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The French Revolution Brainpop

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1 The French Revolution Brainpop
Chapter 6

2 6.1 The Revolution Begins Old Order Divided into estates
King Louis and wife Marie Antoinette (Austria) Spent to much $, Divided into estates First – Catholic clergy, 1%, no taxes, some very wealthy Second – nobility, 2%, important positions in gov’t and military, few taxes, large estates or king’s court Third – largest, 97%, bourgeoisie (merchants, factory owners, pro’s), sans culottes (artisans and workers), peasants (farmed nobles land, pay taxes, labor w/o pay Inequality and Enlightenment (Colonists) ideas inspired French revolution


4 First Events of the Revolution
1789 – King calls Estates General (1st 175 years) Each estate brought a list of grievances One vote each Third Estate – disagreed, formed National Assembly King locked them out of their meeting – met in indoor tennis court – tennis court oath – new constitution King brought troops to Paris and Versailles Members of National Assembly stormed old prison, the Bastille, to get weapons  symbol of French Rev.

5 Creating a New Nation National Assembly (members of the 3rd Estate)
Removed First Estate’s privileges Sold church land to pay debts Made clergy public employees Downgraded king and queen to commoners Adopted Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen Basic principle of revolution All men were equal and able to vote National Assembly, now controlled by radicals Elected new legislature – National Convention Abolished monarchy, created Republic

6 Guillotine The new killing machine called the Guillotine, it was a pulley system with a sharp razor sliding down to cut heads off prisoners. Guillotine created by Joseph Guillotin, a doctor who wanted a more humane way to die.


8 Chapter 6.2 The Republic Radical Government
Three men important roles in new gov’t all members of Mountain political party Jean-Paul Marat – radical – violent methods George-Jacques Danton – radical  compromise Maximilien Robespierre – radical – led National Convention

9 Divided into 3 political groups

10 National Convention placed Louis XVI on trial
accused of treason-going against own country. January 23, 1793 beheaded – guillotine – Foreign troops deployed at French borders France transformed no monarch churches shut down new religion – worship rev. not God calendar – months renamed

11 Committee of Public Safety
Headed by Robespierre 12 member committee with almost absolute power Used scare tactics on peasants to gain information about counter-revolutions-people rising up again the French Rev. Drafted men, fight against counter-revolutionaries (Foreign countries) Would arrest people suspected of going against French Rev. secret police would stand in bread lines.


13 The Reign of Terror (10 months)
1793 Reign of Terror – people began to accuse, try, execute any opposition executions drew crowds daily Nobles, peasants, and revolutionaries died Robespierre would later die because the majority people wanted to end to the killings, 40,000 total One month in Paris 800 people New government too radical

14 French Revolution Song

15 6.3 Napoleon Young man achieved several military victories.
Admiral Horatio Nelson, commander of the British navy, trapped Napoleon’s ships in Egypt, Nile River. (lied about losses) Became national hero. Napoleon would then mix winning wars with govt. Asked to run the govt. after the Committee of Public Safety would dissolve. Napoleon ruled like a dictator, called himself Emperor. Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States.

16 Napoleonic Wars Great Britain was France’s biggest enemy.
British navy prevented Napoleon from conquering all of Europe. Continental System-French and its allied ships were not allowed to trade with Britain.

17 Napoleon’s Policies Recognized the Roman Catholic Church
Established the Bank of France, and set up an efficient way to collect taxes. Napoleon set up high schools, universities and technical schools to educate young men. Great sense of nationalism-feelings of pride on one’s country.

18 6.4 Napoleon Falls Napoleon helped give the French something to support. France fought against Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain. These countries took advantage of France, during the French Rev.

19 Napoleon attacks Russia
1812 increasing military decreasing support for Continental System Napoleon had new recruits scarce resources could not find the Russians Russians used the scorched-earth policy (burned everything down)

20 Napoleon’s defeat Russian city Moscow was in flames Russian winter and little food defeated Napoleon's army – 600,000 94, 000 October 1813 Battle of Nations Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain Napoleon surrendered in March 1814 Exiled (forced to leave) to Elba, tiny island of coast of Italy

21 The Last Campaigns Napoleon returns to Paris after one year
France had returned to monarchy Louis XVIII – fled to Belgium March 20, 1815 – Hundred Days Battle of Waterloo British Duke of Wellington Dutch, German, Prussian help unsuccessful escape to America, exiled to St. Helena, tiny island in the South Atlantic Napoleon dies at age 51 Napoleon Song

22 The Congress of Vienna met to restore order in Europe
change boundaries, strengthen nations France gave up conquered territory and paid indemnity –fee to countries damaged during war Charles Maurice de Talleyrand represented France on behalf of king made sure territory distributed fairly Prince Klemens von Metternich Austria, reactionary views – Europe before Napoleon Revolution’s Legacy nobility realized Enlightenment Ideas would not go away ideas inspired political movements around the world

23 French Revolution Vocabulary Game
Napoleon Matching Game

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