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Parent Forum November 2017
MAT Strategic Aim 1:To further develop the distinctive Catholic nature of the CPSWV Rationale: We endeavour to make the person of Jesus Christ known and loved, and to place Him and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the centre of our schools. AIMS: To build and strengthen our school and parish links. To support and develop the schools to uphold and enhance their distinctive Catholic nature. Promote a culture of success and achievement in Religious Education ACTIONS: Exec Head and Head of School to work across both schools to develop links with both parishes. New Head Of School to take on RE subject leadership to ensure parity of quality and standards across the federation. Review of assemblies, collective worship and class liturgy. Training to further develop these areas to ensure parity across the federation. Work collaboratively with other MAT schools to ensure children participate in wider liturgical events throughout the year
MAT Strategic Aim 2a: to build a culture of success and achievement across both schools in the federation Rationale: We aim to develop a culture where we promote high aspirations and challenge underachievement. We aim for outstanding levels of achievement and progress across all schools – at an individual level the very best possible results for every pupil. AIMS: Achieve continued excellent outcomes at the end of EYFS, KS1, KS2 Maintain a sharp focus on narrowing the ‘gap’ between disadvantaged pupils and others and improving outcomes for vulnerable pupils (incl. SEN) Dynamic and forward-looking cultures across the school, driving sustained improvement so that success and high achievement for all are prioritised To continue to raise the attainment of reading, maths and writing ACTIONS: Improve reasoning and problem solving in maths. Maths lead to initiate training and resources. Increase teacher understanding of greater depth across R,W,M. Working in collaboration with the other MAT schools. Appoint a Pupil Premium champion in each school. To review and amend provision where necessary. Establish high expectations for teaching and learning across both schools through regular training and peer coaching. Further collaboration across the federation. Termly moderation and standardisation of work between the federations and within the MAT. Power of Reading introduced to support Talk For Writing methods and Literacy Circles to enhance the teaching of reading Artsmark – work collaboratively on striving for Gold by developing the arts provision across the schools
MAT Strategic Aim 2b: To develop every child and young person so that they achieve their full potential and are successful, confident, independent and resilient learners for life. Rationale: Our schools should be safe environments where children and young people can grow and develop as confident, self-assured learners. Their excellent attitudes to learning have a strong, positive impact on their progress. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development equips them to be thoughtful, caring and active citizens in school and in wider society. AIMS: Provide a challenging curriculum whereby children are encouraged to inquire and have a growth-mindset so that every child is equipped with the skills they need to thrive and succeed. ACTIONS: To introduce and embed the Learning Challenge Curriculum to encourage a more enquiry based approach that is led more by the children To observe Growth Mindset being embedded in the lessons and around the schools. Uncapped learning opportunities in the classroom whereby children self select from chilli challenges
MAT Strategic Aim 3: To develop and embed sustainable, high quality and robust Catholic leadership across the federation Rationale: We aim to develop a clear and ambitious vision for the future of the federation that reflects an unwavering commitment to challenge, continuous improvement and securing excellent outcomes AIMS: To review Deputy Head role To develop middle leaders across the schools ACTIONS: One Head of School across the federation to work with Exec Head on key areas of improvement. Two senior teachers in place for both schools from Sept 17. Opportunity to develop future leadership roles whereby teachers lead new initiatives and coach others.
MAT Strategic Aim 4:to develop inspirational teaching that fosters aspirational learning Rationale: We take every opportunity to be innovative in our approach to teaching, drawing on the very best practice in our schools or elsewhere so that the highest quality of learning is fostered within the unique context of each school. AIMS: For all teachers to have a rich and varied pedagogical understanding that leads to high quality learning in every classroom. Both schools will have a strong curriculum and rationale that is personalised to best meet the needs of their pupils. ACTIONS: Subject leaders and SLT to focus more on creative approaches to teaching and learning in their staff training, peer coaching and monitoring. Plan topics that are both engaging and challenge the children to think deeper and more creatively. Using BIG questions to explore deeper thinking and responses. Curriculum maps collaboratively planned that include WOW factors, Big questions, enquiry, enrichment days and share opportunities to a wider audience.
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