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Jason Vocabulary #1.

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Presentation on theme: "Jason Vocabulary #1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jason Vocabulary #1

2 calceus, calceī = m., shoe

3 cupiditas, cupiditatis = f., desire

4 pueritia, pueritiae = f., childhood, boyhood

5 species, specieī = f., appearance, sight

6 brevis, breve = short

7 caveō, cavēre, cavi, cauturus = beware, take precautions against

8 morior, morī, mortuus = die

9 eripiō, eripere, eripuī, ereptus = snatch away, remove, save

10 ferō, ferre, tulī, latus = bear, bring, carry
compounds: affero (bring to) refero (bring back, report)

11 eō, īre, iī, iturus = go compounds: redeo (go back, return)
adeo (go to, approach) abeo (go away, depart) pereo (perish, pass away, be lost)

12 undique = from all sides

13 vellus, velleris = n., fleece, wool

14 arcesso, arcessere, arcivī, arcitus = summon

15 consuescō, consuescere, consuevi, consuetus = become accustomed; (in perf.) be accustomed

16 utor, utī, usus = use (+ abl.)

17 interea = meanwhile

18 libenter = willingly, gladly

19 paulō = a little

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