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The Changing Treatment of clostridium difficile infection (CDI)

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1 The Changing Treatment of clostridium difficile infection (CDI)
Chris Longshaw, Ph.D Assoc. Scientific Director, Anti-infectives (Astellas Medical Affairs Europe) The views expressed in this presentation are my own and may not represent those of my employer

2 Gut microbiota & C. difficile spores are central to C
Gut microbiota & C. difficile spores are central to C.difficile pathogenesis Britton RA, Young VB, Role of the Intestinal Microbiota in Resistance to Colonization by Clostridium difficle, Gastroenterology (2014), doi: /j.gastro Britton RA, Young VB, Role of the Intestinal Microbiota in Resistance to Colonization by Clostridium difficle. Gastroenterology (2014), doi: /j.gastro FDX/15/0026/EU, March 2015

3 Clostridium difficile
Management of CDI Infection Control Minimize spore contamination and horizontal transmission: Surveillance/testing Rapid isolation Hand Hygiene/PPE Cleaning/Disinfection Antibiotic Stewardship Minimize use of drugs known to predispose to CDI: PPI’s Clindamycin Cephalosporins Fluoroquinolones Clostridium difficile Infection Infection Control Antimicrobial Stewardship Treatment Treatment Improvement of patients clinical condition

4 Treatment of CDI: 3 emerging strategies
Removal of high risk antibiotics (if possible) Sequestration of toxin with resins Antibiotic therapy ABx with Broad spectrum activity against anaerobic microflora Abx with Narrow spectrum activity against anaerobic microflora Immunotherapy Passive treatment Active prophylaxis Biotherapy Probiotics Prebiotics Microflora replacement therapy

5 Broad spectrum antibiotics: Metronidazole is inferior to Vancomycin in the treatment of CDI
Data, recently published, from two Phase III studies of toxin-binding resin (RCT of Tolevamer vs MET vs VAN) Vanomycin superior to Metronidazole for clinical cure in pooled analysis: V, 81.1% vs M, 72.7 (p=0.02) Vancomycin also superior for severe CDI: V, 78.5% vs M, 66.3% (p=0.059) Johnson S et al. Vancomycin, Metronidazole, or Tolevamer for Clostridium difficile Infection: Results From Two Multinational, Randomized, Controlled Trials Clin Infect Dis. 2014;59: Johnson S et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2014;59:

6 Risk of recurrence increases with prior history of CDI
The more times you have had CDI, the higher the risk you will get it again. McFarland LV, et al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002:97: McFarland LV, et al. JAMA. 1994;271: Recurrence not due to resistance, though broad spectrum antibiotics may slow recovery of protective microflora Historically no reliable options for reducing risk of recurrence McFarland LV, et al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002:97: McFarland LV, et al. JAMA. 1994;271: FDX/15/0026/EU, March 2015

7 Improved sustained (symptomatic) cure with a narrow-spectrum antibiotic than with a broad-spectrum antibiotic Primary and secondary endpoints in the pooled populations from Phase 3 studies Fidaxomicin Mullane KM & Gorbach S. Fidaxomicin: first-in-class macrocyclic antibiotic. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2011; 9: 767–777. Modified intention-to-treat (mITT) populations shown; similar results were observed in the per-protocol populations Adapted from Mullane & Gorbach 2011; 9:

8 Impact of Broad- vs Narrow-spectrum antibiotics on major faecal microflora groups in 10 CDI patients during and after therapy % Relative abundance of fecal microflora, qRT-PCR Louie et al (2012). Fidaxomicin preserves the Intestinal Microbiome during and after Treatment of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) and reduces both Toxin reexpression and Recurrene of CDI. Clinical Infect Dis, 55 (suppl 2): S132-S142 – generated from data in Table 3 (pS139) Adapted from Louie et al (2012). Clinical Infect Dis, 55 (suppl 2): S132-S142 FDX/15/0026/EU, March 2015

9 Time to recovery of microflora and colonisation resistance (CR) is critical for preventing recurrence 76 CDI patients 42 vancomycin, 34 metronidazole suspension filtrate + C. difficile Growth = no CR Residual VAN CR Abujamel T, Cadnum JL, Jury LA, Sunkesula VCK, Kundrapu S, et al. (2013) Defining the Vulnerable Period for Re-Establishment of Clostridium difficile Colonization after Treatment of C. difficile Infection with Oral Vancomycin or Metronidazole. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76269 Vancomycin: Colonisation resistance absent between 4-20 days after therapy Metronidazole: CR not restored until 2 weeks after end of therapy Abujamel, T. et al. (2013) PLoS ONE 8(10): e76269 FDX/15/0026/EU, March 2015

10 In clinical trials, most VAN relapses also occur between day 5-17 after end of therapy
FDX/15/0026/EU, March 2015

11 Profile of narrow-spectrum antibiotics
Fidaxomicin (Astellas) Surotamycin (Cubist) Cadezolid (Actelion) LFF571 (Novartis) SMT19969 (Summit) CRS3123 (Crestone) NVB302 (Novacta) Status Marketed Phase III (FT) Phase II Phase I Bactericidal/ Bacteristatic Cidal Static/weakly cidal Static High levels in colon Low systemic absorption Minimal disruption of gut microflora Inhibit toxin production Inhibit spore formation Inhibit spore outgrowth Fidaxomicin: Chaparro-Rojas & Mullane. Emerging Therapies for CDI: focus on fidaxomicin. Infection & Drug Resistance. 2013: 6; 41-53 All: Tsutsumi et al. Progress in the Discovery of Treatments for C. difficile Infection: A Clinical and Medicinal Chemistry Review. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 2014: 14; Chaparro-Rojas & Mullane. Infection and Drug Resistance. 2013:6;41-53 Tsutsumi et al. Current Topics in Med Chem. 2014: 14;

12 Reduction in environmental spore contamination by patients treated with a narrow spectrum antibiotic
Reduced shedding of spores was observed in patients treated with fidaxomicin compared with vancomycin in clinical studies1 Routine environmental screening at Guys & St Thomas hospital, London2 No additional IC interventions were implemented during study period Treatment with fidaxomicin was associated with significantly decreased environmental contamination compared with treatment with metronidazole and/or vancomycin p=0.02 p=0.02 Adapted from Biswas et al 38/66 Louie et al (2012). Fidaxomicin preserves the Intestinal Microbiome during and after Treatment of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) and reduces both Toxin reexpression and Recurrene of CDI. Clinical Infect Dis, 55 (suppl 2): S132-S142 Biswas JS, Patel A, Otter JA, Wade P, Newsholme W, van Kleef E, Goldenberg SD, Reduction in Clostridium difficile environmental contamination by hospitalized patients treated with fidaxomicin, Journal of Hospital Infection (2015), doi: /j.jhin 25/68 68/264 47/272 Methods Comparison of environmental contamination by C. difficile in the hospital rooms of CDI patients treated first-line with metronidazole and/or vancomycin (April-Sept 2012) or fidaxomicin (Oct 2012-June 2014) Samples taken from four standardised areas in the rooms and cultured for C. difficile Patients 66 patients received metronidazole and/or vancomycin and 68 received fidaxomicin Ribotype of patient isolates matched environmental isolates in 75% (Met/Van) and 80% (FDX) Louie et al., (2012) Clin Infect Dis; 55 (s2):S132-S142 Biswas et al., (2015) J Hosp Infect; doi: /j.jhin FDX/15/0026/EU, March 2015

13 Immunotherapy: reduce effect of toxin
PASSIVE IV Immunoglobulins (IVIG) or immune Whey Anti-toxin Monoclonal Ab (Merck, UCB Pharma) MK3415A in late Phase III Adjunctive to antibiotic ACTIVE Toxoid vaccine (Sanofi) ACAM-CDIFF in Phase III Genetically inactivated bivalent toxoid vaccine (Pfizer) - Phase II (granted FDA Fast track) Recombinant toxin fusion vaccine (Valneva) VLA84 in Phase II FDX/15/0026/EU, March 2015

14 Biotherapy: bacteria to fight C. difficile
Direct Competition Nontoxigenic C. difficile VP20621 Completed Phase 2 Recovery of protective gut microbiota Probiotics Saccharomyces boulardii; Lactobacillus spp. Bifidobacterium spp. Single organism or mixtures Prebiotics/Synbiotics FOS, GOS Faecal Microbiota Transplant FOS - RCT (N=142) of CDI patients receiving FOS reported reduced relapse (8%) compared to placebo (34%) p< FDX/15/0026/EU, March 2015

15 Biotherapy: Faecal Microbiota Transplant

16 van Nood E et al. N Engl J Med 2013;368:407-415

17 FMT rapidly evolving…

18 Risk Factors for CDI CDI Prior CDI Recent or prolonged hospitalisation
ICU stay Exposure to C. difficile spores Long Term Care Facility Proton Pump Inhibitors Enteral feeding tubes Severe underlying illness High Risk of CDI Asymptomatic colonisation Abdominal surgery CDI Ananthakrishnan, AN (2011). Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 8, 17–26 Cohen, et al., (2010) Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2010; 31(5): Riddle & Dubberke (2014) Infect Dis Clin North Am September ; 23(3): 727–743. Risk factors for CDI can be simplified into 3 main buckets: Exposure to C. difficile spores; Disturbed colonic microflora leading to impaired colonisation resistance; Insufficient humoral response leading to insufficient neutralisation of C. difficile toxin A/B. - Patients with prior CDI are likely to have residual spores in their colon or be exposed to spores in their local environment Patients on ICU are likely to have severe underlying illness which necessitates longer hospital stay. They are also more likely to have multiple medical interventions (antibiotics, surgery, ventilation, enteral feeding) that increase risk of CDI Patients on gastric suppression therapy (PPI, H2 agonist, antacids) will have a higher gastric pH that may allow better survival of spores through stomach and have a disturbed microbiota Patients on enteral feeding tubes may allow spores to bypass the stomach acid. They are also more likely to have a disturbed faecal microbiota Patients undergoing abdominal surgery will have a distrurbed microbiota due to the surgey itself and also due to frequent broad sprectrum prophylaxis (cephalosporins/metronidazole) Recent broad spectrum antibiotic or multiple antibiotics will have a direct effect on the faecal microbiota Treatment with anti-neoplastic agents may disturb the faecal microbiotc directly (due to cytotoxic activity) but also may have effect on immune cells and intestinal MALT and intestinal barrier function Old age leads to natural changes in the composition of the fecal microflora that may reduce colonisation resistance, also immunosenescence may reduce the ability of the humoral system to mount a sufficient response to toxin A/B Patients with chronic renal disease may have increased levels of waste products in the blood eg uraemia which can reduce immune function and also cause intestinal dysbiosis and reduced intestinal barrier function which increases risk of infection. Renal patients are also more likely to spend time in hospital and receive antibiotics. Patients with genetic IgG/IgA deficiency, with unmanaged HIV/AIDS or receiving immunosuppresive therapy, may have impaired ability to mount a humoral response to C. difficile toxin A/B Although it is clear that C. difficile spores are ubiquitous in the environment and the healthcare setting is not the only reservoir for infection, the combination of environmental spore contamination with frequent use of broad spectrum antibiotics and an aged population with underlying co-morbidities means that hospitals and long term care facilities remain a risk factor for CDI Patients with severe underlying illnesses are more likely to have frequent hospitilisation and to receive other interventions that are risk factors for CDI All three risk buckets (spores, dysbiosis and insuffcient humoral response) are required for a patient to develop CDI. Patients exposed to spores and who have dysbiosis but high anti-toxin IgG titres may become colonised asymptomatically with C. difficile and may continue to shed spores in their stools. Patients with impaired immunity, and who have either a disturbed microflora or who are exposed to spores remain at high risk of developing CDI in the future. IgG/IgA deficiency Dysbiosis & reduced colonisation resistance Insufficient antibody to toxin A/B High Risk of CDI Recent broad spectrum antibiotics HIV/AIDS Anti-neoplastic agents Immunosuppressive therapy Old Age (>65 yr) Inflammatory Bowel Disease Refs available on Request

19 Need to move from ‘Narrow thinking, treating Broad’ to ‘Thinking broad, Treating narrow’
Narrow spectrum antibiotics Infection Control Interventions Exposure to C. difficile spores High Risk of CDI Asymptomatic colonisation CDI Pooled IV Immunoglobulin Risk factors for CDI can be simplified into 3 main buckets: Exposure to C. difficile spores; Disturbed colonic microflora leading to impaired colonisation resistance; Insufficient humoral response leading to insufficient neutralisation of C. difficile toxin A/B. - Patients with prior CDI are likely to have residual spores in their colon or be exposed to spores in their local environment Patients on ICU are likely to have severe underlying illness which necessitates longer hospital stay. They are also more likely to have multiple medical interventions (antibiotics, surgery, ventilation, enteral feeding) that increase risk of CDI Patients on gastric suppression therapy (PPI, H2 agonist, antacids) will have a higher gastric pH that may allow better survival of spores through stomach and have a disturbed microbiota Patients on enteral feeding tubes may allow spores to bypass the stomach acid. They are also more likely to have a disturbed faecal microbiota Patients undergoing abdominal surgery will have a distrurbed microbiota due to the surgey itself and also due to frequent broad sprectrum prophylaxis (cephalosporins/metronidazole) Recent broad spectrum antibiotic or multiple antibiotics will have a direct effect on the faecal microbiota Treatment with anti-neoplastic agents may disturb the faecal microbiotc directly (due to cytotoxic activity) but also may have effect on immune cells and intestinal MALT and intestinal barrier function Old age leads to natural changes in the composition of the fecal microflora that may reduce colonisation resistance, also immunosenescence may reduce the ability of the humoral system to mount a sufficient response to toxin A/B Patients with chronic renal disease may have increased levels of waste products in the blood eg uraemia which can reduce immune function and also cause intestinal dysbiosis and reduced intestinal barrier function which increases risk of infection. Renal patients are also more likely to spend time in hospital and receive antibiotics. Patients with genetic IgG/IgA deficiency, with unmanaged HIV/AIDS or receiving immunosuppresive therapy, may have impaired ability to mount a humoral response to C. difficile toxin A/B Although it is clear that C. difficile spores are ubiquitous in the environment and the healthcare setting is not the only reservoir for infection, the combination of environmental spore contamination with frequent use of broad spectrum antibiotics and an aged population with underlying co-morbidities means that hospitals and long term care facilities remain a risk factor for CDI Patients with severe underlying illnesses are more likely to have frequent hospitilisation and to receive other interventions that are risk factors for CDI All three risk buckets (spores, dysbiosis and insuffcient humoral response) are required for a patient to develop CDI. Patients exposed to spores and who have dysbiosis but high anti-toxin IgG titres may become colonised asymptomatically with C. difficile and may continue to shed spores in their stools. Patients with impaired immunity, and who have either a disturbed microflora or who are exposed to spores remain at high risk of developing CDI in the future. Dysbiosis & reduced colonisation resistance Insufficient antibody to toxin A/B High Risk of CDI Whey-based protein therapy Microbiome Replacement Therapy Actoxumab bezlotoxumab (MK-3415A)

The views presented are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Astellas Pharma EMEA

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