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Eg Derek Isn’t Really Tired

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1 Eg Derek Isn’t Really Tired
What could DIRT stand for? How many phrases can you come up with? Eg Derek Isn’t Really Tired eRefs for the most creative!

2 Dedicated Improvement & Reflection Time
Learning Objective: To understand how to improve my Island Assessment step

3 DIRT: Why bother? Each group to list as many activities as possible which involve practice/repetition in order to be an expert. (eg playing a violin)

4 Be proud of your assessment!
Read your assessment now. Using green pen, practice any spellings you have been asked to in the margin. Choose one aspect of your assessment which you are proud of. Write a sentence to explain why you are proud of this. (I am most proud of the way I …. because …..

5 Read your mark sheet In pairs share your Wildern Steps. Discuss what you must have done to get that Step. Compare your targets. Are they the same? Different? Discuss what your target means Write your target on your Target Log sheet Kagan line up to pair up pupils

6 Cocktail Party! Explain that during cocktail parties, guests enjoy nibbles and drinks whilst meeting lots of different people – they can be business events for people to network and find new opportunities. There would have been cocktail parties on the cruise ship which took their characters to the Island. While music plays, pupils are to walk around as though at a cocktail party and talk to as many people as possible. They need to share their target and give advice to each other on how to achieve this target.

7 Return to original seat!
Choose a paragraph of your assessment to redraft. How will you fulfil your target and improve it? Redraft time!

8 Peer Marking Criteria: Peer Marking Golden Rule!
Peer Assessing Peer Marking Criteria: Read their work carefully You need to write in your best handwriting as you are writing in someone else’s book Think carefully about what you can say to help them Say what you like about their work Give them helpful and positive comments so they can improve their work next time Think about what you can learn from them Peer Marking Golden Rule! Be Kind Be Specific Be Helpful

9 Handy Review I found this difficult today… A skill I used today was…
I showed commitment to my learning by… Thumbs up! Pointing Cursing Commitment Pinky promise! Today I learnt… Handy Review I need to improve…

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