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Project Steering Committee Meeting 27 May 2015 :14h00 – 16h00

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Presentation on theme: "Project Steering Committee Meeting 27 May 2015 :14h00 – 16h00"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Steering Committee Meeting 27 May 2015 :14h00 – 16h00
UNISA ICT Project Management Office UNISA SSRP Project Project Steering Committee Meeting 27 May :14h00 – 16h00

2 Approved Re-arranged dates
Strand Milestones Original Go –live Date Revised Go-Live  dates Examination Centres Data Management Exam Centre Management 30 November 2015 Graduation Ceremonies Graduation March 2016 31 January 2016 Research Students Research Student 30 January 2016 Curriculum Approval(Accreditation Platform) Curriculum Approval  30 September 2016 Student Register and Maintain including Reporting Registration 30 October 2015 30 November 2016 Assessments and Progressions Assessment Finance and Funds Finance Alumni and Project Close  Alumni and Project closure December 2016 30 December 2016

3 Project Progress (Academic Structure)
Completion of ‘CRS’ element of Academic Model Completion of MCR, IPP and associated records Completion of MOD and MAV migration/creation Training on Module diet set-up Training on Academic Model to DPAR super-users and team leaders

4 Academic Structure Next steps
Task Name Completion Date Requirements for Module Diets 15 May 2015 Diet Set-up 18 August 2015 Continued training of DPAR on maintenance of Academic Model On-going as required Signed off Unisa Training Manuals for Academic Model maintenance 30 May 2015

5 Admission Progress Data mapping for Reference tables ongoing
Application form requirements signed off Applicant Portal build complete Requirements specification complete for M&D Requirements specification underway for all programmes Exemption requirements specification complete Clearance checks for UG complete

6 Admission training Audience Type of Training Date Central Staff
Basic Navigation Full Application Process June 2015 July 2015 Regional staff 1.Basic Navigation 2.Application on behalf of students

7 Admission Next steps Task Completion Date Online application form
08 June 2015 Paper application form 08 June 2015 Applicant portal 30 June 2015 EM build complete Back-office processing (EM) Non-EM build complete STU Migration 30 July 2015 Staff training

8 Registration Progress
Work packages mapped and analysis ongoing Implementation of Progression rules for pre and post 2013 documented and signed-off Feedback and changes on the online registration form implemented on DEV Confirm population of the reference tables (TTL, GEN, ETH etc)

9 Registration Next Steps
Task Completion Date Student records specification sign-off 30 August 2015 Records build specification sign-off 30 November 2015 Records build Go-Lived in small Go-Lives January – September 2015 Full-process 30 November 2016

10 Assessment Progress Sign-off of seven User Stories for Assessment Developments required for Unisa-specific processes Confirmation of how research completion reporting requirements in relation to assessments will be managed in SITS Confirmation of assessment results data to be migrated Set-up of mark scaling functionality in DEV

11 Assessment Next steps Task Completion Date
Assessments specification sign-off 30 September 2015 Assessments build specification sign-off 15 December 2015 Assessment build Go-Live in small Go-Lives January – September 2016 End user Training October 2015 Full-process 30 November 2016

12 Finance Progress Progress in identifying which process will remain in SITS and which Process will move to Oracle –Ongoing Process. Specification of interface requirements for applicant and acceptance fees. Outline requirements agreed for interface from SITS to Oracle Users trained on basic fee profile functionality Users trained on basic sponsor functionality FIN types (study fees) imported into SITS as a proof of concept for remaining fee profiles. Sponsor data and funds entry commenced

13 Finance Next steps Task Completion Date
Application fees and EM fees specification sign off 29 May 2015 Application fee build complete 30 June 2015 Funds requirements sign off 30 August 2015 Funds build specification sign off 30 October 2015 Acceptance fee build complete Funds build Go-Lives in small Go-Lives 1 December 2015 – September 2016 Fee matrix and fee processing build complete 30 January 2016 Debtor management build complete 30 April 2016 Finance interface build complete 30 June 2016 Full-process 30 November 2016

14 SLP Progress Data cleansing ongoing for data to be migrated
Final Training on the academic model Tasks assigned for April were not completed due to lack of resources, and were reassigned for May Clearance checks for SLP in progress Credit exemptions specification document in progress

15 Graduation Progress Initial discovery was conducted in 2014 , to check the impact the academic model has on Graduation

16 Graduation next steps Task Due Date Complete the discovery session
30 May 2015 Finalisation of the scope of work and Requirements 30 June 2015

17 Change Management Change Management Approach.
Change Management Roadmap. Communication Approach. Communication Plan. ED specific communiqué. Leadership Alignment Report. Various Stakeholder Engagements. Weekly CM Status Reports.

18 Change Management – Status Update
# Milestones Status 1 Research Project background and current SSRP Programme status (Module 1). 2. Determine the impact of end-user change. 3. Engage with team management. 4. Develop and deliver Change Engagement & Communications Plan. 5. Develop training material and deliver Training. 6. Follow up/Assess Change enablement effectiveness. 7. Overall Project Status on Change Management. Key Risks/Issues/Concerns Impact Resourcing - business will run as usual without resources being fully allocated to the project. Time constraints. The service provider is UK based and not full time on-site presence to provide assistance and ensure alignment. Non-alignment between UK legislation and SA legislation. Late on-boarding of Change Manager. H Legend H Milestone/Deliverables H Behind Schedule 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% H On Track Concerns/Risk/Issues H L M H Low Medium High Key Activities for next month Communication Plan Module 2. Specific Communiqué as per Communication plan for Module 1. Leadership Alignment Sessions. Change Readiness Assessment Questionnaire. Training Preparation and role mapping. Change Impact Assessment for Module 1 & 2. Research project background and current project status. Initial Meeting and discussion/team meeting. Review project documentation. Clarify issues affecting current solution. Determine the impact of end-user change. Meet with Project Manager/Key client stakeholders. Review solution and end-user changes. List impacts per affected groups. Engage with SSR team management. Develop Change Network Report. Determine the level of commitment via Leadership Alignment interviews. Discuss and present engagement plan and roll-out requirements (On-going basis). Assess engagement needs as identified with management. Develop and deliver Change Engagement & Communications Plan. Analyse current issues and pending change impacts. Determine key messages per affected group. Determine the most effective communication mediums. Draft content for key messages. Facilitate delivery of engagements. Awareness presentation - End-user engagement 1 Training - End-user engagement 2 Develop training material and deliver Training. Determine process and system training requirements. Determine required training approach and mediums. Develop training material. Develop training related communications. Deliver/facilitate training. Follow up/Assess Change enablement effectiveness. Change Effectiveness Survey Pre go-live Change Effectiveness Survey Post go-live.

19 Risks Risks Contributing Factor Mitigation Action Action for Steercomm
SLP Strand Project timelines negatively impacted Dedicated SLP Resources not finalised Second full time resources as soon as they are available . Approve: SLP application Process to be moved to 2017 academic year on SITS

20 Project Support structure
As only the Academic model has gone live partially, it is difficult to propose a post implementation support structure just yet. After implementation of Applications go live, there will be more information at hand to propose the business role and ICT role in supporting SITS Therefore propose that a proposal serve at the September Steering Committee on a support structure.

21 Thank You

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