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The Muscular System.

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1 The Muscular System

2 Essential Questions What are the major systems of the human body?
How does the Muscular System help my body function? What are the major parts of the Muscular System?

3 Try This… Look into a mirror and cover one eye. Watch what happens to the pupil in the other eye. How does it change? Try not to blink for as long as you can. What happens? Without taking off your shoes, try to move each toe one by one. Can you do it? Try This...

4 The Muscular System is made up of…
muscles and tendons

5 What is a Muscle? A muscle produces movement by contracting and relaxing. All of the muscles in your body, make up the muscular system. Muscles support and move your body. They typically work in pairs.

6 What are muscles made of?
Stretchy, elastic cells and fibers What else is stretchy like a muscle?

7 Muscles Have Jobs to Do! Like your bones, each muscle in your body does a certain job. Muscles in your thumb help you hold things. Muscles in your neck help you turn your head. Your heart muscle pumps blood through the rest of the body. Very small muscles control your eyes.

8 Muscles are important because they…
Hold my organs in place Hold my bones together so that I can move Help me chew my food Open and close my eyelids Pump my blood Allow me to run and play Help me to smile!

9 It takes more muscles to
Did you know????? It takes more muscles to frown than to smile?

10 How many muscles do I have?
I have about 650 muscles in my body. My muscles make up half of my body weight.

11 Why do we need tendons? Tendons attach your muscles to your bones helping your body move. Feel your tendon right above your heel in the back of your leg. This is the thickest tendon in your body. Try This...

12 What’s the Purpose? The Muscular System works with the skeletal and nervous systems to produce movement, also helps to circulate blood throughout the human body.

13 Three Types of Muscles Voluntary Muscles: move bones and hold your skeleton upright. Smooth Muscles: contract slowly and move substances through the organs they surround. Cardiac Muscles: make up the walls of the heart. Their function is to pump blood.

14 The Heart One of the largest muscles in our body is the heart. Yes- that’s right- the heart! Although it is part of the circulatory, the heart is still considered to be a cardiac muscle. Your heart squeezes and relaxes every second of every day to pump blood through your circulatory system.

15 Muscular movement can be…
voluntary- you can control the movement. Muscles that move your arms, legs, faces, head, and body are voluntary muscles. You can make them move and stop them from moving involuntary- you can’t control the movement, such as your heart. Involuntary muscles are responsible for movements you can’t see or control. Your stomach and muscles in your eyelids are other examples. They work automatically.

16 Let’s Review The three major types of muscle in the body are ______________________. A. sports, smooth, and skeletal muscles B. running, smooth, and facial muscles C. smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscles D. flexible, strength, and smooth muscles C.

17 Let’s Review The muscle that pumps blood throughout your body is called ____________. A. skeletal muscle B. voluntary muscle C. smooth muscle D. cardiac muscle D.

18 Let’s Review What connects bones and muscles together? A. A. tendons
B. ligaments C. glue D. cartilage A.

19 Let’s Review Skeletal muscles work with your bones to give your body ___________________. A. strength B. the ability to move C. strength and the ability to move C.

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