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How to Grade: 20 total points Each numbered question is one point (just like state test) One point or zero points, nothing in between!

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2 How to Grade: 20 total points Each numbered question is one point (just like state test) One point or zero points, nothing in between!

3 Page 1 13. 4 - Adaptation 13. 1 – Competition
– Sexual reproduction 6. 3 – Fertilization 12. 1 – Store food 14. 3 – Metamorphosis Tissue 4 – genetic engineering

4 Page 2 18. The flowers adapted 19. 1 – Evolution 62. Sperm, then egg
63. Sexual involves 2 parents, asexual involves only one 63. Bird and human 64. Bird and frog 65. Because the sperm and egg combine their chromosomes to make 46 ( a full organism)

5 Page 3 62. B - Leaf – photosynthesis
C – Root – Sucks up water and nutrients 55. tissues, organs, organ systems 65. they all come from one parent, or they all involve either budding or regeneration – it’s a clone (the number of chromosomes shouldn’t change between ANY parent and offspring, sexual OR asexual)

6 Announcements Test tomorrow on reproduction, development, and evolution All test questions will come from your practice competition – which is online (questions and answers) You will have a FINAL next week to ensure that you are ready for the written state test! – THURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY (you will get the full guide tomorrow)

7 Magnetism A magnet has a North “pole” and a South “pole”
The magnetic field is strongest near the poles, not near the center (just like the Earth’s magnetic field!)

8 Magnetism Opposites poles attract Similar poles repel

9 Photosynthesis vs. Cellular respiration
Photosynthesis – turning energy (of light) into food (sugar) Cellular Respiration – turning food (sugar) into energy (for the cell)

10 Photosynthesis vs. Cellular respiration
YOU and your cells do cellular respiration – You eat food, breathe in Oxygen, and breathe out CO2 Plants do the opposite – they CREATE food, “breathe” in CO2, and “breathe” out Oxygen

11 Tides The Sun and Moon pull the Earth’s hydrosphere (oceans) with their gravity Just like the Moon’s phases and eclipses, the tides depend on the position of the Sun, Earth, AND Moon Strongest tides if the Sun, Earth, and Moon are in a line

12 Solar system objects Besides a star, the planets, and the planets’ moons, the solar system contains: Comets – ice rock (with a tail) Asteroids – big rock Meteors – small rock

13 Label as many processes as you can! (Hint: Most end in “-Ation”

14 Water Cycle The SUN is the source of energy for the water cycle
A – Evaporation (liquid to gas) B – Condensation (gas to liquid) C. Precipitation – rain, snow, sleet, hail D. Runoff – water runs downhill

15 Weekend homework Perform 2 rounds of studying with the “Top Science Concepts” packet with a partner (narrow down your missing knowledge) FINAL ON THURSDAY – 20% of 4th quarter grade (it’s like a mini state test) Practice questions: 30 seconds for each multiple choice question (after you read it), 45 seconds for each short answer question (after you read it)

16 Final tomorrow How to Study: Top 100 Concepts Packet
Top priority - Free Response Questions Powerpoint (online) 2nd priority - Multiple Choice practice (online) 3rd priority - Math Questions Powerpoint (you already practiced this a lot) All free response will come from the Powerpoint! Multiple choice will focus on the Powerpoint

2 experimental design 1 renewable energy 1 Solubility graph 1 magnetism 1 food web 1 reading a graph 1 organ systems 1 analyzing a chart 1 fossils in rock layers 1 finding a pattern 1 water cycle 1 separating a mixture 1 rock cycle 1 photosynthesis 1 weather front map 1 tectonic plates

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