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EMI-ES demo Emidio Giorgio INFN Catania

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Presentation on theme: "EMI-ES demo Emidio Giorgio INFN Catania"— Presentation transcript:

1 EMI-ES demo Emidio Giorgio INFN Catania
EMI 3rd Technical Conference/EGI Community Forum 2013 Manchester, 11 April 2013

2 Overview What is EMI-ES EMI-ES in action 11/04/13
EGI Community Forum 2013

3 What is EMI ES Problem : The answer
Distributed Computing Infrastructure (DCI) didn’t not offer uniform access interfaces ARC, UNICORE, gLite CREAM The answer a set of standard web services for job submission, execution and management across different DCIs and middleware : EMI Execution Service 11/04/13 EMI ES (Execution Service) is the answer to the request of an uniform interface to across the major computing technologies existing in Europe It extends the number of resources available making DCI interoperable EGI Community Forum 2013

4 Features Support to recent EMI developments Modern, standard based
EMIR, SAML… Modern, standard based GLUE2 delegation tokens SAML and x509 front end to the well consolidated technologies ARC, gLite CREAM, UNICORE 11/04/13 EGI Community Forum 2013

5 EMI ES Demo Query EMIR for available resources
Submission to a middleware flavor Direct submission to other flavors same job description, same commands Get job outputs 11/04/13 EGI Community Forum 2013

6 References EMI-ES factsheet EMI-ES documentation
EMI-ES documentation 11/04/13 EGI Community Forum 2013

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