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Los Artículos(Articles)

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Presentation on theme: "Los Artículos(Articles)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Artículos(Articles)
In English, “the” is the only definite article (el artículo definido). In Spanish, there are four: “el, la, los, and las”

2 “el” is for masculine singular nouns.
“los” is for masculine plural nouns

3 “la” is for feminine singular nouns.
“las” is for feminine plural nouns

4 2)In English, “a” or “an” can be an indefinite article
(el artículo indefinido) In Spanish, there are four as well: “un, una, unos, and unas”

5 “un” is for masculine singular nouns
“unos” is for masculine plural nouns

6 “una” is for feminine singular nouns
“unas” is for feminine plural nouns

7 Los Sustantivos (Nouns)
In Spanish, all nouns (sustantivos) have either masculine or feminine gender (el genero).

8 Masculino 3)Nouns that refer to male beings and most nouns that end in “o” or “e” are generally masculine (masculino). (L-O-N-E-R-S) Ex: hombre, libro

9 Femenina 4)Nouns that refer to female beings and most nouns that end in “a”, “ión”, “tad”, or “dad” are generally feminine (femenina). (D-IÓN-Z-A) Ex: mujer, mesa, nación, libertad, and universidad

10 Excepciones (Exceptions)
5)There are exceptions to these rules; Some nouns appear to be masculine or feminine; however, they are not and must be memorized.

11 Ejemplos de Excepciones
The words “el día” and “el agua” are masculine eventhough they end in “a” The word “la foto” is feminine eventhough it ends in “o”

12 The words ending in “ma” or “pa” are masculine.
Otras Excepciones The words ending in “ma” or “pa” are masculine. A good way to remember this is to say: -Ma’s and Pa’s get no La’s 

13 drama, problema, programa, mapa
Ma’s and Pa’s Ejemplos: drama, problema, programa, mapa

14 Making nouns plural add “s” to words that end in vowels Ex: estudiante

15 Making nouns plural add “es” to words that end in consonants
Ex: televisor televisores

16 Making nouns plural change the z to a “c” to words that end in “z”
Ex: luz luces

17 El Fin

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