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MFDA Update on Continuing Education (CE) and Signature Falsification

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1 MFDA Update on Continuing Education (CE) and Signature Falsification
Independent Financial Brokers of Canada 2017 IFB Toronto Fall Summit November 7, 2017

2 Continuing Education – Background
Member Working Group – March 2015 1st Discussion Paper - June 22, (MFDA Bulletin #0644-P) Solicit feedback on various components of a CE program 21 submissions were received Summary of these comments issued December 1, (MFDA Bulletin #0666-P)

3 Continuing Education – Background
2nd Discussion Paper – January 12, (MFDA Bulletin #0711-P) Solicit feedback on draft Rules and Policy 24 submissions were received Summary of these comments issued September 14, (MFDA Bulletin #0730-P)

4 2nd Discussion Paper Proposed Structure
2 year cycle beginning on December 1st of an odd- numbered year 3 components: Business Conduct, Professional Development and MFDA Compliance MFDA accreditation MFDA system for tracking and reporting Non-compliance penalties

5 2nd Discussion Paper Proposed Requirements
For Dealing Representatives 10 Business Conduct credits per cycle 20 Professional Development credits per cycle 2 MFDA Compliance credits per cycle For CCOs, UDPs, BMs and Alternate CCOs/BMs (who are not Dealing Reps)

6 Business Conduct Ethics (minimum of 1 credit) – content that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems Other Business Conduct topics include: Conflicts of interests, personal financial dealings Regulatory requirements and initiatives that affect Member operations Disclosure of information to clients Documentation standards Know-Your-Client standard and suitability Anti-money laundering Security and privacy of information Complaint handling

7 Professional Development
Material that further enhances Approved Person’s knowledge in areas relevant to their business and their Member’s operations Topics include: Member operations Product knowledge Financial, retirement, tax and estate planning Investment strategies and asset allocation Client management techniques Economics, accounting, and finance Insurance

8 MFDA Compliance MFDA designated material
To be released at least annually (e.g. a webcast) Content will be priority items of MFDA that have applicability across all or a majority of Members (e.g. suitability, KYC, supervision) Will include update on examination findings, enforcement investigations, policy initiatives etc. Will be delivered via a variety of platforms

9 2nd Discussion Paper Summary of Comments
Credits Content and Delivery Accreditation Tracking and Reporting Non-compliance

10 Continuing Education Next Steps
Consider the comments received, prepare and publish proposed Rules and Policy for a formal public comment period (part of regular Rule development process) Continue to develop the processes and systems that will administer the CE program

11 Signature Falsification

12 Signature Falsification Consists Of:
Allegations of Pre-signed Forms: Pre-Signed Forms: Having a client sign a form which is blank or only partially completed, as well as using a photocopy of this type of form Altered Forms: These are defined as forms that have been properly completed and signed by a client, where the Approved Person (“AP”) then changes information on instructions from the client but where the AP does not have the client initial the change on the document. This would include crossing out information and changing it, as well as using liquid paper to update information on the form

13 Signature Falsification Consists Of:
Allegations of Actively Falsified Forms: These are defined as forms where the client’s signature or initials have been actively falsified. For example: signing a client’s name or initials on a document photocopying or using correction fluid to “re-use” a document that was properly signed by a client cutting and pasting a signature from one form to another

14 Ongoing Issue 2015 38 of the 69 disciplinary proceedings involved a Signature Falsification allegation 2016 60 of the 111 disciplinary proceedings involved a Signature Falsification allegation In 5 of the 60 proceedings, the AP used Signature Falsification to conduct a further violation of MFDA Rules such as discretionary trading, unauthorized trading, or misappropriation

15 MFDA Guidance The prohibition against falsifying forms exists regardless of the existence of client authorization or the motive behind the use of the form. Guidance regarding Signature Falsification has been provided for a number of years MSN-0035 dated Dec. 20, 2004 (Recording and Maintaining Evidence of Client Trade Instructions) MSN-0066 dated Oct. 31, 2007 (Signature Falsification) MFDA Bulletin #00661-E dated Oct. 2, 2015 (Signature Falsification) MSN-0066 updated Jan. 26, 2017

16 Recent Policy and Regulation Efforts
October 2, 2015, MDFA published Bulletin #0661-E on Signature Falsification January 26, 2017, MFDA published updated MSN-0066 (Signature Falsification) Both documents outline: Examples of Signature Falsification Examples of Aggravating Factors What Signature Falsification can result in That the MFDA will seek enhanced penalties for Signature Falsification occurring after the publication of the Bulletin

17 Examples of Signature Falsification Identified in Hearing Panel Decisions
Cutting and pasting a signature from one form to another Keeping a Pre-Signed Form, even where there is no intention of submitting the form for processing Photocopying a previously-submitted account form and altering the trade details in order to process a new trade Altering any information on a signed document without the client initialing the document to show the change was approved Signing a client’s name or initial to a document

18 Signature Falsification can violate MFDA Rule 2.1.1
Under MFDA Rule (Standard of Conduct), Members and APs are obligated to deal fairly, honestly and in good faith with their clients and observe high standards of ethics and conduct in the transaction of business.

19 Signature Falsification can violate MFDA Rule 2.1.1 whether or not:
It is done for the purposes of client convenience The client instructs or otherwise consents to the AP falsifying the document The client complains or there is financial harm to the client It is the AP’s intention to deceive a client or another person The document is used to commit a further breach of requirements under MFDA By-laws, Rules and Policies and applicable securities regulation

20 Falsification By Other Persons
Signature Falsification is still a violation of MFDA Rule if your assistant does it or if you instruct an assistant to do it APs must not instruct or permit others to create, use or possess falsified documents APs must ensure that in their supervision of support persons they pro-actively address the issue of Signature Falsification

21 Signature Falsification can:
Adversely affect the integrity and reliability of documents Destroy the audit trail Impact the ability of APs to produce valid documentation to support transactions that come into question Prejudice a client by making it appear that they executed a particular document when they did not Mislead Member supervisory personnel Negatively affect the credibility of the AP Negatively affect Member complaint handling Facilitate other misconduct such as unauthorized trading, fraud and misappropriation of funds

22 Aggravating Factors Client financial harm or client complaint
Number of incidents Previous history of Signature Falsification AP misled Member or MFDA during its investigation AP is Branch Manager Conduct occurred in response to a Member supervisory inquiry Conduct occurred after publication of Bulletin 0661-E Conflicts with annual compliance questionnaire or other attestation about compliance with Member’s policies and procedures

23 Member’s Response (as per MSN-0066)
Once Signature Falsification is found by a Member, it is to: Report on METS (and update as appropriate) Review the AP’s files Complete an RSI (Reasonable Supervisory Investigation) May include contacting clients The Member may also impose internal discipline including a fine, close or strict supervision, other conditions, or terminate the AP

24 How To Avoid? Train and supervise your licensed assistants, support staff Know your Member’s policies and procedures LTA (Limited Trade Authorization) may be used in appropriate circumstances in accordance with the Member policies and procedures and MFDA Rules and 5.1 (b). For example, taking notes of the discussion Ensure forms are properly completed before submitting (may need clients to return to office to sign/initial forms) Contact Supervisory Staff when you have questions or are uncertain how to proceed

25 Recent Signature Falsification Cases

26 Walter Georgijev (Jun 2017)
Between February 2014 and May 2015, the AP: falsified and used to process transactions, 3 account forms by altering information on the account forms without having the clients initial the alterations; and obtained, possessed, and in some instances, used to process transactions, 24 pre-signed account forms in respect of 10 clients Penalty: Fine of $10,00 and costs of $2,500

27 Laverne Peters (Oct 2017) Between March 2014 and March 2015 the AP, or his assistant, obtained, possessed and, in some instances, used to process transactions, 34 pre- signed account forms for 10 clients Penalty: 3 month prohibition costs of $2,500

28 Giuseppe Cichello (Jan 2017)
Between May 11, 2015 and May 13, 2015 the AP falsified 3 client signatures on account forms and used the forms to process transactions Penalty: 5 month prohibition costs of $1,000

29 Michael Charles Nisbet (Apr 2017)
Between June 2011 and February 2015 the AP obtained, possessed and used to process transactions, 3 pre-signed forms Between June 2011 and March 2014 the AP signed 3 forms, as an Approved Person, falsely stating he had reviewed the details with the client Penalty: 6 month prohibition from acting as a BM fine of $6,500 and costs of $2,500

30 Annaji Kumar (Apr 2017) Branch Manager
On or about June 19, 2015, the AP falsified a client signature on an account form Between 2004 and June 2015, the AP: falsified and used to process transactions, 2 account forms in respect of 2 clients, by altering information on the account forms without obtaining client initials authorizing the alterations obtained, possessed, and used to process transactions, 2 pre-signed account forms in respect of 2 clients

31 Annaji Kumar (Apr 2017) Between October 2009 and June 2015, acting in his capacity as branch manager, the AP reviewed and approved the use of 3 of these forms. Penalty: 6 month prohibition must successfully complete a BM course prior to being re-designated as a BM fine of $1,500

32 Mohabeer Rambarran (Nov 2016)
Branch Manager Between September 2006 and August 2014, the AP: obtained, possessed, and in some instances, used to process transactions, 51 pre-signed account forms in respect of 22 clients falsified, and in some instances, used to process transactions, 13 account forms in respect of 10 clients acting in the capacity of alternate branch manager, reviewed and approved 54 of the account forms described above. Penalty: 5 month branch manager prohibition, and prior to being re-designated as a BM, successfully complete a BM course. Fine of $10,000 and costs of $2,500

33 Martine Yargeau (Oct 2017) On or about October 27, 2014 the AP falsified 2 client signatures on a form and submitted for processing Between January 2013 and February 2015, the AP obtained, possessed and, in some instances, used to process transactions, 203 pre-signed account forms for 45 clients Penalty: 1 year prohibition

34 Yangyi Xie (May 2017) Between August and September 2014 the AP:
processed 3 authorized discretionary trades as part of a dollar-cost averaging strategy for a client Between August and October 2014 the AP: falsified the signature of 1 client on 4 account forms processed 2 unauthorized discretionary trades Penalty: 18 month prohibition fine of $5,500 and costs of $2,500

35 Questions?

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