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Solving Today’s Problems to Create a Better World

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Today’s Problems to Create a Better World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Today’s Problems to Create a Better World
-Introducing The Explainer-

2 The World is a Mess We are not currentally able to solve the complex problems that the world is presenting to us. When we cannot solve the problems that adversely affect us, we become frustrated. Frustration leads to anger, hostility, and irrational behavior. This leads to the world being in a mess.

3 Cause-and-Effects Life flows from situation to situation by means of cause-and-effects. That is, each situation is the cause of the next situation. We can use cause-and-effects to figure out what is going on. Cause-and-effects can be used to solve problems.

4 The Explainer The Explainer uses cause-and-effects to solve complex problems we had not be able to solve previously. Given a problem, we develop a system of cause-and-effects pertinent to that problem. Then we can trace paths from things we can do to find their effects on the goal to be achieved. A path is a sequence of cause-and-effects such that each effect except the last is the cause of the next effect. A path can also be called a mechanism. There can be multiple mechanisms between an initial cause and the goal we wish to achieve.

5 Resolving Disagreements
People often disagree because they don’t see all the cause-and-effects that affect a problem. They often see different subsets of the cause-and-effects. This leads them to disagree. The Explainer presents them with a broader scope of cause-and-effects that will show them a better picture upon which they can agree.

6 Cause-and-Effects have many interesting properties
Cause-and-effects can: Form paths between what action is taken to determine its effect on a desired goal. For each action, they can show the side-effects of taking that action. The side-effects are the other effects in the path. With anything less, while trying to solve one problem, one is likely to create other more serious problems. Form sequences of cause-and-effects that are circuits. Circuits can be caused by other causes to cycle in either of two directions. Usually one direction turns out to be favorable and the other is unfavorable.

7 The Explainer An effect with no consequence is only an abstraction.
So we give each effect a value of either preferable (+) or less preferable (-). A cause-and-effect itself can have either of two properties. Either the value of the effect moves in the Same direction as the cause, Or it moves in the Opposite direction of the cause.

8 The Explainer Some of the effects in the system of cause-and-effects will not have any causes that occur within the system. They are called primitives. But one can introduce causes for these primitives from outside the system. These are actions we can take.

9 Simple Cause-and-Effects Taken from a Large Economic Problem
At first it might be thought that creating a system of cause-and-effects would be too difficult. Consider these simple cause-and-effects: An increase in automation causes joblessness. Current austerity causes a decrease in disposable income. We worked on an economic problem which had 54 cause-and-effects. Individually the cause-and-effects were simple. Together they showed many surprising results.

10 Large Economic Problem
It showed for example that: There are multiple paths showing the effects of ‘Severe deficit reduction’ on ‘Future prosperity’. There is a path showing that faster ‘Severe deficit reduction’ has a positive effect on ‘Future prosperity’ by lowering the amount of deficit to be paid off by future generations. Another path shows that reducing ‘Severe deficit reduction’ more slowly allows for investment in education, infrastructure and research that makes those in the future more prosperous and better able to pay off the investment made in their future prosperity. We didn’t tell the Explainer that. It told us that through the paths in the cause-and-effects.

11 How the Cause-and-Effects Can Be Entered
An S or O entry shows the cause of the column produces the effect of the row. T

12 The Array for the Economic Problem
CAUSES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Big businesses have cash hoard S Automation Joblessness / Low payrolls O E Current austerity F Government guarantees loans by big businesses to small businesses High financial uncertainty about future C Tax increase on wealthy T Stimulus and Quantitative easing Small businesses do not have investments to be profitable Tax decrease on rest Belief that increase in wealth at top will create jobs Increase in disposable income Fear Congress will not resolve fiscal crisis Small businesses unable to invest in themselves Big businesses invest in or take over small businesses Severe deficit reduction Small businesses profitable Future prosperity and Competitive advantage over other countries Decrease deficit burden on future generations Spending on education, infrastructure, and research

13 But the difficulty is: We are having trouble getting people to understand and use the method so that the difficult problems that face us in this modern, extremely complex world are getting solved. Thank you for working with me to help to find a better way to explain this. People like you will be needed to make this easier to understand so it can be used to solve today’s problems to create a better world.

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