , so, he ( 3 ) __kept__ ( keep ) his last wish for later. His two wishes ( 4 ) __were_ ( be ) granted and since then, Mujo never lack. Whatever he wanted he (5 )__got_ (get) them. He ( 6 )_didn’t_ (doesn’t ) (have ) to work hard and (7 ) __had_( have ) a carefree life like the others around him. He was rich, popular but unfortunately not happy; lacking purpose and love. Life ( 8 ) _became_ (become) aimless. He( 9 ) felt_( feel ) empty. He ( 10 ) missed ( miss ) his family. He felt homesick. Suddenly, he (11) remembered_ ( remember ) he still ( 12 ) had (have ) a last wish. He ( 13 ) __used_( use ) his last wish to return to his family.

11 Mujo and His Three Wishes - Part 2 Summary passage answers
That night, Mujo ( 14 ) __found__ ( find ) himself in the cave. He ( 15 ) ___ran__ ( run ) home to find his parents. Mujo’s father happily (16 )__hugged__(hug) him and (17 )__apologised__ ( apologise) to him , his father (18) __told__ (tell) him he loved him very much. Mujo apologized to both his parents and ( 19 ) __promised___ (promise ) not be selfish in the future. Mujo’s parents (20 ) ___wept__ ( weep) with joy.

12 Wrap : Task 4 1 Which is more important to you : - to be rich or be poor and happy? Why?

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