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Approaches to Research

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1 Approaches to Research
E Woods 1 October 2012

2 What’s this Unit all About?
This module is designed to introduce learners to the techniques and methods of research. The module addresses a variety of research methodologies, including the opportunity to carry out interventionist or action research. The module gives students the grounding they need to complete the second year work based project and develop the personal skills required.

3 What’s covered? Techniques to analyse data – representative values, measures of dispersion, calculation, forecasting Sources for the collection of data – primary sources, secondary sources A research proposal – research methodologies; Hypothesis; Action plan

4 Indicative Reading for you
Bell J — Doing your Research Project 3rd Edition (Open University Press, 1999) ISBN: Best J — Research in Education (Prentice Hall, 1997) ISBN: Cohen L and Manion L — Research Methods in Education (Routledge Falmer, 2000) ISBN: Coolican H — Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (Hodder and Stoughton, 1996) ISBN:

5 Assessment Identifying a valid and deliverable research proposal for an independent research project to be delivered in year 2. You will have considerable latitude in choosing your topic for research – take time to choose well!

6 Approaches to research
Quantitative Research Collect facts Study the relationship between one set of facts to another Use numerical data mostly but nothing is ruled out Qualitative Research More concerned with understanding individuals’ perceptions of the world Both approaches can and do use elements of both the above approaches

7 Action Research An approach that works in any context where “specific knowledge is required for a specific problem in a specific situation, or when a new approach is to be grafted on to an existing system” (Cohen and Manion 1994) Applied research by practitioners who have identified a need for change or improvement They would ask “Can I improve my practice so it is more effective? Can I..... So it is more just? And Can I use my knowledge and influence to improve the situation? (Lomax 2007)

8 Today’s Activity Individually please look at 3 case studies on the following organisations; Lego Rolls Royce York College They are all different styles of research approaches. Make notes of what you find, including the style of research, the issues that researchers would face in delivering this research, The content is not important – you don’t have to understand the technical terms – it is the style of research that is key here (page Business Research Methods - Cooper and Schindler)

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