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Vocabulary Lesson Two Grade 10.

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1 Vocabulary Lesson Two Grade 10

2 Disabuse Verb Pam felt it was time to disabuse her son of his disbelief in the tooth fairy.

3 Heresy Noun During the Inquisition, those found guilty of heresy were sometimes burned at the stake. The act of holding a belief that goes against established doctrine

4 Audit Verb When Sienna is ready to graduate, the university will audit her records to verify that she took all the required classes.

5 Motley Adjective The international clown convention was a motely sight in the otherwise dull exhibition center.

6 Libation Noun When we visited the vineyard, we were offered a small libation at the end of our tour.

7 Docile Adjective The bichon-poo, usually docile, went mad and attacked its owner.

8 Restive Adjective Two restive students sat in chairs outside the principal’s office waiting to be called inside.

9 Banter Noun At the reunion, Ruth enjoyed listening to the banter of her husband and his old college roommate.

10 Castigate Verb The parson castigated that boy for nosily chewing gum in church.

11 Anathema Noun Cannibalism is an anathema to almost every society on the planet.

12 Gauche Adjective Some people use a fork to eat pizza because they think it is gauche to use their fingers.

13 Ignominy Noun The mayor fell from public acclaim to complete ignominy in a week when her cocaine habit was discovered.

14 Dither Verb When asked if he had completed his homework assignment, Luke dithered, knowing that he had forgotten about it.

15 Emaciated Adjective Dead from starvation, the emaciated prisoner was buried in the camp cemetery.

16 Repine Verb Nathan repined loudly in his room after getting grounded for picking on his sister.

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