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The Growing Voice of Truckload

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Presentation on theme: "The Growing Voice of Truckload"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Growing Voice of Truckload
David Heller Vice President of Government Affairs Truckload Carriers Association

2 The Voice of Truckload Pre-2015 TCA focused on the following: Image
Education Subject matter expertise Piggyback advocacy

3 The Voice of Truckload Fall of 2015 TCA’s voice grew louder
Truck Size and Weight challenged how TCA advocated Capitol Hill presence grew Membership actively challenged Truckload’s story began to be told TCA’s first victory

4 Membership Support March 2017
President Lyboldt unveils voluntary advocacy contribution plan Membership overwhelmingly supports 174 total contributions received Member-involved advocacy increases Investment in advocacy software Grass roots initiative thrives

5 The Voice of Truckload - Today
Present day Truckload issues are ever-present Size and Weight ELDs Sleeper Berth Flexibility/Detention Time F4A/Federal Preemption Truck Parking

6 Twin 33s July 14 Twin 33 Amendment Phone Banking Campaign
Opposition to possible amendment to be introduced supporting Twin 33 foot trailers Calls, voic s, and s sent to more than 60 TCA members requesting action Our members stepped up Amendment was not introduced Why? Because our story was told.

7 Truck Weight Summer 2017 91,000 pound/6-axle initiative
TCA meeting with weight advocates Why? Because our story was told.

8 ELDs September 6 Support the ELD Compliance Date campaign
273 congressional s sent 2 phones Total of 123 congressional offices contacted Amendment for a two-year delay of ELDs was defeated Why? Because our story was told.

9 Subject Matter Expertise
Congressional Interaction TCA has answered congressional technical inquiries on ELDs Autonomous Vehicles Truck Size and Weight Attendance at hearing expected Regular responses on federal issues Coalition building Invitations to present Why? Because our story was told.

10 Call On Washington

11 Call On Washington Present day TCA hosts an Inaugural Hill Day
Planned for 20 attendees, hoped for 25 43 office visits 32 registrants Meetings with House, Senate, Department of Transportation, and Transport Canada Follow-ups Why? Because our story was told.

12 Dates to Remember TCA's 80th Annual Convention
March 25-28, 2018 Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, Florida.  TCA’s 2nd Annual Call on Washington September 25, 2018

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