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Installation toolkit and deployment of Globus in Pisa

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1 Installation toolkit and deployment of Globus in Pisa
GRID Installation toolkit and deployment of Globus in Pisa Development of a toolkit for installation of Globus Setup and test of Globus in Pisa Zhen Xie , INFN-Pisa

2 Development of a toolkit for installation of Globus (1) -- Why should we do it? does not provide an installation toolkit and a precompiled package. Pisa is part of the Globus deployment taskforce inside the INFN-GRID project. Our goal is to automatize and standardize the installation procedure of Globus for INFN test-beds. Zhen Xie , INFN-Pisa

3 Development of a toolkit for installation of Globus (2) --Design and implementation
We compile the Globus package and distribute it with our toolkit of semi-automatic installation. Our toolkit includes two major scripts written in bash: one for installation and the other for the system configuration. The toolkit is designed in modules: user can run one or all steps of the procedure; use the INFN or the default setup. Zhen Xie , INFN-Pisa

4 Installation script menu System setup script menu
================================= (1) Copy INFNGRID tar files from /afs/ to download dir (2) Decompress and untar INFNGRID distribution files in install dir (3) Configure INFNGRID software (4) Globus Setup (5) Configure GRAM services (6) Globus local deploy (7) GIIS Configuration (8) GDMP Installation (q) Quit (h) Help ============================= (1) modify system files and reactivate the inetd daemon (2) change owner to root of certain files for tighter security (3) modify system wide login files (4) start/restart Globus now (5) configure gsi-wuftpd and restart the inetd daemon (6) configure gdmp and start the gdmp_server (q) Quit (h) Help Zhen Xie , INFN-Pisa

5 Development of a toolkit for installation of Globus (3) -- Does it work?
The toolkit has been tested at several INFN sites, CERN and FNAL It has been tested on different platforms: RedHat Linux 6.1, SunSolaris 2.6 (Ultra) It has been tested for the INFN setup (at INFN sites) and the default setup (at other sites). Zhen Xie , INFN-Pisa

6 Development of a toolkit for installation of Globus (4) --Who we are and our plan
F.Donno, A.Sciaba`, A.Controzzi, Z.Xie Contact address: An on-line manual of the toolkit can be found at : We’ll continue to support the toolkit. Some new features are foreseen, however, no drastic change is expected before the next major release of Globus. Zhen Xie , INFN-Pisa

7 Setup and test of Globus in Pisa (1) --resources
The following resources are available for testing Globus in Pisa: one farm of 5 PC running Linux (CMS); one PC running Linux (ATLAS). There are 3 more PC arriving for the INFN-GRID project. Zhen Xie , INFN-Pisa

8 Setup and test of Globus in Pisa (2) --setup of a PC farm
PC1 acts as a gateway: it is the local GIIS server and regularly it registers itself to the INFN central GIIS; it is the gatekeeper who provides the GRAM service. PC2-PC5 are client machines. Globus is installed and deployed on PC1 and globus installation directory is mounted on PC2-PC5 via NFS. Zhen Xie , INFN-Pisa

9 GIIS Dc=infn,dc=it, o=grid Dc=mi,Dc=infn, Dc=pi, Dc=infn, dc=it,o=grid
Top Level INFN GIIS Milano Pisa Dc=mi,Dc=infn, dc=it,o=grid Dc=pi, Dc=infn, dc=it,o=grid GIIS GIIS GRAM/GRIS CLIENT Zhen Xie , INFN-Pisa

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