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Preparatory Lecture Vo2 max and LIP testing.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparatory Lecture Vo2 max and LIP testing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparatory Lecture Vo2 max and LIP testing

2 Today General comments and instructions Group time to make decisions
Information Procedure Results Questions Discussion Group time to make decisions

3 General comments What are your impressions of the labs so far?
Aim of labs- apply theory to practice Use of voice- how (projection, tone etc) and what you say Explanations- make clear Instructions- Be direct Participants- identify beforehand, ensure ready Rest of the class- must be actively involved

4 Report Needs to be submitted before you start presenting
Should be more detailed than powerpoint Needs in text referencing Details in lab manual

5 Your lab 2 participants will complete LIP testing
May be male/female; elite/non-elite Increased intensity every 5 minutes Record Speed (intensity), HR, PRE, Lactate every 5 minutes Then increase intensity by 0.5 km/hr (Incremental exercise) Decisions in blue

6 Information Explain things differently!!!
Lactate Inflexion point Determinants of LIP Relationship between LIP/Vo2 max Gender differences in LIP Gender differences Vo2 max Elite/ Non Elite differences – Chronic adaptations

7 LIP Point where lactate accumulation increases exponentially due to increased exercise intensity In early stages of incremental testing, when workload is relatively easy, body is generating ATP aerobically As gets harder- needs higher and higher contribution from anaerobic glycolysis Lactate generated If lactate production exceeds removal, it accumulates Therefore indicates endurance capabilities as elite athletes will be able to cater for ATP demands for a longer period of time by aerobic means Because have increased Cardiac output, RBC capacity to carry oxygen and extract it from the bloodstream. etc

8 Determinants of LIP All things affected by oxygen delivery, uptake; lactate dissipation; and acid buffering HR, SV, Diffusion of oxygen, number RBC, bicarbonate levels Gender- more details later Age- children can’t use glycolytic system as efficiently (reduced phosphofructokinase) but relative LIP is similar to equally trained adults (Wilmore, Costill, & Kenney, 2008, p 392) Training- trained athletes have higher LIP relative to Vo2 max (LIP occurs at higher intensity of exercise

9 Relationship between LIP/Vo2 max
Expressed in relative terms LIP is normally expressed as a percentage of an individual’s Vo2 max Lip reflects maximum capacity of aerobic system

10 Gender differences in LIP
LIP similar in equally trained men and women if expressed relative to Vo2 max (Wilmore, Costill, & Kenney, 2008, p 430)

11 Elite/ Non Elite differences
Chronic adaptations to training Blood lactate tolerance (LIP) adapts faster than Vo2 max (Denis et al., 1984 Cited by Bourdon, 2000) By training at or just above LIP, can increase the intensity at which it occurs.

12 Preparation Participants Decide- gender/trained/same Clothing Fluids
Food, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine Avoid strenuous exercise immediately before Sleep Decide- gender/trained/same

13 Assistants This is a strenuous test- consider participant interest and wellbeing Warm up- calculate 20% HR and warm up on treadmill Water boy/girl Someone to obtain step /beep test Vo2 max information Timer- stopwatch Speed Setter- calculate and increase during test Heart rate monitor monitor- fit and record Recorder- anecdotal comments Lactate measurement (2 people) Enter results into computer Cool down Decide- How will you designate assistants?- make it direct and interesting

14 Procedure Treadmill at 3% incline
5 min warm up on treadmill at a low speed (~6 km/hr)  20% Vo2 max HR Subject straddles treadmill Take lactate, PRE, HR Increase speed by 0.5km/hr Continue for 5 minutes Etc until: 30 minutes Subject wishes to stop Subject in danger of severe fatigue/fainting Lactate >

15 Equipment 2 treadmills Heart rate monitor Stopwatches calculators
Lactate- only one machine DVD/TV/Music Due to only one lactate measurement, will have to either stagger the start of the participants, or do one at a time

16 Results Results table Will be available on my computer  WebCT

17 Discussion Overview- what happened today??? What was found?

18 Questions 1- Graph results- two x –axes
2- What did you notice? Observations 3- What is lactate inflexion point? 4- %vo2 max calculation and reasons for differences Non-athletes 50-60% Vo2 max, trained athletes 70-80% max Gender- genetic Trained- chronic adaptations 5- as coach- use to inform training practice- HR at which they are training aerobically/ anaerobically

19 Fox and Haskell

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