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Career Academy Impact on Student Acheivement

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1 Career Academy Impact on Student Acheivement

2 50% of all high school students enrolled in an Academy
Academies of Pinellas Partnership with Career Education Board Established Goals 2012 – 2017 50% of all high school students enrolled in an Academy 35% of high school graduates will have at least one industry certification

3 Current Status of AOP Goals
52 Registered CAPE Academies 12 middle school 40 high school Academies of Pinellas Enrollment – 53% Graduates with Industry Certification – 27%

4 AOP Site Visit Rubric

5 2 – Initial Implementation 3 – Full Implementation
# CATEGORY 0 – No Evidence 1 – Planning 2 – Initial Implementation 3 – Full Implementation 4 – Exemplary Implementation 4 Implement an Advisory Committee There is no evidence of an advisory committee(s). There is evidence that potential advisory committee members have been contacted and have indicated a willingness to participate. Advisory members have been confirmed and a meeting has been held with minutes taken. Individual members have begun interaction by visiting the Academy. At least three Advisory Committee meetings have taken place in the past year, and minutes of the meeting have been recorded. Recommendations and meeting minutes are on file. Fifty-one (51) percent or greater of the committee must be industry, and community. Advisory Committee meetings have taken place at least four times annually for the past two years and minutes of the meeting have been recorded. Recommendations have been made and implemented. Seventy-five (75) percent or greater of the committee must be industry, and community. 5 Engage students in Work-based Learning Work-based learning is not currently part of the curriculum. Curriculum has correlation to work-based learning, and personnel can show how meaningful experiences are planned throughout the program. However, there is no implementation. Work-based learning has been achieved on a limited basis but without sustainability. Participation is limited. Work-based learning is being practiced with sustainable industry partners. Work-based learning is an integral part of the curriculum. There is evidence that program concentrators have had multiple work-based opportunities. . 6 Include Industry Certification or a Career Education Board approved alternative as part of the Academy There is no evidence of industry certification exams even though they are available. The Academy can show plans to administer industry certification exams though none have been done to date. The Academy has administered one or more industry certification exams to students. There is evidence that at least 75% of Academy program concentrators from the prior year attempted the available certification exam(s) and the overall pass rate is equal to or greater than the previous year. There is evidence that 90% of Academy program concentrators from the prior year attempted the available certification exam(s) and the overall pass rate is equal to or greater than the previous year. 7 Implement Personal Student Advisement with Parents/Guardians There is no evidence that student advisement with parents/guardians is offered to Academy students. There is evidence that the Academy is planning advisement activities to include participation of students and parents/guardians. There is evidence that the Academy holds at least one activity annually to inform parents/guardians and students about program(s) of study and includes information about Bright Futures. There is evidence that the Academy holds at least one annual Academy parent/guardian/student workshop or comparable activity and maintains documentation of attendees. Information from that workshop shows that parents/guardians and students receive information regarding Bright Futures, program(s) of study, postsecondary programs and careers. There is evidence that the Academy and school provide for follow-up individualized advising sessions for students and parents/guardians as appropriate after the annual workshop. Additionally, the Academy can demonstrate website offerings that include links to postsecondary sites and to Bright Futures as well as quarterly postings for parents/guardians and students about career opportunities.


7 Academy Student Performance

8 GPA - Black Students

9 Grad Rate by Gender

10 Graduation Rate – Black Students

11 Industry Certifications
6,617 5,104 to date Middle School as of January   3,815 2,722 2,222 1,333

12 Graduation Rate 2015 78.3% 13.0 % increase since 2011 for all students 17.5 % increase since 2011 for black students 18.7 % increase since 2011 for Hispanic students Year Year Year Year % (All Students) % (Black Students) % (Hispanic Students)

13 Questions and Contacts
Mark Hunt, Executive Director, Career Technical and Adult Education, Pinellas County Schools

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