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Feminism Nel Noddings.

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Presentation on theme: "Feminism Nel Noddings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feminism Nel Noddings

2 Ethics and Feeling Hume: ethics depends on feeling
Is doesn’t imply ought How do we get from is to ought? Feeling. Feeling alone can motivate us to act.

3 Natural Caring A feeling necessary to ethical action is natural caring
Sometimes, we act on behalf of someone because we want to Example: mother caring for her child

4 Ethical Caring Ethical caring isn’t itself natural
But it springs from memory of natural caring “I must, but I don’t want to”—overcome by memory of natural caring, but recalling feeling of our own best moments Ethical caring springs from two sentiments— natural caring and the memory of it

5 Ethical Ideal “Our best picture of ourselves caring and being cared for” Both constrained and attainable Fully relational, built up in response to others

6 Commitment “I must”—I might reject it
Temptation: “I must” to “something must be done” Then I do not care Caring requires me to respond with an act of commitment

7 Comparison with Kant Kant: there is one and only one unqualified good, a good will But what is a good will? Kant: (1) one that decides on the basis of universal considerations; (2) one that treats others with respect Noddings defends another, common sense answer: (3) one that cares.

8 Consequences Like Kant, this implies that consequences are not ethically important What matters isn’t how well things turn out So, what does matter? What I considered How fully I received the other Whether my caring helped the other pursue projects

9 Source What’s the source of the initial “I must”?
It is immediate, and arises directly— like infant crying in the night The source is natural

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