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Warm Up Who is the father of the Declaration of Independence?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Who is the father of the Declaration of Independence?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Who is the father of the Declaration of Independence?
Which philosopher believed in separation of powers? What provides the supreme law of the land? List one type of the government. 1. Thomas Jefferson 2. Baron de Montesquieu 3. The Constitution 4. oligarchy, democracy, or autocracy

2 Articles of Confederation (1781-88)
Civics Standard 12 LG: I will diagram the different events and documents that shaped the creation of the Constitution by creating a timeline.

3 Colonial Cartoon

4 Thomas Jefferson

5 Declaration of Independence, July 1776

6 13 Colonies

7 I. American Revolution, 1776 After independence the 13 States wanted a confederation or “league of friendship” Afraid of a strong central gov’t

8 Second Continental Congress

9 Independence Hall

10 Inside Indep. Hall

11 II. Weaknesses Could NOT collect taxes or regulate trade
Laws needed the approval of 9 of the 13 states Could NOT force anyone to obey laws Changing the Articles required the approval of all 13 states No executive branch [president] No national court system

12 Gov’t under Articles

13 Cartoon

14 Cartoon 2

15 Independence Days

16 Create a Timeline Purpose: To trace the key documents and events leading to the creation of the U.S. Constitution. Directions: Use pages to put the following events and documents into the correct order. Then put the events on a timeline starting in 1215 & ending in You must include the date, short description, and a picture/symbol for each event. U.S. Constitution Great Fundamentals-1636 Magna Carta Petition of Right-1628 English Bill of Rights Mayflower Compact-1620 Articles of Confederation-1781 Shay’s Rebellion-1786 Declaration of Independence Northwest Ordinance-1787 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut-1639




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