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Geodynamics Group at ANU Australia

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1 Geodynamics Group at ANU Australia
Mariah Krimchansky, 2016 Summer Experience Through the International Internship Program

2 Each have an accelerometer to sense non- gravitational forces
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE): twin satellites that detect changes in ocean mass Each have an accelerometer to sense non- gravitational forces

3 My Project Satellite has six pairs of thrusters
Accelerometer data is processed through a butterworth and CRN (Charge Routing Network) filter, changing shape of thrusters Belief that original satellite thrust will provide more accurate results

4 Original compared to removed thrusts of model
Modelling Thrusts Original compared to removed thrusts of model

5 Rewards and Implications Experience
Experience with Fortran, scripting, and GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) First Exposure to Research Great Mentor relationship Preliminary Results show an improvement in GRACE model

6 Cultural Experience The culture wasn’t that different at all!
Beautiful scenery and animals

7 Personal Gain: Love of Travel!

8 More Personal Gain Do NOT want to go into research
Enjoyed learning about the satellites Overall, just as undecided!

9 Thank You… My Mentor, Paul Tregoning International Internship Program
Luisa Duarte- Silva

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