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US History Chapter 7 Section 4

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1 US History Chapter 7 Section 4
Wilson and the Mexican Revolution Benito Juarez Porfirio Diaz Francisco Madero Victoriano Huerta

2 Main Idea America’s intervention in Mexico’s revolution caused strained relations between the two neighbors

3 Reading Focus How did the Diaz dictatorship spark a revolution in Mexico? How and Why did the United States intervene into the Mexican Revolution? How did the Mexican revolution conclude?

4 United States and Mexico
After Mexico gained independence from Spain, the country endured a turbulent time with different leadership Different reforms implemented did not affect all people of Mexico United States supported Mexico economically because of resources Veracruz

5 Mexican Revolution (After death of Juarez)
Maintained law and order Modernized Mexican economy 1910 election-Jailed opponent (Madero) Madero fled to US and called for revolt against Diaz Porfolio Diaz in Power Francisco “Pancho” Villa Led Rebel revolt who supported Madero’s idea Captured Juarez City in 1911 Emiliano Zapata Led peasant revolt Called for land reforms Revolutionaries Diaz forced to resign 1911-Francisco Madero President

6 Mexican Violence 1911 Francisco Madero in power Emiliano Zapata
Army Chief Victoriano Huerta seizes power Jails Madero 1911 Francisco Madero in power Emiliano Zapata Led peasant revolt against Huerta in the South Francisco “Pancho” Villa Led Rebel revolt against Huerta in the North Revolutionaries 1914- Huerta flees to Spain US Marines Sent to Vera Cruz, Mexico to assist Venustiano Carranzo New President

7 U.S. Intervention President Wilson did not view Huerta as a legitimate President in Mexico and actually authorized arms sales to revolutionaries April 9, Tampico Incident – American Sailors arrested by Huerta followers but quickly released > Despite apology, Mexico ordered to render 21 gun salute to US flag > President asks for congress to use military force in Mexico Veracruz- While waiting for Congress to act, Wilson learns German ship (carrying weapons) heading for Vera Cruz port in Mexico > Results in Wilson ordering Navy to seize city > April 21-24, 1914-Battle of Vera Cruz- 17 US Marines KIA Mexicans KIA US military remained in Mexico until November

8 Carranza as President Declared himself President but met resistance from Zapata and Villa Another civil war erupted but Carranza had defeated his rivals (recognized by Woodrow Wilson as President) Villa resented this fact and led attacks into United States and killed civilians in New Mexico (Attacks halted in 1920) 1917- New Mexican constitution developed: > Redistribution of Land > Limits power of church > Protection of citizen rights That’s a problem Gen John Pershing chased Pancho Villa for over a year

9 The man shown on the left
is Pancho Villa. The man on the right is General John J. Pershing. Why does Pershing look angry? Why is Pancho Villa smiling?

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