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Roots One - Four Review 9/12/2018.

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1 Roots One - Four Review 9/12/2018

2 Roots One ego = i, me mono = one, only migra = wander bibl = book
auto = self man = hand 9/12/2018

3 Roots Two 1. pan = all 2. omni = all 3. dis = take away, not
4. graph = writing 5. geo = earth 6. super = over, above 9/12/2018

4 Roots Three 1. ab = away from, separation 2. sens = aware, intelligent
3. bio = life 4. ex, e = out, out of 5. con = together, with 6. derm = skin 9/12/2018

5 Roots Four 1. voc = call 2. ten = hold 3. pend = hang
4. hab = have, live 5. civ = citizen 6. sub = under 9/12/2018

Talk at any point during the quiz you will get a zero! Even if you’re done or don't have a quiz in front of you YOU NEED TO turn in Roots 4 (place it in proper basket) Set up for the Roots 4 Quiz: PRIVACY BOARD PENCIL AND PEN WHEN DONE: turn quiz over (facing down) Raise hand for ROOTS 1-4 REVIEW BOOK TO READ NO WARM UP TODAY! 9/12/2018

7 Your Task Using a combination of the Roots from
units 1-4 to create words (real or make believe). You must give a definition of the word, part of speech (noun, adjective, verb, adverb), and then use it in a sentence that shows complete understanding of the word. 9/12/2018

8 Example: geoderm = dirt or earth skin. Noun.
We wanted to plant a tree, so we went to the store and bought fresh geoderm. 9/12/2018

9 Another Example: disconnect – not together; to separate; to sever or interrupt the connection of or between something. Noun or verb. During the storm we lost power and the phone, internet and TV became disconnected. 9/12/2018

10 Earth Quake Drill THIS IS PRACTICE (practice makes perfect)
TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY (citizenship grade) Duck and cover (under desk/hold on to desk) PROTECT face and eyes (from flying/breaking objects) EVACUATE (as if it was a fire drill) 9/12/2018

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