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Grant vs. Reagan.

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1 Grant vs. Reagan

2 Which of the following was NOT a scandal of the Grant administration?
A. Credit Mobilier B. Whiskey Ring C. Teapot Dome D. Belknap cover-up

3 EQ: Did Reagan’s policies strengthen or weaken the U.S.?

4 – “Malaise” speech, Pres. Carter, July 15, 1979
“All the legislation in the world can’t fix what’s wrong with America. So tonight I want to speak to you about a subject even more serious than energy or inflation. I want to talk to you right now about a fundamental threat to American democracy...It is a crisis of confidence…We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation. The erosion of our confidence in the future is threatening to destroy the social and political fabric of America” – “Malaise” speech, Pres. Carter, July 15, 1979 Why?

5 Jerry Falwell, founder of Moral Majority
 Shift to the right Many tired of turbulence of 60s and 70s Wanted to downsize govt, reduce taxes Anger at abortion, drug use, “reverse racism” Moral Majority Jerry Falwell, founder of Moral Majority

6  Republican domination
Began with Nixon ( ) Watergate  Ford ( )  election of Dem. Carter (1976) Reagan ( ) Bush ( )


8 Election 1980 Rep. Reagan – 51%, 489 vs. Dem. Carter – 41%, 49
Rep. control of Senate

9 Iran Hostage Crisis Americans held hostage Nov. 1979 – Jan. 20, 1981
52 released day of inauguration

10 Election 1984

11 “Teflon” president

12 Presidents DVD Take notes on Reagan’s actions regarding: Economy
Role of federal govt Social issues Military Cold War

13 Economy? 1973 OPEC oil embargo  inflation
Supply side economics/“Reaganomics” Reduction of taxes  business expansion  stimulate entire economy National debt $900 bil  $2.7 trillion

14 Role of federal govt? New Federalism - more power to states
Less control over businesses Deregulation (savings and loan institutions, mergers by large companies, environmental protection, auto regulations and safety) Effect?

15 Social issues? $40 bil.+ cut from social programs (welfare, unemployment, higher education) No funds for HIV/AIDS research 1987 ▪ ACT UP is formed to protest the $10,000 per year cost of AZT. It adopts the motto, SILENCE=DEATH. ▪ Reagan makes his first speech on AIDS. ▪ The U.S. forbids immigration by people with HIV, a policy reversed in 2010 by President Obama. ▪ Liberace dies of AIDS.

16 Military? Massive arms buildup Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
“Star Wars” System to destroy enemy missiles Impact on Cold War?

17 Military operations? “rollback” Central America Grenada
Nicaragua (aid to contras) El Salvador Grenada Iran (arms-for-hostages) Afghanistan (aid to mujahideen)

18 Cold War? Summit meetings with Gorbachev 1987 INF agreement
“General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

19 EQ: Did Reagan’s policies strengthen or weaken the U.S.?

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