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Orange County Probation Department

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1 Orange County Probation Department
Strategic Action Plan to Reduce Isolation Presented by: Daniel C. Hernandez – Director Joycelyn R. Durk – Assistant Director Orange County Juvenile Hall

2 Action Step 1: Mission/Vision
The vision regarding use of isolation will be developed via a strategic communication and marketing plan. Weekly facility updates include information on the progress of the RIYF Project Department Mission/Vision was used to create a set of guiding principles that forms the basis of our paradigm shift throughout Juvenile Hall.

As a public safety agency, the Orange County Probation Department serves the community using efficient and research supported corrections practices to: Reduce Crime Assist the Courts in Managing Offenders Promote Lawful and Productive Lifestyles Assist Victims

We are dedicated to: “A Safer Orange County Through Positive Change”

We are committed to practices that prioritize the safety and well being of our staff and the youth under their supervision. We believe: It is our responsibility to provide youth with the tools to live a successful life at home, in school, and in the community.   Every youth deserves the opportunity to achieve positive change so he/she can lead a productive and lawful life. Through the services, programs, and care provided, we expect each youth to depart this facility better than upon entry.  The accomplishment of these expected outcomes requires adequate staff support, resources and training.

6 Action Step 1: Mission/Vision (cont’d)
Communication and Marketing Plan: Development of a webinar detailing the evolution of room confinement (isolation) Information sharing in unit and facility wide meetings. Utilize the Department Intranet site to provide updates and critical information on the action plan and implementation. Facility ambassadors will champion the new direction

7 Action Step 2: Policy Revised policy and procedures will be inclusive of the provisions of SB 1143. Protocols will be established to address: fights or assaults youth placed on involuntary room confinement; assaults on staff. The Response Grid has been drafted and ensures consequences are in direct proportion to the misbehavior. Staff buy-in will be achieved via revised policy/procedures because they will provide the clarity & support needed to ensure accountability and safety.

8 Action Step 3: Data We will use the Facility Safety Report to log monthly incidents unit by unit of fights, assaults, school removals, staff injuries as well as number and duration of room confinement incidents. Collecting data now will provide a basis of comparison when we begin implementation and will expose any areas requiring additional training or review.

9 Action Step 3: Data (cont’d.)
Our Information Technology unit is currently working on how our Integrated Case Management System can assist us with tracking isolation and also provide alerts at designated intervals to remind unit staff to work with a confined youth.

10 Action Step 4: Isolation Alternatives
Current isolation alternatives include: Chair Status, Study Hall, counseling by staff, loss of points (in certain units), phase drop (in certain units) and apology letters. Study Hall program will be enhanced using volunteers. Need to partner with the Juvenile Court to offer time credits for eligible youth as an incentive for positive behavior. Other tools being considered: work crews, time-outs, writing assignments, forfeiture of extended phone privileges and loss of supplemental outdoor exercise periods.

11 Action Step 5: Staff Training & Support
Staff training to occur between October 2017 & 2018 Support staff by providing the training and resources needed to fully implement the change. Topics: Application of Trauma Informed Care Practices, Review of Adolescent Brain Development, Conflict Resolution, Engagement, Motivation, Emotional Regulation, Mediation/Negotiation Techniques, Behavior Management Program, Guiding Principles, Policy/Procedures, Sanctions/Responses Options, Data Collection, Cognitive Behavior Training (CBT) for staff: EPICS and Decision Points

12 Action Step 5: Staff Training & Support (cont’d.)
A Programming Toolkit is being developed so staff can provide meaningful, developmental activities in line with our expressed guiding principles. Critical to supporting staff is asking for feedback and giving them an opportunity to discuss what is working and what may need to be reviewed. Giving staff a voice will demonstrate that managers are listening and then responding will show that managers value their experience and knowledge in providing direct care. Overall, in each step of the action plan, overcoming resistance and reticence will help implementation flow much better.

13 Implementation Timeline
April/May 2017 Assign committees Implement Data Tracking for Use of Isolation June-August 2017 Continue work on Action Plan Work on Behavior Management Program and training curricula September 2017 Work on revising policy and procedures October 2017 Pilot Program in 2 Units December 2017 Review previous quarter’s data Make modifications to program as necessary Develop Phase 2 Implementation Plan  January 1, 2018 Program implementation goes into effect facility wide April 2018 Submit benchmark data to CJCA for evaluation October 2018

14 Phase 2 Implementation Reorganization of our Institutional Security Unit Recruitment/Retention Strategies Multi-Disciplinary Team Meetings Procedure for Time Credits Incentive Review/revise Assessments and Case Planning Process Develop Sustainability Plan Review of Juvenile Hall Daily Schedule to ensure programs, casework and development opportunities take place.


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