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National Agenda Parameter 2017/18 The CSV File

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1 National Agenda Parameter 2017/18 The CSV File
A guide to completing the CSV file in order to create or update your students’ accounts

2 Before you begin… 1. Archive your leavers! (also non-joiners if using for admissions) Guide to archiving students If there are already students registered to Testwise: 2. Archive or update your teacher accounts! Guide to archiving users Guide to updating users

3 Completing the CSV File (1)
Please start with a capital letter then lower case letters Ideally tutor group or class name Must be DD/MM/YYYY Please enter “Year” or “Grade” before number The number or codes assigned to each student upon admission to the school Use “Male” or “Female” ONLY

4 Completing the CSV File (2)
PLEASE LEAVE THESE COLUMNS BLANK PLEASE ENTER NATIONALITY HERE e.g. British, Emirati, Australian Enter “Yes” or “No” PLEASE ENTER “Emirati” OR “Other” This can be used for your own records Once complete, save file ready for upload….

5 Existing customers (with existing student records)
Uploading the CSV file New customers (no student records) Existing customers (with existing student records) Login to Testwise Select “Students” Select “Import Students” “Browse” to your CSV file “Import” *It is not currently possible to batch update your student records… …However, this facility should be made available by end of August 2017

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