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Experience of the transformation of social services in Hungary

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1 Experience of the transformation of social services in Hungary
Miklós Szentkatolnay Deinstitutionalization: The Ways Forward 14. – , Prague

2 Table of contents History of deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Hungary National Strategy of DI Call for proposal on DI Support of DI process ... and the way forward

3 Table of contents History of deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Hungary DI process in HUngary Call for proposal on DI Support of DI process ... and the way forward

4 History of deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Hungary
First steps in the 90 years Community living supported by Soros Foundation Community services were develepod support services (for a fee): transport service; personal assistance; day care (for a fee): personal development; meals; family support services.

5 History of deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Hungary
in 2003 the process slowed than stopped the role of the state strenghened the institutions were financial supported to build grouphomes some civil service providers developed community based services

6 History of deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Hungary
Legislative background Act XXVI of 1998 on the Rights and Equal Opportunities of People with Disabilities: Act CXXV of 2003 on the Equal Treatment and Promotion of Equal Opportunities UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Act XCII of 2007) Government Decision 1257/2011. (VII.21.) on the strategy and the implementation of governmental tasks of the replacement of large social institutions providing nursing and caring for persons with disabilities in community based settings

7 2. DI process in Hungary Government Decision 1257/2011. (VII. 21
2. DI process in Hungary Government Decision 1257/2011. (VII.21.) on the strategy and the implementation of the governmental tasks of the replacement of large social institutions providing nursing and caring for persons with disabilities in community based settings (National Strategy)

8 2. DI process in Hungary to create the National Body of DI;
to prepare Action Plans for each 3 years; to focus on the EU financial resources with regard of replacement procedure; to develop the assessment methodology of support intensity;

9 2. DI process in Hungary to define the frames of supported living including professional and financial aspects; to organize the training of the professionals in education field, social services and medical services; to create a network of mentors to support the replacement process; to inform society including raising awareness activities.

10 first call for proposal in 2009 was withdrawn
3. Call for proposal on DI first call for proposal in 2009 was withdrawn after the national Strategy was launched the new call for proposal in 2012 Social Infrastructure Operational Programme - funding Proposal - 6 applicants with closure and development plans.

11 Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities non-profit Ltd. :
4. Support of DI process Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities non-profit Ltd. : training of mentors; create and operate the network of mentors; supervision of mentors; operate an advocacy consultant system.

12 5. ... the way forward Government:
Work together with DI Body, social methodological consortium, and the 6 applicants Help to determination of required skills and abilities Help to explore the initial difficulties

13 the way forward Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities non-profit Ltd. : Risk analisys of the planned DI process; Collect and share the best practises; Develop a methodological guide of DI

14 Thank you for your attention.
Miklós Szentkatolnay Národní centrum podpory transformace sociálních služeb 3P Consulting, s. r. o. Římská 12, Praha 2 Součást individuálního projektu MPSV Podpora transformace sociálních služeb.

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