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Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements &

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1 Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements &
COGHSTA Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements 15 november 2016

2 Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements &
2016/17 1st SEMESTER DELIVERABLES AND BUDGETS 2016/17 1ST SEMESTER Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

3 Summary of Performance: (Non Financials)
Programmes Planned Target 1 April 2016 to 30 September 2016 Actual Delivery Variance (under achievement must reflect a negative figure) Sites Units Other UISP - 264 694 340 New Individual units 368 652 189 -179 FLISP 15 6 -9 Military Veterans* 50 30 -20 Title Deeds: Pre 1994 700 401 -299 Title Deeds: Post 1994 2800 1186 -1614 Title Deeds: New dev 200 40 -160 Total 697 3700 919 1627 132 -2013 Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

4 Summary of Performance: (Financials): R
Programmes Planned: Budget 1 April September 2016 R’000 Actual : Expenditure 1 April 2016 to 30 September2016 Variance (under achievement must reflect a negative figure) Sites Units Other UISP 39 483 34 907 - 22 225 38 721 3814 New Individual units* 3 000 71 162 773 31 185 -2227 FLISP 1 091 360 -731 Other programmes * (not MTSF) 11 778 25 128 Military Veterans 13 198 2 534 Title Deeds: Pre 1994 1 125 488 -637 Title Deeds: Post 1994 4 555 1 452 -3 103 Title Deeds: New dev 300 67 -233 Total 42 483 17 758 22 998 72 800 27 135 Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

5 Draw downs and expenditure analysis as at 30 September 2016
Month Drawdown Expenditure Balance % 01 April 2016 6 01 May 2016 40 01 June 2016 91 01 July 2016 85 01 August 2016 - 01 September 2016  TOTAL 77 Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

6 Draw downs and expenditure analysis as at 30 September 2016
Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

7 TOP STRUCTURES AT VARIOUS LEVELS OF CONSTRUCTION (payments made during the 1st SEMESTER of 2016/17)
LEVEL OF CONSTRUCTION (Partially complete outputs) NUMBER OF STRUCTURES (not reported previously) AMOUNT R'000 FOUNDATION/ SLABS COMPLETED 314 4 154 WALL PLATE (Not yet roof) 239 10 755 ROOF (Finishes not completed/ not yet signed off/ not counted as completed unit) 468 19 992 FINISHES (SCCCA , PLUMBING , ELECTRICITY, CEILING , APRONS AND PAINTING) - TOTAL 1 021 34 901 Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

8 Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements &
PROGRESS Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

9 Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements &
Challenges The underperformance on the delivery of top structures is attributed to the slow performance by local contractors and limited local supply of materials The first quarter has been hampered by the late approval of the Human Settlements Grant business plan Local Municipalities were only informed of their allocations late in the quarter and procurement of projects was delayed in order to await final approval Non-compliance with NHBRC regulations on top structures causing delays in completion of work and lagging expenditure Adverse outcomes of stability testing conducted in mining towns with soil classifications of D3 and D4 as per NHBRC guidelines Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

10 Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements &
Challenges (Cont) The department is dependent on conveyancers to effect registrations Delay in the release of tribal and state land Delays in registration of title deeds by Cape Town and Vryburg Deeds offices Deceased beneficiaries Untraceable beneficiaries Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

11 Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements &
Thank you Department: Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs Northern Cape COGHSTA

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