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University B.T. & Evening College, Coochbehar

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1 University B.T. & Evening College, Coochbehar
Seminar On Air Pollution by: Priyanka Chowdhury Roll No.:51, Session:

2 What is Pollution ? Pollution is an undesirable alteration in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of our air, land and water that harmfully affect the human life and the desirable species or that may waste or deteriorate our raw material resources.

3 Types of POLLUTION Pollution can be categorized under following bases:
On the basis of part of environment where it occurs most Air Pollution Water Pollution Soil Pollution On the basis of origin Natural Anthropogenic On the basis of physical nature of pollutants Gaseous Pollution Dust Pollution Thermal Pollution Noise Pollution Radioactive Pollution

4 Air Pollution

5 Definition : Air pollution refers to the undesirable change occurring in air causing harmful effects on man, domestic species, flora etc.

6 Sources of Air Pollution :
Natural Sources Volcanic Eruptions releasing poisonous gasses like SO2, H2S,CO etc Forest Fires Natural Organic and inorganic decays Pollen grains of flowers Soil debris Fungus pores Green plant releasing CO2 Anthropogenic Sources Deforestation Dust generating process Combustion Manufacturing process Rapid industrialization Agricultural activities Nuclear energy activities

7 Principal types of air pollutant:
Gases CO2, CO, SO2, NOX, H2S, Cl2 etc Chemicals Arsenic, Benzene, Formaldehyde, Mn etc Secondary air pollutants SO2, Smog, NO2, OH etc Particulate matters Viable Non- Viable Mists Smoke Fumes Dust or Aerosols Contd…

8 Radioactive Substances Hydrocarbons Toxicants Metallic Pollutants
Benzene, Toluene etc Toxicants PAN, Acetic acid, Chloroform etc Metallic Pollutants Al, Be, Cd Ni, Mn etc Fluorocarbons

9 Effects of Air Pollution

10 Effects on Human Sl No. Pollutant Source Ill effects on man 1
SOX such as SO2, SO3 Coal & oil combustion, electric power plant, smelting of metallic ores containing sulphur. Causes chest constrictions, head ache, vomiting & death from respiratory ailments 2 H2S Refineries & chemical industries Causes nausea, irritates eyes and throat 3 NOX such as NO2, N2O and NO Soft coal, automobile exhaust, fertilizers & explosive industries Pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary emphysema 4 CO Burning of coal, gasoline, automobile exhaust Reduce O2 carrying capacity of blood 5 Aldehydes Thermal decomposition of fats, oils or glycerol Irritate nasal and respiratory tracts. HCHO is a potential carcinogen 6 NH3 Explosive & fertilizer plants Inflames upper respiratory passages 7 Arsenics as Arsenic(III)oxide Smelting of ores Causes gastrointestinal disorder, smaller doses are carcinogenic for skin and lung

11 Effects on Plants Pollution Type Source Effect Acid Rain
Heavy industry such as electricity generation, steel works and Smelters Causes direct damage especially to evergreen trees CO Incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials Most plants are insensitive to CO levels but at higher concentrations (100 – 10,000 ppm), it causes leaf drop, leaf curly, reduction in leaf size, premature ageing etc. It inhibits cellular respiration in plants by reacting with cytochrome oxidase enzyme system Fluoride Aluminum, smelting and Brick works Leaf edges become necrotic. Accumulates in the leaves and interferes with respiration and photosynthesis. Fluoride burns the tip of the leaf. Ozone Formed when car exhaust fumes react with sunlight Damages leaf cell-walls. May lead to magnesium deficiency. Causes stomata to close and leaves to wilt. Sulphur dioxide Burning coal, iron and steel works Causes chlorosis of leaves, impairs photosynthesis and increased respiration.

12 Ecological effects of Air Pollution
Acid Rain Ozone Depletion Greenhouse Effect Smog Pollution Injury to livestock Soiling of Materials Reduction in visibility Effects on climate

13 Control of Air Pollution
Use of high chimneys Removal of air pollutants from fuel Control of Exhaust pollution Proper treatment of Organic wastes Development of green areas Bioremediation

14 ~ Thank You ~

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