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Le calendrier d’avent (Advent Calendar)

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1 Le calendrier d’avent (Advent Calendar)
Projet du Pouvoir #3 Le calendrier d’avent (Advent Calendar)

2 Projet du Pouvoir #3 – Le calendrier de l’avent
Due: Wed, Dec 13th Make an advent calendar that is a reflection of you – 100 points major grade Use any format, but calendar must be self-standing, or able to go on the wall Calendar must include Dec On the tops of the flap for each day (or however you format your calendar), include a subject pronoun and a verb from our class notes, correctly conjugated in the present tense – use a total of 20 different verbs from among all of the verb groups (–ER, -IR, -RE, faire, avoir, and être), and use each of the 9 subject pronouns (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles) at least once (40 points) Underneath each flap (or however your format your calendar), include the passé composé of that same verb, correctly conjugated according to that subject pronoun (40 points) Present your calendar to the class (10 points) Creativity, Originality, Uniqueness, Making it you (10 points) Turn this sheet in with your calendar

3 Top of flap 1 Je regarde 1 je regarde

4 Underneath flap 1 Je regarde j’ai regardé

5 1 Je regarde 15 il perd

6 1 Je regarde il a perdu

7 1 Je regarde 18 nous finissons

8 1 Je regarde nous avons fini

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