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Gasunie is one of the biggest gas infrastructure companies in Europe

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2 Gasunie is one of the biggest gas infrastructure companies in Europe
Gasunie is one of the biggest gas infrastructure companies in Europe. Within the company, we give safety the highest priority; it forms the basis of our license to operate. We abide by the strictest safety, health and environmental standards, both for our own employees and for our external contractors. Gasunie’s safety policy is thus characterised by a proactive approach which is designed to prevent accidents, incidents and hazardous situations.

3 Traffic safety For many people, driving to, during and from work is a matter of daily routine. However, road traffic accidents claim too many lives each year. Many of these accidents could have been prevented by adopting a different style of driving that was more appropriate to the road conditions. A different way of driving can also help to reduce the burden on the environment. Other risks are associated with new construction or maintenance work along the roadside. These risks must also be prevented wherever possible. Remain alert at all times when you are working. If in any doubt, always ask or suspend activities where necessary.

4 Road traffic accidents - 98% due to human failure
General causes: - ‘automatism’, routine attitude, feeling of overfamiliarity - not (or no longer) recognising risks - failure to note dangers in time - poor assessment of unsafe situations - insufficient mastery of vehicle to prevent emergency situations Causes of traffic incidents at Gasunie - Insufficient distance maintained between vehicles leading to shunting - Poor visibility - Glare from low level sunlight - Aquaplaning - Inattention when reversing

5 Conditions for driving safely
Keep to the traffic regulations, including at installations Start your journey properly rested and stop when you are tired Ensure that the load you are transporting is posing no risk Always remain alert when driving When you are driving, never use your mobile phone unless it is to avert an accident Adapt your driving behaviour to changing circumstances (fog, low level sunlight, temperature)

6 How to avoid a shunting accident
Keep your distance when driving and when at a standstill (e.g. at traffic lights) Use all your mirrors Adjust your head and neck rest correctly Press your head, neck and back hard against your seat and headrest if you see a car reversing towards you How to prevent accidents caused by glare Use your sun visors Make sure your windows are clean (inside and out) Keep your sunglasses within reach Keep extra distance from the vehicle in front if the sun is low, to anticipate unexpected braking: the distance maintained should be at least half your speed in metres (i.e. 50 metres distance at a speed of 100 km/h)

7 How to prevent aquaplaning (skidding)
Safety aspects to observe when reversing Always park only in designated parking places/areas General rule: never reverse without help if you are in any doubt Heavy rolling stock: reversing signal or help with reversing Safety aspects to observe during cold or wet weather Reduced road grip as temperature declines Adapt braking distance to wet road surface Porous asphalt (ZOAB) absorbs spray but you should still anticipate a change in road surface Be aware of the risk of aquaplaning during heavy rainfall Winter tyres provide better grip in temperatures below 7°C Your safety belt will not work as effectively if you are wearing thick clothing average speed greater speed high speed normal contact with road surface less contact with road surface no contact with road surface - aquaplaning

8 Roadside work Risks of roadside work
Being hit by a vehicle Aggression/violence Poor weather conditions Measures to take to prevent roadside work accidents Wear an orange safety vest Always be alert to the traffic Ensure that the work area is safely cordoned off Park the vehicle safely Consult with the road supervisor about any traffic measures that may be needed (for work that lasts more than 1 hour) Make sure you are clearly visible in the evening and at night. In short: ensure a safe workplace

9 The new approach to driving
Slowing your speed Taking corners and roundabouts safely Anticipating and keeping your distance Regularly check tyre pressure Avoid consuming extra energy with open windows and air conditioning Use cruise control as much as possible Anticipatory driving behaviour on approaching roundabouts What are the benefits of the new approach to driving? You can drive in a more relaxed way This means safer driving You can save a lot on fuel costs It is more eco-friendly

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