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Monday, April 25, 2016 ESL Level 3, Week 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, April 25, 2016 ESL Level 3, Week 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, April 25, 2016 ESL Level 3, Week 9

2 Announcements Interview practice (Monday – Wednesday)
Thursday- EL CIVICS

3 Agenda Pass back resumes and applications Preparing for job Interviews
Unit 19 Pass back grammar quizzes

4 Preparing for job interviews
How should you dress? How should you sit? Eye contact? One word answers?

5 Key terms Applicant- the person who applies for a job
Employer- the boss, or the person who gives you the job or hires you Employee- you, the worker Strengths- what you are good at Weaknesses- what you are not good at


7 Grammar charts (on board) underline adjectives
Maggie lives in a residential area with safe, quiet streets. The house is perfect. The people seem friendly. What is the area where Maggie lives like? (residential) What are the streets like? (safe and quiet) What is the house like? (perfect) What are the people like? (friendly)

8 Grammar charts (on board)
Words that describe or give information about the nouns are called adjectives.

9 Adverbs Wakefield House apartments rent quickly.
How do Wakefield House apartments rent? (quickly)

10 Degree adverbs (on board)
Wakefield House apartments rent very quickly. How quickly do Wakefield House apartments (very quickly) An adverb can also give more information about another adverb. What are the two adverbs in the sentence?

11 Adverbs that describe adjectives
The rent is surprisingly affordable. Is the rent expensive or affordable? How affordable is it? Which is the adjective and which is the adverb?

12 Participial adjective
The traffic is annoying. The tenant is annoyed by the traffic. Words ending in –ing or –ed can be adjectives. Which word are the adjectives. What does annoying describe? What does annoyed describe?

13 Word order of adjectives
She lives in a residential beautiful area. She lives in a beautiful residential area. When more than one adjective describes a noun, we can’t put them in whatever order we want. Look at p. 268

14 Note 1- On board (a) It’s in a residential area. The rooms are sunny.
The place seems quiet. Underline the adjectives What does residential describe? What does sunny describe? What does quiet describe?

15 (note 1) Adverbs (b) You can walk safely through the park.
They repaired the building extremely quickly. The rooms are really comfortably. What are the adverbs. What does safely describe? What does extremely describe? What does really describe? What kind of word is walk? What kind of word is quickly. What kind of word is comfortable?

16 Note 2 (board) Maggie lives in a residential area.
The house is perfect. The people seem friendly. Does residential come before or after the noun it describes (before). Do perfect and friendly come before the nouns? (no, after the verbs). Adjectives can also come after the be or other non-action verbs such as seem or look.

17 Wakefield House apartments rent quickly.
Wakefield House apartments rent very quickly. The rent is surprisingly affordable. Does quickly come before or after the adverb it describes? Does surprisingly come before or after the adjective it describes?

18 Be Careful! If the verb has an object, the adverb goes after the object.


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