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Wordly Wise Lesson 5.

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1 Wordly Wise Lesson 5

2 antic (n)- a playful or funny act

3 The clown’s antics made the crowd roar with laughter.

4 What made the crowd roar with laughter?
What do you think antics mean?

5 If the situation described is an example of an antic, say antic.
Wrapping rubber bands around a phone Making funny faces Wrapping an office with aluminum foil Robbing someone

6 attire (n)- clothes, especially fine and expensive clothes.

7 One often needs special attire to be in a wedding party.

8 Attire What do you need to be in a wedding party?
What do you think attire means?

9 Which of the following is an article of attire? Say attire if it is.
A pair of gloves A vest A walking stick A hat

10 captivate captivate (v)- to please greatly; to win over by special charm

11 The cast’s superb acting captivated the young boy’s attention.

12 How did the boy react to the superb acting?
What do you think captivate means?

13 Can you describe an event that has captivated you
Can you describe an event that has captivated you? When I went to the ____________, I was captivated by the ________________ because ____________.

14 deft (n) a hook Deft (adj): quick and sure; skillful at handling.

15 deft What type of soccer player can score a goal using the bicycle kick? What do you think deft means in this sentence? The soccer player’s deft ball control helps her score against her opponent. What other activities require deft skills? _________ requires deft skills because _____________________.

16 If you think a sentence is an example of something deft, say “deft.”
A juggler using more than five things to juggle at one time. A mouse slowing walking across a floor. A running back dodging the defensive line to score a touchdown.

17 diligent Diligent (adj) – Working with great care and effort.

18 diligent What kind of students are these children?
What do you think diligent means?

19 True/False This will make you a diligent student…
Taking notes Talking to your group about the lesson Arriving late for school Staying after school Attaining high marks in school Meeting your content and language objectives ____will make you diligent because___.

20 ECLIPSE (n): the total or partial hiding of one heavenly body by another

21 What causes an eclipse? An eclipse of the sun occurs when the moon ____________________.

22 evolve (v) – To develop and change over time.

23 evolve Cell phones evolved from large phones that only make phone calls to small phones that do many things.

24 evolve What happened to cell phones over time?
What do you think evolve means?

25 What other things have evolved over time. In what ways
What other things have evolved over time? In what ways? ____ has evolved from ____ to ____.

26 innate innate (adj) – Having from birth; occurring naturally rather than being learned.

27 Mozart’s innate musical ability showed itself at a very early age.

28 Innate What was Mozart known for? What do you think innate means?

29 If the situation is an example of an innate ability, say “innate.”
A baby crying Doing your homework A baby horse standing up minutes after being birthed A fish swimming

30 inscribe Inscribe (v) – To write, print, or etch into as a permanent record.

31 inscribe Cuneiform is inscribed in clay tablets.
How would you explain how cuneiform is made? What do you think inscribe means?

32 What is usually inscribed on most gravestones
What is usually inscribed on most gravestones? ________, _______, and ____ are usually inscribed on gravestones.

33 posture posture (n) – The way one holds one’s body; a pose or position.

34 Posture You can improve your posture by throwing your shoulders back.

35 posture How can you improve your posture?
What do you think posture means?

36 Can you describe a way to improve your posture
Can you describe a way to improve your posture? I can improve my posture by _________________.

37 shroud Shroud (n) –Something that covers or hides from view.
A shroud of mystery surrounds the couple’s disappearance.

38 shroud What surrounded the couple’s disappearance?
What do you think shroud means?

39 Why would a shroud of sadness surround the loss of a pet
Why would a shroud of sadness surround the loss of a pet? A shroud of sadness would surround the loss of a pet because_______.

40 stifle Stifle (v) – To cut off the air from; to smother.
Thick smoke stifled those who remained in the burning building..

41 stifle How did the thick smoke effect the people in the burning building? The thick smoke ______ the people in the burning building. What do you think stifle means?

42 Say “stifle” if the situation described can stifle you.
A yawn Pollution Food A book Smoke

43 tentative tentative (adj) – Not fully worked out or final; hesitating or uncertain.

44 The deadline for the students is tentative and may be extended.
Why would the deadline be extended? What do you think tentative means?

45 Can you describe something that can be tentative
Can you describe something that can be tentative? A(n)__________ can be a tentative event.

46 tranquil tranquil (adj) – Calm; peaceful.

47 The sea was tranquil with no hint of the approaching storm.
What was the sea like with the approaching storm? What do you think tranquil means?

48 versatile She is a versatile musician who can play eight instruments.
Versatile (adj) – Able to do many different things or to be used in many different ways. She is a versatile musician who can play eight instruments.

49 Versatile How would you describe a musician who can play eight instruments? What do you think versatile means?

50 How might you become a versatile person
How might you become a versatile person? I can become a versatile ___________by _____________.

51 Wordly Wise 5 antic attire captivate deft diligent eclipse evolve
innate inscribe posture shroud stifle tentative tranquil versatile

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