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Unlocking Turnitin data with Jisc Learning Analytics

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1 Unlocking Turnitin data with Jisc Learning Analytics

2 Changing landscape… New reporting measures – TEF & re-vamped NSS
Uncapped student limits Increasing pressure on recruitment & admissions Increase in transnational education Remote classroom & work place learning Use of Virtual Reality Programme and course re-design New reporting measures – TEF & re-vamped NSS Since the introduction of un-capped student limits back in 2015, we’ve seen increasing changes across the UK HE sector Universities are responding and changing in different ways and at different speeds Turnitin wanted to get a sector wide view of current and future changes Link to University tuition fees?? Move to online assessment Rise in tuition fees

3 Sector engagement Kerr Gardiner has over 20 years experience across the UK as a senior Higher Education TELT manager.  He recently left the University of Glasgow to set up a consultancy service for the sector. Commissioned Kerr Gardiner to get a sector wide perspective

4 14 universities Senior management (DVC, PVC, VP, Dean, Head of School)
Academic Teaching (lecturers, programme leads, course leads) Academic Governance (QA, Senate, Registry) Academic Development & Support (Heads of e-Learning, curriculum developers) Other Support (IT managers, developers) Students (Student Council) In-depth interviews/focus groups with 14 universities that were selected to reflect the diversity of the sector. Co-ordinated via HeLF community

5 Data Access & Workflows
Key themes Data Access & Workflows Learning Analytics – All universities noted their requirement to access and use all student related data to support development of Learning Analytics. Reporting – senior managers noted that the changes to TEF and QAA reporting requirements are increasingly metrics driven and will actively seek to use systems which support the development of institutional metrics. What led us here today, was two of the themes that emerged across senior leaders and the focus groups The need to surface and use Turnitin data in different ways

6 Overview of what we do… Walk through of Turnitin – different elements of the product

7 Submitting a paper… Confirmation that student submission has been received Students belong to classes and upload their work into set assignments, by a set deadline Receive a receipt to confirm submission Extensions can be given & submission date will show who hasn’t been able to meet the deadline Time management

8 Originality… Academic integrity risk Education journey Year 1
Every paper is then checked for unoriginal content This is how we like to illustrate the importance of identifying unoriginal content – when a student first joins your institute and submits, for example a draft assignment containing unoriginal content for the first time, the institutional risk is far less than a final year student submitting a dissertation containing unoriginal content Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

9 Originality… Academic Integrity risk Education journey
70 billion current & archived web pages 700 million student papers & dissertations 170 million Journal articles & CrossRef content Academic Integrity risk At each stage of the education journey the need to check against different content sources increases: In the early stages, it’s often about stopping any bad habits of copying and pasting without referencing sources correctly (1998) When it comes to assessment times, it’s important to identify students who are copying off each other or from previous work (2005) Then when it comes to final assessments, you need to have a breadth of checks across Internet sources, student papers and wider publications and journal articles (2007) Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

10 Originality… Assess academic writing skills Identify who needs HELP
Check with the highest level of confidence Academic Integrity risk ..and here’s how these checks can help students and instructors at each stage. New students academic writing skills can vary immensely and so providing initial help on referencing and citation will get them off to a good start Students found copying often need help and so identifying these early on, gives instructors time to identify what help and support is needed By final assessment time, Turnitin customers know that they are checking with the highest levels of confidence Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

11 So by surfacing unoriginal content and sources can make a big difference
But over the last 19 years we’ve also been learning about what causes this problem

12 Plagiarism Isn’t Just a Cheating Issue
Norms for Collaboration Time Management English Proficiency Nontraditional Students Vocabulary Citation Skills What we’ve learned from working with institutions for close to two decades is that plagiarism isn’t just a cheating issue. Instead it is a symptom of other challenges students have as they begin writing at the next stage of education. Starting at the top and moving clockwise, some of the skills issues plagiarism reveals include: Time management skills: avoiding needs to rush and take shortcuts Nontraditional students (e.g. ppl returning to school; balancing a job/family with education, veterans) Understanding citation - and why we attribute Understanding how to summarize ideas in original language (paraphrasing) Knowing how to express thoughts and ideas in a convincing manner (argumentation) Having the critical thinking skills to produce original ideas Knowing how to write in one’s own voice Knowledge of grammar rules and vocabulary Comfort with the English language (English Proficiency) Understanding norms for appropriate collaboration Grammar Paraphrasing Skills Voice Critical Thinking Argumentation

13 Academic integrity education
Feedback… Academic integrity education So we introduced feedback and tools to help the education process – this is really aimed at the earlier stages of the education journey Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

14 Personalised feedback
General comments QuickMarks ETS rater - Grammar Personalised feedback Overall summary & Voice comments Highlighted areas for improvement Academic integrity education Improving academic writing skills and supporting the earlier stages of the journey, we have QuickMark and grammar tools – aimed at making it quicker for instructors to leave general/frequent comments as quickly as possible Then we have a range of feedback options to provide personalised comments and goals Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

15 Common education needs
Feedback… Common education needs Individual goals and areas for improvement Academic integrity education The quick and easy feedback options really aimed at addressing common education needs in a quick and efficient way, whilst the more personalised options really target good and bad aspects of individuals work. Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

16 Academic integrity risk / education
Risk mitigation to prevention Academic integrity risk / education So this is how the functionality starts to come together – using the originality check in the early stages helps instructors to identify problem areas and provide the relevant feedback and support, to improve academic integrity before final assessment time The final piece to add now is how this links to marking and grading… Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

17 Academic integrity risk / education
Marking & grading… Academic integrity risk / education Marking and grading can be used throughout the education journey, from initial module assessments and draft submissions all the way through to final assessment. Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

18 Academic integrity risk / education
Marking & grading… Formative Summative Academic integrity risk / education There’s a choice of grading forms or rubrics, which can be used to provide formative or summative feedback to students, which provides complete transparency to show students what their work is being assessed against Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

19 Linking feedback to assessment criteria…
This is what it looks like to the student – you will also see that any comments and feedback provided can also be linked to the rubrics and assessment criteria to highlight good examples and areas for improvement

20 What next?

21 Ghost writing / Contract Cheating
Key theme … Ghost writing / Contract Cheating / Essay Mills It can be difficult to detect and this was reflected by universities in the consultation who noted that they did not have any data on the level of activity if indeed there was any. Most indicated that lack of ability to detect ghost writing was an area of concern, and some senior management expressed concerns around the potential for institutional reputational damage that could arise from such activity. Another key theme that came out of the consultation that I want to highlight is…

22 Scandal uncovers contract cheating…
Focused around student loans, this undercover report highlighted the scale of the services that are in place to help students to cheat the education system and walk away with qualifications, way beyond their capabilities, for a fee. This report included a range of services from how to beat the admission process, to getting someone else to complete your assignments Aired 13th November 7.30pm BBC One

23 Copy-paste Plagiarism
Global impact… Copy-paste Plagiarism Student Collusion Research Misconduct Ghostwriting The good news is that we have spent over a year researching the global scale of this problem. To put this into context, we know that around 11% of submissions have a high % of unoriginal content and we know that ghost writing has been increasing and academics estimate that this impacts up to 20% of submissions. Ghostwriting - when someone pays or has someone else write their paper is growing in frequency. Recent estimates are that up to 20 percent of all papers written in higher education are written by someone other than the stated author. There are en estimated 1,000 to 1,200 contract cheating web sites operating today. Turnitin detected ~21 million highly unoriginal papers (11% of submissions) in higher education globally last academic year Ghostwriting impacts up to 20 percent* of submissions in higher education globally * Source Philip Newton and Christopher Lang, (Springer), Essay Writers, Freelancers, and Other Paid Third Parties, 2016.

24 Our aim for 2018… Academic integrity risk Education journey Year 1
Our aim is to have a technology indicator in place in 2018, with BETA versions becoming available within a matter of a months But, this isn’t just a technology solution – we are looking at ways to help indicate the problem, but institutes will need to make changes to fully tackle this challenge Year 1 Module assessments & progress Final assessment Education journey

25 Policy Research Technology Education Academic Integrity
Steering Group… Policy Research We have formed an Academic Integrity steering group to bring together sector leaders to raise awareness at a local, national and global level, demonstrate why senior management needs to take action and provide information and guidance to instructors and students. Technology Education

26 Academic Integrity Steering Group…
Tackling contract cheating The output of this is to raise awareness and provide guidance to the sector on what needs to be done to tackle contract cheating

27 So going back to the reason why we are here today, based on feedback from the sector we are working with Jisc to start unlocking Turnitin data in a very different way. Starting with time management and grades

28 Thank you Any questions?

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