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Peter Ilitich Tchaikovsky

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1 Peter Ilitich Tchaikovsky
Peter was born on May 7,1840 in Votkineck,Russia.

2 Childhood,Family,Musical Training
Peter was the son of a wealthy mining engineer stationed in Russia.Peter had a tragic short life. He mainly had piano lessons as a child.He started piano lessons at the age of 4.And at the age of 7 he could read as well as his music teacher .

3 How he earned a living When he was young, he made a living by being a lawyer. When he attended the R.M.S. he started writing music.That’s how he got popular. He wrote 3 ballets,4 concertos,6 symphonies,10 operas,106 songs,3 string quartets,and a piano trio. He was was famous and appreciated during his famous ballet(“The Nutcracker Suite”).

4 Interesting stories and facts
When he was young he went to law school. He was supported by a rich women he never met. He was in the Russian Music Society. He had a nervous lack of being social.

5 When and how he died Peter died by a disease called cholera(which comes from drinking contaminated water) on November 6,1893 in St. Petersburg,Russia.

6 Our favorite music video
Our favorite music video is “The Nutcracker Suite”. It is our favorite because we like how the music sounds and the rhythm.

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