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Lecture-1 Introduction

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1 Lecture-1 Introduction

2 What is Digital Computer?
It is a programmable electronics machine that processes binary data. It consists of four sections- Input , CPU(Central processing unit) , memory and output Memory Input CPU Output

3 What is Micro-Computer?
In digital computers, microprocessor act as a CPU. When a CPU of a digital computer is replaced by µP . It is called as µComputer. Memory Input Microprocessor Output

4 Microprocessor Definition:-
It is a LSI IC chip that does almost all the functions of the CPU. It is also defined as a CPU contained in a single chip. A microcomputer is 1 example of a uP system

5 A microprocessor system?
uP are powerful pieces of hardware, but not much useful on their own Just as the human brain needs hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth to be useful; so does the uP A uP system is uP plus all the components it requires to do a certain task

6 Micro-controller Definition:-
It is a microprocessor unit that includes memory, Input, output, interfacing lines, A/D convertor, Timer etc on a single chip. Examples:- in video games, VCRs, microwave ovens etc.


8 Digital Signal Processing

9 Digital Signal Processing
Digital Signal Processing is a field of numerical mathematics that is concerned with the processing of discrete signals This area of mathematics deals with the principles that underlie all digital systems

10 Bus:- A set of parallel connecting lines is called as bus.
Clock speed:- Determines how many instructions per second the processor can execute. Bus:- A set of parallel connecting lines is called as bus. Address bus:- The bus over which the cpu sends out the address of the memory location is called as Address bus. If there are N address lines then it can directly address 2N Memory locations. It is unidirectional bus.

11 Data bus:-The bus which is used to transfer the data from cpu to memory and vice versa. The number of data lines used in the data bus is equal to the size of the data word .It is bidirectional bus. Control bus :- used for sending control signals to the memory and Input/output devices.

12 Evolution of Microprocessor
4004 Year of introduction:- 1971 No. of transistor :- 2300 No. of pins :-16 Data bus (word length):-4 Address bus:-10 Memory addressing:-1KB Clock speed:-750 KHZ

13 8008 Year of introduction:- 1972 No. of transistor :- 3500 No. of pins :-40 Data bus (word length):-8 Address bus:-14 Memory addressing:-16 KB Clock speed:-500KHZ-800 KHZ

14 8085 Year of introduction: to1977 No. of transistor :- 6500 No. of pins :-40 Data bus (word length):-8 Address bus:-16 Memory addressing:-64 KB Clock speed:-3/5 MHZ

15 8086 Year of introduction:- 1978 No. of transistor : No. of pins :-40 Data bus (word length):-16 Address bus:-20 Memory addressing:-1MB Clock speed:-5-10 MHZ

16 8088 Year of introduction:- 1979 No. of transistor : No. of pins :-40 Data bus (word length):- 8 (internal)& (External) Address bus:-20 Memory addressing:-1MB Clock speed:-5-8 MHZ

17 80286 Year of introduction:- 1982 No. of transistor : lac No. of pins :-68 Data bus (word length):- 16 Address bus:-24 Memory addressing:-16MB Clock speed:-8 MHZ

18 80386 Year of introduction:- 1985 No. of transistor :- 2.75lac No. of pins :-132 Data bus (word length):- 32 Address bus:-32 Memory addressing:-4GB real & 16 TB virtual Clock speed: MHZ

19 80486 Year of introduction:- 1989 No. of transistor :- 1.2 M No. of pins :-168 Data bus (word length):- 32 Address bus:-32 Memory addressing:-4GB Clock speed: MHZ

20 Pentium:- Year of introduction:- 1993 No. of transistor :- 3.1M No. of pins :-237 PGA Data bus (word length):- 32 Address bus:-32 Memory addressing:-4GB Clock speed:-60 MHZ

21 Pentium pro :- Year of introduction:- 1995 No. of transistor :- 5.5M No. of pins :-387 PGA Data bus (word length):- 32 Address bus:-36 Memory addressing:-64GB Clock speed: MHZ

22 Pentium II :- Year of introduction:- 1997 No. of transistor :- 7.5M Data bus (word length):- 32/64 Address bus:-36 Memory addressing:-64GB Clock speed:-233 MHZ

23 Pentium III :- Year of introduction:- 1999 No. of transistor :- 9.5M No. of pins :-370 PGA Data bus (word length):- 32 Address bus:-36 Memory addressing:-64GB Clock speed: MHZ

24 Pentium IV :- Year of introduction:- 2000 No. of transistor :- 42M No. of pins :-423 PGA Data bus (word length):- 64 Address bus:-36 Memory addressing:-64GB Clock speed: GHZ

25 Itanium I:- Year of introduction:- 2001 No. of transistor :- 325M No. of pins :-423 PGA Data bus (word length):- 64 Memory addressing:-64GB Clock speed: MHZ

26 Itanium II:- Year of introduction:- 2002 No. of transistor :- 325M No. of pins :-423 PGA Data bus (word length):- 64 Memory addressing:-64GB Clock speed: GHZ

27 Generation of control signals

28 Latching Circuit


30 8085 Machine cycle

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