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Universidad Autónoma de Campeche Facultad de Contaduría y Administración Integrantes: Pech Zavala Meritxell Vidal Galán José Trinidad.

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Presentation on theme: "Universidad Autónoma de Campeche Facultad de Contaduría y Administración Integrantes: Pech Zavala Meritxell Vidal Galán José Trinidad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universidad Autónoma de Campeche Facultad de Contaduría y Administración Integrantes: Pech Zavala Meritxell Vidal Galán José Trinidad

As English's dominance continues, linguists see few threats to its rule The globalization and technology, English dominates the world as no language ever has, and some linguists now say it may never be dethroned as the king of languages. Some specialists on the English language authors mention its importance as: • Nicholas Ostler said "If you stay in the mind-set of 15th-century Europe, the future of Latin is extremely bright," the author of a language history called "Empires of the Word". • David Crystal, author of "English as a Global Language," say the world has changed so drastically. he said "This is the first time we actually have a language spoken genuinely globally by every country in the world. • John McWhorter. he said "English is dominant in a way that no language has ever been before."

3 English won't dominate as world language
The world faces a future of people speaking more than one language, with English no longer seen as likely to become dominant, a British language expert says in a new analysis. “English is likely to remain one of the world’s most important languages for the foreseeable future, but its future is more problematic — and complex — than most people appreciate,” said language researcher David Graddol. As of 1995, he reports, English was the second most- common native tongue in the world, trailing only Chinese. By 2050, he says, Chinese will continue its predominance, with Hindi-Urdu of India and Arabic climbing past English, and Spanish nearly equal to it.

4 English- a global language?
In the 21st century, English has been regarded as the mayor international language. Population experts believe between 300 million and 400 million now speak it as their mother tongue. However, it is also recognized as an official language in about 100 countries. Some argue that English will become dominant. In the next century, if we become an increasingly globalized society, everyone will speak the same global language. Consequently, it is feared many other languages will disappear as they will not be able to compete with English. some experts argue that English will disappear, dividing into several different local versions such as Spanglish, Hinglish and Chinglish.

5 Rationale

6 This article aims to explain about English and how that has developed globally and to publicize this language and which can analyze the most curious about, relevant and important data.  English is considered the most important global language, as a result of this, some authors mention that this language will be totally dominant and that many other languages ​​will disappear over time because they can not racing you. Population experts stress that is spoken as a first or second language, ie as a secondary language after the mother tongue. As a result of this, many people now speak more than one language.

7 In some companies already it required that employees know and master largely English, so they can relate to foreigners and thus extend the market better. English is the language that has largely dominated science and search engines scattered in the world of Internet, from blogs, pages and videos to YouTube.  From our point of view English is one of the most predominant languages ​​that currently exist, is of great importance to know and understand at least at a basic level to intermediate as may be necessary and indispensable for work and family life, recreation and holidays , tourism, or learn about many cultures that undoubtedly is the universal language that wherever you go you find.

8 But now the question many are made and which mention and give our opinion is:
YOU COULD GET TO DOMINATE THE WORLD AND EXTINGUISH INTO OTHER LANGUAGES?  Could dominate the world? It is doing so largely because without doubt is a universal language that can relate and create discussions and understandings between people from different countries, languages ​​and cultures. But could extinguish other languages? Mastering the most countries, and create links between people does not mean that arrived sometime generate many problems with other languages ​​and even reach the limit extinguish because greatly and in many of them there is a maternal language that dominates the country of origin.

9 Now in our view on the readings above-mentioned in this article we can conclude that:
• The first article talks about the opinion of three authors, who point out that English dominates the world and is the king of languages, also mentions that it is extremely bright, a genuine language worldwide is spoken by all countries of the world, and so dominant in the way that any language before had done.

10 • The second article talks about English, and we mentioned about how important it is and still can be, but certainly not going to displace other existing languages. And we talk about how much of the websites on the internet were dominated by articles in English, and these certainly are seen everywhere in the world. But as mentioned, hardly would end languages ​​such as Spanish, German, French, etc. which likewise continue to grow and filling the search engine websites.

11 • The third article talks about how this language was born and evolved, as well as statistics on how many people or countries speak English or know. And likewise the importance of some companies that their personal master this language. It is feared that other languages ​​will disappear, and they will not be able to compete with English but also other experts mentioned that could eventually disappear English.

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