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Compound Light Microscope

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1 Compound Light Microscope

2 This is the Compound Light Microscope

3 Uses of the Microscope The compound microscope uses lenses and light to enlarge images and specimen. Other names for it include optical or light microscope. The compound microscope has 2 systems of lenses for greater magnification. The eyepiece lens that you look through The objective lens (lens closest to object)

4 Functions You must know how to LABEL the compound light microscope
You must know what each part is used for and HOW to use it. Quiz -If you DON’T get 100% you will NOT participate in any labs until you retake and earn 100%. So begin studying TONIGHT!!

5 In your Notebook TAPE your Compound Light Microscope on your LEFT SIDE of page. WRITE about each functioning part on the RIGHT SIDE of your page.

6 Body Tube- Connects the eyepiece to the objective lenses.

7 2. Revolving Nosepiece Revolving Nosepiece- Holds the objective lenses and can be rotated to easily change the power for magnification.

8 3. Low Power Objective Low Power- The objective lense with the lowest power setting

9 4. Medium Power Objective
Medium Power- The objective lens with the medium power setting

10 5. High Power Objective High Power- The objective lens with the highest power setting.

11 6. Stage Clips Stage Clips- These clips secure the slides in place. They are rotated on and off, NEVER pulled.

12 7. Diaphragm Diaphragm- You can adjust the amount of light passing through so your specimen isn’t too bright or too dim. You can also increase the contrast so the specimen shows more against the background.

13 8. Light Source Light Source- The source of light power to help see the specimen or image.

14 9. Eye Piece Eye Piece- The lens at the top that you look through.

15 10. Arm Arm- Supports the tube and connects it to the base. It is used along with the base to carry the microscope.

16 Stage- the flat platform where you place each slide to examine.

17 Viewing Slides In order for a specimen on a slide to be in focus, the distance between the specimen and the objective lens must be just right…it’s like taking a selfie….you want it just perfect!!!

18 12. Course Adjustment Course Adjustment- The larger knob used to focus the microscope. It moves the stage up or down and is noticeable. It is always used FIRST, and it is used only with the low power objective.

19 13. Fine Adjustment Fine Adjustment- This is the small knob used to focus the microscope. It is used AFTER the course adjustment knob and helps sharpen the image of the specimen so it is clear.

20 14. Base Base – The bottom of the microscope used for support. Sits on the table.

21 Check your labels!

22 How to set up Always carry microscope holding the BASE and the ARM for support. Always have the eyepiece and stage facing you so you can look at your specimen.

23 REMEMBER… You MUST use the microscope with care. Failure to follow directions will result in a consequence. If you do not follow directions and you break it, you BUY it. Replacement is $500 cash. THINK ABOUT IT.

24 Using the Microscope 1. Put everything of yours except your lab sheet on the floor. 2. Take the dust cover off of the microscope. 3. Place it with the ARM towards you. 4. Turn the power ON.\ 5. Turn the COARSE ADJUSTMENT knob to lower the stage. 6. Be sure the LOW POWER OBJECTIVE is in place.

25 Using the Microscope 7. Set the diaphragm to 5.
8. Put the slide on the stage under the stage clips. 9. Look through the EYEPIECE. 10.Slowly turn the COARSE ADJUSTMENT knob towards you to raise the stage until it come into focus.

26 11. Get a slide and a piece of newsprint with words.
Put the slide on the stage. 12. Put the e on the slide. 13. While looking through the eyepiece, turn the coarse adjustment knob TOWARDS you. What happened to the e??? Draw it. 14. If you want to see it in medium or high power, switch the objective. Use the FINE ADJUSTMENT knob if you have one.

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