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Overview of Satellite Short Courses

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1 Overview of Satellite Short Courses
Jim Gurka CICS/ U MD Tim Schmit NOAA/ NESDIS Steve Goodman NOAA/GOES-R Program Office/ NESDIS LeRoy Spayd NOAA/National Weather Service Mitch Goldberg NOAA/ JPSS Program Office/ NESDIS Bill Sjoberg

2 Short Courses Completed
GOES-R Preview for Broadcasters: - 43rd AMS Conference on Broadcast Meteorology - June 9, 2015; Raleigh NC - 17 Broadcasters completed the short course GOES-R and JPSS Preview for Users - AMS Annual Meeting - January 10, 2016; New Orleans LA - Diverse mix of 40+ domestic & international participants from government, private industry and universities

3 GOES-R Preview for Broadcasters
Goal: -Make broadcasters aware of: a. GOES-R Capabilities; b. How it can improve services to the viewing public; c. What equipment upgrades are needed to handle the new data and products;

4 GOES-R Preview for Broadcasters 2015
Co- Organizers: - Jim Gurka and Tim Schmit Co Chairs: -Steve Goodman & Dan Satterfield Instructors: - Tim Schmit; Scott Lindstrom; Chris Schmidt; Marianne Weingroff; Patrick Dills; Dan Satterfield; Chad Gravelle; Bill Line Lunch Speaker: Harvey Leonard (WCVB-5, Boston) - “Buried in Boston: The Winter of ”

5 GOES-R Preview for Broadcasters 2015
Participant input: -Really enjoyed – good job -Very informative -Very excited for the new capabilities -Very good presentations, liked the hands-on exercises -Excellent seminar – good value for money -Consider AMS send an to group ahead of time (start times, links, etc) - I enjoyed the short course – learned a lot of valuable information

6 GOES-R Preview for Broadcasters 2015
Suggested for Future Courses: - More hands-on exercises – they were great - This short course should be offered at next year’s Broadcasters Conference - Perhaps more real-time, but it was all great - Info from vendors, but I understand that they are in a competitive situation - Real data, can’t wait

7 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users 2016
Goal: - Make current and future GOES and JPSS users aware of: GOES-R Capabilities; How the new capabilities will improve environmental observations and forecasts; JPSS Capabilities; How to use JPSS NUCAPS/DNB capabilities through hands-on Exercises

8 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users 2016
Co-organizers and co-chairs: - Tim Schmit; Steve Goodman; Jim Gurka; Mitch Goldberg; Bill Sjoberg Instructors from: - CIMSS; COMET; CIRA; CICS; SPoRT; JPSS Program; NWS; - Several hands-on exercises Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Marshall Shepherd - Director of U. GA, Atm. Science Program

9 Educational WebApps

10 Educational Spectral Webapp
NOAA NESDIS ASPB teamed up with CIMSS researchers to develop three educational WebApps to explore space, time and spectral resolutions of satellite imagery. Part of the GOES-R Educational Proving Ground at CIMSS: ion/goesr Users can step through spectral bands, or use the interactive graph to explore the relationship between spectral bands. Tim Schmit, ASPB ABI = Advanced Baseline Imager Other new webapps: one to change both the spatial and temporal sampling and the other only the pixel sampling Sample interactive “Bandapp” educational webapp using simulated ABI images:

11 Educational RGB Webapp
Sample interactive “RGB” educational webapp using simulated ABI images: Tim Schmit, ASPB ABI = Advanced Baseline Imager Other new webapps: one to change both the spatial and temporal sampling and the other only the pixel sampling Webapp to combine simulated ABI images into one image.

12 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users 2016
Questions and Results from AMS Evaluation Form: (Questions answered on scale of 1-5: 1=Strong Yes; 5=Strong No) Short Course met expectations? avg = 1.46 Pleased with the faculty? avg = 1.29 A/V clear and helpful? avg = 1.39 Course fee was a good value? avg = 1.18 Length of appropriate? avg = 1.64 *All 28 respondents gave positive evaluations.* * Suggestions and specific comments in backup slides*

13 Future Short Courses GOES-R Preview for Broadcasters:
44th AMS Conference on Broadcast Meteorology June 14, 2016; Austin TX Tell your favorite broadcaster! Satellite Session and Evening Workshop National Weather Association Annual Meeting Sep 2016 Mon pm Satellite Session (6 presentations) Tue evening 2 hour workshop JPSS and GOES-R Short Courses AMS 2017 Annual Meeting; Seattle WA JPSS on Sat 21 Jan and GOES-R on Sun 22 Jan

14 (Possible) Future Short Courses
-Independent Workshop Aug, 2017 (TBD…2 days); Madison WI - Broadcasters 2017 ? -NOAA Satellite Conference June, 2017; Location TBD - EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference Sept. 2017 - National Weather Assn. Annual Meeting Oct. 2017; - AMS Annual Meeting Jan, 2018 - NWA 2018 ?

15 Satellite Short Courses… Summary
Efficient way to make user communities aware of: Satellite capabilities How to access GOES-R and JPSS products How to use satellite products to improve user services How to get more information and training on use of satellite data and products Positive feedback from the short courses that have taken place Hands-on activities are the key Participants have provided useful suggestions to improve future courses

16 GOES-R Short Courses… URLs
* * * (upcoming broadcasters short course)

17 Backup Slides

18 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users
Comments and Suggestions from New Orleans Short Course: 1a. “I approve the short course very much. Thanks for putting this together.” 1b. “Please either assign background reading before the course or assume minimal background knowledge from the audience.” 2. “Could use a whole day for GOES-R.” 3. “Thought this was well-run and really appreciate the range of topics covered in a short time. Would like to see how to visualize/ plot archived data, please.”

19 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users
Comments and Suggestions from New Orleans Short Course: 4. “Good course with lots of information. Hard at times to follow some of the GOES-R ABI information since there are so many channels, but otherwise excellent.” “Good job. Speakers were excellent.” 5. “Could use a whole day for GOES-R.” “Instructors excellent. Enjoyed the course. Excellent and useful presentations.” “Very well done. Thank You!”

20 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users
Comments and Suggestions from New Orleans Short Course: 8. “Great. More.” 9. “I thought this was an excellent course and I learned a lot. Thank you for all your hard work putting this together.” “It was a bit long, but I understand there was much material to get through." 10. “Great speakers. They packed a lot of material into one day. Nice lunchtime speaker too.” 11. “Excellent!”

21 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users
Comments and Suggestions from New Orleans Short Course: 12. “Very intensive. I’m 14 years from operational use of satellite data, just now returning. The satellite capabilities have changed dramatically. I now know that I must spend much more time learning about GOES-R and JPSS. Thank You.” 13. “I liked how technical we got with ABI products. It would have been good to keep this up throughout the course. It would have been good to keep the conversation more focused on instruments and products in the GLM talk. Not sure how applicable WRF lightning forecasts were."

22 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users
Comments and Suggestions from New Orleans Short Course: 14. Suggestions: “more refined presentations; better references: include refereed journal articles; more discussion and Q&A; include space weather information; more references to real-time data/imagery; more staff needed to monitor course logistics and help students.” “Some of the hands-on material was a little rushed. Slightly longer course might help.“ “Perhaps make the course more interactive if possible and remember many professionals are here. Some of the data gets a little dense and over the top at times.”

23 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users
Comments and Suggestions from New Orleans Short Course: 17. “Perhaps have questions for what you’d like to hear before the talk, so if certain attendees have topics they want covered, they can be touched on.” 18. “Wifi needs to be faster during hands-on presentations. Some of the graphics loaded too slowly and made it hard to keep up with the pace of the speakers.“ 19. “Split the course over two days, GOES in day 1 and JPSS in day 2.” 20. “Have prerequisite of suggested reference materials that would be useful to better understand the examples.”

24 GOES-R & JPSS Preview for Users
Comments and Suggestions from New Orleans Short Course: 21. “Make the hands-on exercises: more time, more guidance. In the beginning, please give a clear step-by-step instructions. Two people next to me didn’t know how to get to Power Point presentations until the first break. I even got to it after browsing on Google. Let the audience participants know ahead of time that they need to bring laptops” 22. “More info on the SNPP products, such as VIIRS, ATMS, CRiS, OMPS, and CERES. For the hands-on exercises, I would like to see larger color tables and values in the legends with the satellite time-series loops.“ 23. “I was expecting a little more on the hardware expectation and dissemination of the products.”

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