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Hours of Service IVG Driver Training Presented By:

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1 Hours of Service IVG Driver Training Presented By:
The purpose of this presentation is to provide information about the Upcoming ELD Mandate being implemented by the Federal Motor Carrier Association Requiring the use of “Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) for Hours of Service.

2 Overview HOS automatically detects driving time using vehicle sensor data. The information is collected through a connection to the vehicle ECM. All information for the drivers log is stored on the unit so you will always have access to real time data. The system transmits the data at every change of duty status to our severs where the information is then stored for 6 months and viewable on the Driver & Administration web portals. If the driver is in an area with no cellular coverage the unit will store the data until it is in an area with coverage and then transmit stored data.

3 A Day in the Life of the Driver
Arrive at truck Login, the system automatically pulls your prev. 14 days logs from the server, creates your off duty logs and starts todays log On Duty, all from entering your username and Password . - If you forget to log in you have no access to your logs and the system will not have started to create your log for that day. Once you are logged in start your pre-trip, Once completed fill out the Inspection Report (this could be a paper trip inspection or if you have subscribed to our VIR it would also be on the system under workflow) Review your logs ensure you show an adequate amount of time for the inspection. Approve your Logs ** Equivalent to Signature on Paper Log if you forget it could result in a fine ** Must be done at least once every 24 hours, we recommend doing it every time the driver updates their status manually. If you need to perform an edit you can do that prior to approving the log *** Note drivers can not edit driving *** Must contact your Safety administrator*** Enter your load information in the load tab Driving – system automatically records all drive time and will give drivers a 1 hour warning of impending violation, so they can find a safe place to stop and rest. If your Team drivers Both drivers must login at the beginning of the trip & drivers must ensure that when they stop to switch, that they switch on the log system to reflect the active driver! You rarely need to update your log other than to change your duty status from on duty to sleeper berth or off duty or to add a remark to a duty status. In the event of a road side inspection the drivers units are accessible through the window of the cab. You should offer to show the officer your logs directly on the unit; however you also have the capability of faxing or ing your logs to the officer. * You must also have a visor card in the truck at all times and may be asked to produce this during an inspection this is a US requirement. Once you have arrived back at the yard and you are done your trip and leaving the truck for the day, you should log out of the system. This will ensure that if the vehicle is used while the you are at home that any drive time belonging to someone else does not show on your log and interfere with your reset.


5 Goals You will be able to:
Log in and out of the Intelligent Vehicle Gateway Listen to messages while driving Access the IVG through Intelligent Voice Interface Use Hours of Service to comply with regulations using electronic logs Each goal above corresponds to an IVG application covered in this presentation. Each application section has an instructor training checklist (found at the beginning of this presentation) to help you train the application in detail. If your company doesn’t use all of the applications in this presentation, remove the section slides and adjust the goal statements. Add your own goals if desired.

6 Safety Information You cannot use the IVG to read or type messages while moving. There is one exception: a co-driver who is logged in but not driving can use the IVG without restriction. You can listen to messages while driving. Review safety procedures. Text-to-speech improves the driver’s productivity and safety as they can safely listen to all or part of the message and determine its importance. They only need to pull off the road if it needs immediate response. The team’s non-driver can safely operate the IVG while the truck is moving.

7 Stopped vs. Moving While stopped:
You can use any application that is enabled on the IVG You tap an icon on the Home screen to access applications While moving, you can access the following, with the limited functionality as described: Messages (via text-to-speech) Hours of Service (view available hours and retrieve through Intelligent Voice Interface) Navigation (a map displays the next turn as text-to speech announces it) Intelligent Voice Interface is a new feature that should be highlighted. Explain that it is covered in more detail in a section below.

8 Screen Layout You can tap:
* These signal indicators only appear on the device when supported (future release) HOS time and Current application Bluetooth Connectivity* Volume on/off toggle Alert waiting Intelligent Voice Interface Signal Strength Wifi Strength* Message waiting Next menu screen Open Virtual Keyboard Help Back one screen Tap one of these buttons to open an application You can tap: A highlighted button to go to that application (for example, Messaging or Driver Login) Back to go back to the previous screen The keyboard icon to open a virtual keyboard. It takes over the bottom part of the screen. The pictured signal strength is for terrestrial signals. Volume icon goes from blue (on) to light gray (off) when toggled * Disclaimer: some application icons on the actual device may be in a different order than pictured.

9 Intelligent Voice Interface
Intelligent Voice Interface (IVI) is always actively listening for driver commands and will implement them upon request. In this lesson you will learn how to: Access IVI Learn the proper commands Navigate IVG using your voice Intelligent Voice Interface is designed to allow drivers hands free access to several features of the Intelligent Vehicle Gateway. Commonly used commands can be spoken to the IVG for quick access without having to take your hands off the wheel. To start, say the phrase "Hello Omnitracs". The system will reply with "Hi, please state a command." From here, the driver can state a command and have IVG perform that task.

10 Access IVI The driver initiates IVI by saying, “Hello Omnitracs.”
The IVG is constantly listening and will reply with, “Hello, Please state a command. The IVI icon on the header will turn blue after the above dialog. When active, IVI is actively listening for one of the specific commands supported.

11 Omnitracs IVI Commands
After the IVG responds asking for commands, the driver can use any of the commands below to perform a task: Home screen Go Back Brightness Up Brightness Down Brightness Off Volume Up Volume Down MUTE Volume Scroll Up Scroll Down Available hours Hours of service Inbox What can I say Workflow Vehicle Inspection Home screen - Takes you back to the home screen Go Back - Goes back to the previous screen or home screen if no previous screen is available Brightness Up - Turns the brightness of the IVG up Brightness Down - Turns the brightness of the IVG down Brightness Off - Turns the brightness setting to it’s lowest level Volume Up - Turns the Volume up Volume Down - Turns the Volume Down MUTE Volume - Mutes the IVG Available hours - IVG will speak the number of hours available Scroll Down - Scrolls the current window down Scroll Up - Scrolls the Window up Hours of service - Opens the Hours of service Application Inbox - Opens the messaging inbox What can I say - The IVG will begin to speak a list of available commands Workflow - Opens the Workflow application

12 IVI Commands help While in your vehicle you can access the list of available commands by doing the following. Click on the help icon at the bottom of the IVG screen. Navigate to the IVI help topic and select “IVI Commands”. Say, “Hello Omnitracs” to the IVG. Say, “What can I say”. The IVG will begin to speak out loud the available commands. Home screen - Takes you back to the home screen Go Back - Goes back to the previous screen or home screen if no previous screen is available Brightness Up - Turns the brightness of the IVG up Brightness Down - Turns the brightness of the IVG down Brightness Off - Turns the brightness setting to it’s lowest level Volume Up - Turns the Volume up Volume Down - Turns the Volume Down MUTE Volume - Mutes the IVG Available hours - IVG will speak the number of hours available Scroll Down - Scrolls the current window down Scroll Up - Scrolls the Window up Hours of service - Opens the Hours of service Application Inbox - Opens the messaging inbox What can I say - The IVG will begin to speak a list of available commands Workflow - Opens the Workflow application

13 Logging In and Out Basic Driver Services

14 Log In and Out Some services, such as Hours of Service and Navigation, need to know who you are. You need to know how to: Log in to the IVG Change your status Active = driving Inactive = Co Driver Log out of the IVG

15 Log In Tap the Driver Login button.
Tap the Driver ID field and the virtual keyboard will open. You can also tab between fields. The default status is Active, but you can change it so you log in as an inactive driver in a driving team.

16 Log In Type your ID and password. Confirm your status.
Tap the virtual keyboard icon at the bottom right to close it. Tap OK. Your driver manager provides you with a user ID and password.

17 Log In Your name appears after your login information is verified. Once login is verified tap home, or the back button to see the main menu. Until your login is verified, your user ID appears instead of your name. If the login information is incorrect, an error message appears and you can try again.

18 Log In - Performance Monitoring Message
This message is for engine idle time for Performance Monitoring. This will not effect your logs in hours of service.

19 Log Out Tap your name to select it. It is selected automatically if you are the only driver logged in. Tap Logout. Tap OK.

20 Team Driver Log In After the Active driver has logged in tap Add
Both Drivers must Login before leaving on their trip. Both drivers will be placed in On Duty status Only the Active driver will be credited with driving After the Active driver has logged in tap Add 2. Follow Login procedure

21 Change Status Tap your name (if more than one driver is logged in), then tap Change. Type your password and tap OK. LBRAD is now the active driver. Reminder the previous active driver may need to change duty status if going into the sleeper or off duty. Becoming the inactive driver does not change duty status automatically. it will always ask for the password for a driver to become active. it will not ask if becoming an inactive.

22 Hours of Service Safety and Compliance Services

23 Hours of Service HOS produces paperless driving logs certified to comply with Hours of Service regulations. You need to know how to: View/change your current status Clock in/clock out View summaries of your status Provide logs to a highway patrol officer or MOT or DOT inspector Approve/edit your logs Create/edit a load View load history and carrier information Important: Your driver record must be set up in the HOS host application to use Hours of Service on the IVG. If you record who was added to the QTRACS application, but not HOS, you can not use HOS on the IVG. You see a message to contact dispatch for set up.

24 Hours of Service Canada
If you cross the border between the U.S. and Canada, you also need to know how to: View/change your rule set Record a border crossing Properly document deferrals and ferry crossings How to Utilize Canadian Split Sleeper Regulations

25 Hours of Service Availability While Driving
If you tap the HOS button while driving, you see the time until you are in violation. This considers all of your HOS clocks. While moving, the countdown clock shows how long you have until you’re in violation of whichever one of these clocks runs out soonest: 8-Hour Rest Break Clock (for drivers who are subject to the rest break rule) Driving hours allowed U.S.: 11 hours Canada: 13 hours On-duty hours allowed–U.S. & Canada: 14 hours Countdown clock also includes DayOff and 16 hour shift clocks for Canadian drivers Hours/days in duty cycle U.S.: 60-hour (7-day) or 70-hour (8-day) Canada: 120-hour (14-day) or 70-hour (7-day) You must stop and open Hours of Service to find out which violation is approaching. Exception: A co-driver who is logged in but not driving can use the IVG without restriction. Intrastate Rules: Carriers that run intrastate in Texas, California, Alaska, or Florida can assign drivers to the rules set for the applicable state, and the appropriate countdown clock will display (i.e., TX, CA, AK, FL instead of DOT; Drivers in Canada will see MOT instead of DOT).

26 Status Tab Statuses include: OFF: Off-Duty SB: Sleeper Berth
This green circle means the driver is the active driver and gets all driving time applied to his/her logs. Statuses include: OFF: Off-Duty SB: Sleeper Berth DRV: Driving ON: On-Duty, not driving OFF DRV: Off-Duty driving (appears only if it enabled by your company) HOS automatically puts the all drivers: In DRV when the truck is in motion In ON when the truck is stopped In ON when the driver logs in In OFF when the driver logs out All other statuses must be changed manually. Minimum duty status time = 5 min. If status changes within 5 min, previous status is replaced with the new status. Driver should manually change status to DRV if: Truck goes to ON while stopped (traffic) Pulling on to a public road or highway Unless configured otherwise, the minimum duty status is 5 minutes. If status is changed before 5 minutes has elapsed, the previous duty status is eliminated. If the status changes to ON because the truck is stopped in traffic (more than 5 minutes), you must manually change the status back to DRV. Important Note: If you are stopped and pulling out on to a public road or highway, you should manually change status to DRV. This ensures immediate compliance instead of waiting for time/distance thresholds to be met.

27 View/Change Current Status
Tap the HOS button from the main menu. The Status tab displays. Check for information in red at the top of the window. Tap Change. Tap a different status. Select and type up to two remarks explaining what is happening during the status. Tap OK. Note: Off-Duty driving status (OFF DRV) appears if it is enabled for your company. Date: Current DOT Day. The prior calendar day displays if, for example, the driver’s start time is 6 AM and the current time is 3 AM. DOT clock: Displays the lesser of the times remaining on any clock before being in violation, based on the rule set: U.S., Canada, or FL, CA, TX, AK intrastate rules. Driver Alert Messages: “Log update in progress. Editing & approving are disabled.”–Driver cannot edit duty status history, edit or delete loads, or approve logs after login until log update arrives from host. Drivers can add loads and change duty statuses. “There is a log update pending approval.” Message that appears when a log update is received at the mobile. “You need to review and approve your logs” Drivers should approve logs daily. If logs are not updated within 20 minutes, you should contact the safety department or dispatcher to verify proper login. Status: Your current duty status Start: Date and time when the status began. Now: The current date and time. Duration/Exception: Shows the length of the current duty status and the current exception, if applicable Last (24hr/34hr) Reset: Date and time the last reset was completed. Hrs to be Gained/Hrs Gained in 2 Days: The time the driver gains back on his clocks at midnight tonight and midnight tomorrow night based on the weekly rule. Canadian Hours of Service: Tap the Exceptions button to select an exception (e.g., Ferry Crossing, Off-Duty Deferral).

28 View and Change Current Status—Rest Break
For drivers who must take a rest break every 8 hours while on duty and driving: The rest break must be 30 min or more in duration. During rest break, driver must be in an off duty status: OFF, SB, or OFF DRV. Drivers carrying 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 class explosives, who are required to stay with their vehicle, can be set up to take rest breaks while on duty. From the Status tab, tap Change. Tap ON and tap the Rest Break check box. Select or type one or two remarks explaining what happened during the status. Tap OK. Important: Show this slide only to drivers who are subject to the rest break rule. Drivers who attempt to end their rest break early, with less than 2 hours left on their Rest Break clock, see a warning indicating how much more time is needed to complete the rest break.

29 View/Change Remarks To change remarks on your current duty status:
Select the Status tab, if not already selected. Tap Remarks. Enter a new remark, or select a different pre-defined remark from the drop-down list to explain what happened during the status. Tap OK. Drivers can edit their remarks at any time.

30 Clock In/Clock Out On the Status tab, tap Clock In (or Clock Out).
Set the time. Select or type one or two remarks explaining what happened during the status. Use Clock In and Clock Out to account for time away from the truck in the past, or to record off-duty time after leaving the truck in the future. Clock In, for example, may be used to account for a meeting prior to logging in to the vehicle. Clocking out changes the status to off-duty not driving at the scheduled time. To indicate sleeper berth time, follow the procedure to change the status. Important: If the Clock In overlaps Driving (DRV) or Off-Duty Driving (OFF DRV), the Clock In is discarded. You must re-enter the Clock In time so that it does not overlap any driving time. Clock out places a message on the Status screen that reminds you of when the clock-out (change to OFF status) takes effect.

31 Request Exception Tap Status. Tap Exceptions.
Tap the exception to take. Tap OK. In the confirmation window that appears, tap OK. Available exceptions appear based on your company configuration. Possible exceptions, include: 16-Hour Exception (U.S.) Ferry Crossing (Canada) Off-Duty Deferral (Canada) After a deferral is taken, the Status screen shows the exception. It changes when you begin driving or manually change the status.

32 34-Hour Reset Drivers who are subject to the 34-hour reset rule have this rule satisfied when the driver takes 34 or more consecutive hours off. The driver can take a 34-hour rest at any time. The Status screen shows the date and time the last 34-hour reset was completed. Note: For any 34-hour reset changes, contact your home office. Important: Use this slide for drivers who are subject to the 34-hour rule.] If you have not earned a 34 hour reset in the current duty cycle, the Last (34hr) Reset field displays “No reset in current cycle.” A driver can go Off-Duty at any time but must remain off duty for 34 consecutive hours to earn the reset. This works the same for drivers using 24hr reset rules. Drivers can also see the hours to be gained toward their driving clock. Hours gained tonight are displayed in the Hrs to be Gained field. Hours to be gained tomorrow night are displayed in the Hours Gained in 2 Days field. Next 34hr Start field on the status tab is displayed only when the 1-5am rule and 168 hour rule are in effect for 34hr resets. Those rules were rescinded in December so customers will not see the Next 34hr Start field. They will see the Last 34hr reset

33 Display Clocks and View Current Rule Set
Tap Clocks. Note available time under each rule set. To change your current rule set, tap Region select current Region (USA, Can Main or Can North and tap OK. *Can North only to be used when driving North of Latitude 60°N Before crossing a border, you should check the clocks tab to make sure there are no HOS violations for the rule set you will use.

34 Record a Border Crossing and Change Rule Set
When you cross a border: Tap Clocks and tap Border. Tap Yes. If necessary, change your rule set: Tap Region. Select the new rule set and change preferences. Tap OK. To properly record a border crossing, follow these steps: Tap Clocks and verify there are no violations in the rule set you will change to. After crossing the border follow the instructions above to record the border crossing. Tap Region. Select the new rule set and change preferences as desired. Tap OK. An alert message informs you that you are now driving under the selected rule set. Note: The current duty status is automatically split when your vehicle crosses a state or provincial border.

35 Display Summary—US Rules
For drivers who must follow the rest break rule: Tap Summary. Note available times on all 4 clocks. Note: The DOT clock is always 8:00 hours or less since the shortest clock is the 8-hour Rest Break clock. For drivers not subject to the rest break rule: Note available time on all 3 clocks. Note: The DOT clock is 11:00 hours or less since the shortest clock is the 11-hour driving clock. The Summary tab displays your time remaining for each clock. Clocks appear based on the rule set, U.S., Canada, or intrastate (CA, FL, TX, AK). “11-Hour Driving” is the time remaining on the 11-Hour Driving clock. it is not affected by 8-Hour Rest Break clock. Important: For Drivers who are required to take a rest break every 8 hours: The DOT clock represents the least amount of time on all of the driver’s clocks, and that may not always be the 8-Hour Rest Break clock. Drivers should check the Summary tab often to monitor time remaining until they are required to stop driving or take a rest break. Drivers who plan to drive for 11 hours should consider when to take a break and how it affects their daily work time. If a rest break is taken too early (more than 8 hours remaining on the driving clock) and the driver continues to drive, he or she is required to take a second rest break. The 14-hour On-Duty clock continues to count down while drivers are in a rest break.

36 Display Summary—Canadian Rules
Tap Summary. Note: The MOT clock is 13:00 hours or less since the shortest clock is the 13-hour driving clock. Note available time on all 5 clocks. Off Duty Today hours are the total hours of off-duty time taken today. The amount of time taken outside of a reset is displayed in parentheses (not for CAN North). Available on-duty time is the lesser of the times remaining on the 13-Hour and 120-Hour clocks. Shift hours clock is the number of hours against the 16-hour rule (20-hr rule for CAN North). The Day Off Remaining clock is the number of hours a driver has before he/she must begin a mandatory 24 off-duty hours. 120-Hour On-Duty” clock which is the time remaining on the cycle clock for a cycle 2 driver (70 hours for a cycle 1 driver) 13-Hour Driving” is the time remaining on the 13-Hour Driving clock. It is not affected by the on-duty clock.

37 Display Summary-Canadian North Rules
Tap Summary. Note: The MOT clock is 15:00 hours or less since the shortest clock is the 15-hour driving clock. Note available time on all 5 clocks. Off Duty Today hours are the total hours of off-duty time taken today. The amount of time taken outside of a reset is displayed in parentheses (not for CAN North). Available on-duty time is the lesser of the times remaining on the 13-Hour and 120-Hour clocks. Shift hours clock is the number of hours against the 16-hour rule (20-hr rule for CAN North). The Day Off Remaining clock is the number of hours a driver has before he/she must begin a mandatory 24 off-duty hours. 120-Hour On-Duty” clock which is the time remaining on the cycle clock for a cycle 2 driver (70 hours for a cycle 1 driver) 13-Hour Driving” is the time remaining on the 13-Hour Driving clock. It is not affected by the on-duty clock.

38 Using Split Sleeper —Canadian Rules
Tap Clocks tab. If using split sleeper in Canada, the driver must tap the will pair SB button for the system to calculate available hours using the Canadian Split Sleeper Regulations.

39 Display Graph View and Info
Tap Graph. Tap the arrows to change the day you are viewing. Tap a horizontal bar to see details for that duty status segment. Tap Remarks to see what was happening during that segment. Tap Info to show a DOT or MOT officer your company information or the carrier you are working for. Note: For Drivers carrying 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 explosives who are set up to take rest breaks while on duty, the time appears with a medium blue within ON bar. The Graph tab visually depicts your logs with bars representing duty status segments. When you tap a bar the information about that duty segment appears in the light blue area above the graph. Graph Tab colors: Blue is the default color. Maroon indicates that duty status is selected. Yellowish orange indicates that the duty status occurred during a system or sensor failure.

40 View Summary of Duty Status’s
Tap Day Log. Use arrow keys to change days. Tap Info button to display your Carrier Information The Day Log tab shows your log details (all duty status changes) over the past 24 hours. All the times shown are in the time zone of the driver’s assigned terminal. Use the arrows to scroll through previous day records. A green check-mark appears before each approved record. A red exclamation point precedes each record collected when there was a system or sensor failure. You receive notification and should keep paper logs until notified that the problem has been resolved. For each duty status, you see the start time and duration of the activity. The Location column displays the GPS location of the vehicle when the activity began.

41 Display Carrier Information
Tap Day Log. Tap Info. Show a DOT or MOT officer your company’s information or the carrier you are working for. Tap Done.

42 View 24-hour and Current Duty Cycle Logs
Tap 7-Days (8-Days, Cycle 1, Cycle 2) Tab. View your summary of hours worked for the current duty cycle Tap Log Request to sync your logs manually to the server and update location data. Duty cycles: U.S.: 7-day or 8-day Canada: Cycle 1 or Cycle 2 US Hours of Service: The 7-Days (8-Days) tab shows the total miles driven (Mileage) and the total driving and on-duty time for each day in the most recent duty cycle. Canadian Hours of Service: Instead of an 8-Days or 7-Days tab, there is either a Cycle 1 or Cycle 2 tab that supports the two MOT duty cycles. Vehicle info button displays required truck information such as Unit#, Plate# and starting and ending odometer readings The Fax/ Button allows the driver to fax or e/mail logs

43 Display Vehicle Information
Tap the duty cycle tab (7-Days, 8-Days, Cycle 1, Cycle 2). Tap Vehicle Info. By date, view vehicle ID and start of trip and end of trip odometer readings. Tap OK. Important: This slide depicts a driver under a Canadian rule set because this information is required for drivers in Canada. It is also now available for US drivers. The Vehicle Info screen provides the beginning and end-of-day odometer. Show this to your DOT or MOT inspector when requested.

44 Provide Logs to an Inspector or Officer
Provide the officer with the IVG and the DOT/MOT quick reference card OR, to provide a hard copy: Tap the duty cycle tab (7-Days, 8-Days, Cycle 1, Cycle 2). Tap Fax/ . Enter the name and fax number and/or address of the person asking for the logs. Tap Request. If you are out of coverage and need to request logs, call your dispatcher or safety officer for assistance. When you enter a fax number, type only the area code and number.

45 Edit Logs: Change Status
You must have received the latest logs to edit log records. Tap Approve. Tap the record to edit. Tap Edit. Select a new status. Select a type up to two remarks that describe what happened during the status. Tap OK. You cannot change driving (DRV) or Off-Duty driving (Off-DRV) statuses. If a change is needed, contact the home office to make the edit. Note: Off-DRV is only available if your company has enabled it. 

46 Edit Logs: Change Status
Type a note explaining why you are making the edit. Tap OK.

47 Edit Logs: Split a Record
Tap Approve. Tap the record to edit. Tap Edit. Tap the scissors. Specify the end time and status of the first time period. Select the status for the remaining time. Select or type one or two remarks that describe what happened during the status. Tap OK. If you need to split a duty status, select the record and tap the scissor button. HOS automatically splits the record in two equal time segments that add up to the original total time for that record. Adjust the end time manually on the first segment and HOS automatically adjusts the second segment to maintain that total original time. Set times and dates. The Remarks fields may be required. You cannot edit or split driving (DRV) or Off-Duty driving (Off-DRV) statuses. If a change is needed, contact the home office to make the edit. Important: Off-DRV is only available if your company has enabled it. If there are consecutive short (less than 30 min) Sleeper Berth durations due to status splits or edits, those statuses are combined in the daily Off-Duty calculation and count towards the daily Off-Duty limit. The current duty status is automatically split when the driver is logged in over midnight (start-of-day).

48 Edit Logs: Split a Record
Type a note explaining why you are making the edit. Tap OK.

49 Approve All Logs You must have received the latest logs to approve logs. Tap Approve. Tap Approve All. Tap Yes to confirm. The Approve tab shows duty status changes that are not approved. The most current duty status does not appear in the list. With the most recent logs received at the mobile, you can approve your logs. Tap Approve All to indicate that all log records are accurate. It is your responsibility to either approve each record or to make the necessary edits. Only non-driving records are editable. If you need to edit logs you have already approved, or logs with driving statuses, contact your home office for assistance. Best practices: Tap the Day Log tab first and check the accuracy of each record. Approve logs daily.

50 Create a New Load Tap Load. Tap New Load.
Type load information. Enter additional trailer numbers if needed. Tap OK. Enter load information for each trip, including start and end dates. Load data is appended to your activity in HOS logs. On the Load tab, a new load can be added or you can see a history of load information.

51 Display Load History Tap Load. Tap History.
Tap a load to select it and: Tap Details to view it Tap Edit to make a change. You must have received the latest logs to edit load history. When you are finished, tap Done. You can tap a load in the Load History list and view its details or edit it.

52 Edit an Existing Load Tap Load. Tap Edit.
Change information as needed. Tap OK. You must wait until the latest logs are received before editing load history information.

53 Driver Portal Your company has the option to offer a driver portal where you can do the following: View current duty status and a summary or your HOS clocks. Run and save your logs in pdf format or print your driver logs to keep for your records. **Logs are only kept for 6 months if you need them for tax purposes run your reports monthly! Clock in or Clock out to account for time away from the truck. For drivers running Canadian rules the Driver Portal will show the Will Pair SB checkbox, any off duty deferral being taken and Off duty today values, as applicable.

54 This concludes the Hours of Service training.
IVG Driver Training This concludes the Hours of Service training.

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