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Tunes,Melodies and Texture

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1 Tunes,Melodies and Texture
Unit 2 Tunes,Melodies and Texture

2 Melody What is a Melody? A musical line, with direction, shape, and structure The main part in the music that we listen to

3 Harmony More than 2 notes played at the same time
Most times played as chords, both major and minor Used to support the melody

4 Texture Monophonic: Single melody line only
( Ex. Kyrie Trope/Chant) Homophonic: Melody supported by harmonies Polyphonic: Many melodies played together all related, best know as rounds, canons,and fugues

5 Form Through composed, one melody only
Form is set of guidelines that composers use to create music. A basic set of rules Binary form, or two parts A-B or chorus/verse Ternary form A-B-A Compund Binary Coumpound Ternary

6 Terms Introduction, short part at the beginning of the song, not part of the form Bridge, A transition section, often times changes keys Coda, added ending

7 Dymanics The relative volume of the music Loud vs.Soft Forte =Loud
Piano =Soft Crescendo= gradually grow louder Decrescendo= gradually grow softer

8 The Beatles

9 The Beatles

10 Yesterday Sound Source: Men’s voice,guitar and strings
Concept: Ballad, Love Song ,sense of loss Behavior: Listening & reflecting Form: AABA coda, ternary Texture Homophonic

11 Yemon Beni Sound Source: Male Voice, primative string instrument,drums,& finger cymbals Concept: Indian folk song, telling of a story Behavior: Street Begging, Enterainment Form: AB, binary, verse refrain

12 Franz Schubert

13 Franz Schubert Best known for his 600 songs/lieders and his Seven Symphonies Mostly unknown during his brief life, His music and he only became famous after his death at the age of 31 1 of 14 children and only 5 survived past age 1 His early musical training was with his father, a teacher and school headmaster

14 Who Is Sylvia Sound Source: male voice & piano
Concept: Expression of Love Behavior: Impress girlfriend, parlor music & listening Form: Through Composed,one part Texture: Homophonic

15 Who Is Sylvia Who is Sylvia,what is she
That all our swains commend her? Holy, fair,and wise is she; The heavens such grace did lend her That she might admired

16 Who Is Sylvia Is she kind as she is fair? Love doth to her eyes repair
To help him of his blindness And, being helped inhabitits there.

17 Who Is Sylvia Then to Sylvia let us sing That Sylvia is excelling;
She excels each mortal thing Upon the dull earthdwelling;

18 Sumer Is Icumen In “ Summer is Coming In”
Dating for 1240 One of the first known secular songs Secular means not church music Four part round with two added voices

19 Sumer Is Icumen In “ Summer is Coming In”
Sound Source: male voices Concept: Celebrating the arrival of summer Behavior: Rejoining the arrival of Summer Form: Through Composed,one part Texture: Polyphonic

20 Prelude and Fugue BWV 847 in C minor
Sound Source: Harpsichord and Moog synthesizer Concept: constant harmonic motion, introducing various melodic phrases, showing off Behavior: Movement & excitment Form: prelude Through Composed,one part homophonic Texture: Fugue, Polyphonic Though Composed

21 J.S. Bach

22 J.S. Bach 1685-1750 German Composer & Musician
Born into a musical family Youngest of 8 children First taught by his father Both his parent’s died when he was 10 Lived with his old brother Enrolled in a famous music 15 A two week walk from home

23 J.S. Bach Develop his musical skills at this time both as a composer and organist/musician Married 1st wife in 1707 she died in 1720 Married second wife in 1721, she was 16 years younger than Bach Poor health in has last few years Died in 1750 after two failed eye operations

24 Moog

25 Moog Syntheizer

26 Moog Inventor of the Moog Synthesizer
Had degrees in electrical engineering Founded two companies the developed and sold synthesizers and related instruments

27 Billy Joel 1949- Born Levittown New York

28 The Longest Time Sound Source: Men’s voices
Concept: Ballad, Love Song ,sense of loss Behavior: Listening & reflecting Form: BAABAC/bridgeAC/bridge AB Texture Homophonic


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