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How far had the position of Hispanic Americans improved by 1968?

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Presentation on theme: "How far had the position of Hispanic Americans improved by 1968?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How far had the position of Hispanic Americans improved by 1968?
Other Ethnic groups: Hispanic Americans and Native Americans How far had the position of Hispanic Americans improved by 1968?

2 Starter: What links the different images to what you already know?

3 Watch the clip to see how discrimination still exists today for Hispanic Americans

4 Discrimination faced by Hispanic Americans:
Historic discrimination – 1930’s/ post-WW2 after authorities recruited Mexicans to work in defence industries. Migration of Mexicans and Puerto Rican to US created discrimination: customs, poverty, illiteracy, race and lowly jobs set them apart. Problems by 1960’s Chicano workers in California Farming Industry: minimum wage, harsh, dangerous conditions, bent at the waist all day, powerful disinfectants affected their health, no protection from federal or state authorities, no voting rights so ignored. Worked seasonally – migrant workers Extreme poverty - no union protection

5 Impact of increased black consciousness:
1930’s Hispanic Americans had tried to emulate black activism – Civil Rights Organisation created in 1930’s. But never as successful as NAACP equivalent (less Hispanic population) By 1960’s with Civil Rights Revolution Mexican Americans follow the example. ‘Brown Berets’ ‘Brown Power’ Cesar Chavez – became leading campaigner But no Broad Protest movement in 1960’s – Chavez’s movement was REGIONAL not National.

6 Task: Complete the information finder to find out about the campaigns
Problems facing Hispanic Americans Cesar Chavez National Farm Workers Association La Huelga! Other Hispanic Protest Achievements of UFW

7 How far had the position of Hispanic Americans improved by 1968
How far had the position of Hispanic Americans improved by 1968? Add in your own arguments for to challenge the ones against: IMPROVEMENT NO IMPROVEMENT The protest never achieved the publicity or success of black protestors because Hispanic Americans made up only 6% of the population compared with Black Americans at 12%, The Federal government was less sympathetic towards Hispanics as they had less voter power than Black Americans The Hispanic Movement was fragmented. Mexican Americans, Cuban Americans and Puerto Rican Americans were all labelled Hispanic but they were in reality divided on political and cultural lines Poverty still remained along with high levels of illiteracy. Poorly paid jobs and low education was ironic considering they were second largest minority group in America Perhaps due to fact that many were temporary workers and not residents – language ties/barriers damaged economic and political progress? Language discrimination in 1965 Voting Rights Act – denied right to vote if educated in another language.

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