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2 Outline Cosa e’ la HEP Software Foundation (HSF)
Cosa e’ il Community White Paper (CWP) Perche’ e’ rilevante per HEP Perche’ e’ rilevante per noi qui

3 HEP Software Foundation
Effort started in April 2014, with a Workshop at CERN HEP Software Collaboration Initial idea: for an highly structured (SP, Executive Board, Steering Committee , …) management to incorporate / drive / steer the development and the maintenance of (HEP) Software stacks Including Geant4, Experiment Frameworks, ROOT, …. As you can imagine, a false start: wildly criticized top-down approach A complete reboot after that, and less of a structure – driven model This is where it changed from Collaboration to Foundation

4 Goals … from their web page directly
The HEP Software Foundation (HSF) facilitates coordination and common efforts in high energy physics (HEP) software and computing internationally. The objectives of the HSF as a community-wide organization are in sharing expertise; raising awareness of existing software and solutions; catalyzing new common projects; promoting commonality and collaboration in new developments to make the most of limited resources; aiding developers and users in creating, discovering, using and sustaining common software; and supporting career development for software and computing specialists. A recognized community organization can also provide a framework for attracting effort and support, and provide a structure for the community to set priorities and goals for the work. It can also facilitate wider connections; while the HSF is a HEP community effort, it should be open enough to form the basis for collaboration with other sciences.

5 Then … 2 years of meetings, some initiatives - low profile, mostly
D.Menasce participating with INFN hat (as deputy chairman of CCR), chairing the training working group What changed now? Eventually, some real funding came (US side), so push has become higher The US NSF has funded a “conceptualization” (planning) project with a possible path towards a “Software Institute”. The US DOE has seeded the “Center for Computing Excellence” with some initial resources. But most importantly: HL-LHC is coming … and HSF got an endorsement from WLCG and LHCC to study (drive?) the computing model for HL runs Idea is to prepare a Community White Paper (CWP), which collect and orgnizes the HEP community thoughts towards a possible model for 2025+

6 Charge from WLCG A proposed "community white paper" (CWP) on software and computing should present the overall strategy and roadmap for this software upgrade More specifically the CWP should identify and prioritize the software research and development investments required: to achieve improvements in software efficiency, scalability and performance and to make use of the advances in CPU, storage and network technologies to enable new approaches to computing and software that could radically extend the physics reach of the detectors to ensure the long term sustainability of the software through the lifetime of the HL-LHC

7 “Charge” from LHCC Conclusions of F.Forti talk, RRP Oct 2016

8 So why do we need to be there?
The feeling is that the CWP will drive the design of computing models for 2025+ The Computing for HL-LHC is (even more than now!) economically critical for the running of LHC Experiments – we as INFN need to be involved in the design, since it has a big impact on the budget in the next 20 years Examples: #/type of sites? Skill needed to develop? Sites architecture? At the moment the effort is mostly on US side (even if the initial idea was from CERN…), for many reasons They put real money on this Maybe some coordinated push by the US FAs? If we stay out from the planning / modelling / early R&D phase now, it will be hard to be an active part of the real development later

9 Organization of the CWP / timing
At the moment groups are forming in order to write their Mandate. Names are coming up for the leadership of these mandate groups Easy to see that this will evolve to leadership for the real groups afterwards Timing: CWP process will be launched at an HSF workshop at SDSC/UCSD on January 23-27, 2017 The aim is to produce a consensus document by summer, 2017 Participation In principle auto enrollment (just go here : paper and subscribe, then you can edit documents) In practice Experiments are putting their management in the groups Should there also be someone with Italian hat (I would frankly say yes…)? We should be here!

10 Groups Currently active groups on the right
Not all are equal: there is clearly a BIG one which will affect more then the others the HL-LHC operations Some which will drive the “cost” of HL-LHC computing Others are interesting for what concerns our ability to stay in front line with R&D If INFN is interested in the subject, which should but currently with scarce human resources Synergies with other INFN Realities (Experiment COSA, CSN5)

11 All in all … There are groups which will have a HUGE impact on INFN
Infrastructures (budget) Our capability to do analysis (… compared to ….) There are groups where it’s important to be scientifically Be part of R&D Build expertise Train young physicists

12 Position paper (s)? The computing model group is different from the others, in that it should happen after the others (for example, after the technical evolution group has sketched the expectations) Unfortunately, this is not possible schedule-wise, and a different approach is likely to be used All the other groups: bottom-up, listening to the community To be ready by the WS (2 week from now…) I tried to sketch something (not intended as our view, but a way to start the discussion here…) edit?usp=sharing

13 Conclusions Up to now (to me at least) there was very few reasons to be excited by HSF “Charges” by WLCG and LHCC seem to change the landscape The CWP is setting the first stone for HL-LHC, and at the moment we risk (as Italy) not to be in the position of driving choices I would strongly advise about Ask INFN colleagues in the experiments to be part of the effort at a larger level Have at least in the infrastructure related group(s) someone wearing directly an INFN hat WHO CAN GO TO THE WORKSHOP??

14 logistics SanDiego is in a very bad moment (Jan 23rd-26th)
Both flights and hotels are very expensive There is also a conference fee (200$) Frankly, not easy to reach – but most of the games will be decided there… Atm only Dario registered … who can go?

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