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Discipleship - Excellence

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1 Discipleship - Excellence
Mt. 5:43-48 “What do you do exceptional?” “…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (Jn. 10:10).

2 Challenge to Excellence, Mt. 5:17-48
“You Have Heard - But I Say” (5:21-22,27-28,31-32,33-35,38-39,43-44) Contrasts the Old with the New, Jn. 1:17; Heb. 10:28,29 Some say He contrasts real meaning with Pharisees’ interpretations.

3 Not - “it is also written” but “I Say”
“You shall not murder,” Dt. 5:14 “You shall not commit adultery,” Dt. 5:18 “A certificate of divorce,” Dt. 24:1 “You shall not swear falsely,” Lev. 19:12 “An eye for an eye…” Ex. 21:24 “Love your neighbor, and hate you enemy” Lev. 19:17,18 (Dt. 25:17-19; Ps. 109)

4 The Law of Christ is Superior
Jesus taught the more excellent way while the Law was in effect “Tell it to the church,” Mt. 18:15-17 “Worship in spirit and truth,” Jn. 4:21-24 What Jesus taught in Mt. 5:31,32; 19:9 is not what Moses permitted, Dt. 24:1-4 “Be your enemies,” Mt. 5:48

5 Example of Excellence, Jn. 13
Self-centered – serve me! (Lk. 22:24-27) Jesus’ example, Jn. 13:1-17 What He knew, 13:1-3 What He did, 13:4-5 What He taught, 13:6-17 Peter learned submission, 1 Pet. 2:13,18; 3:1; 5:5,6 (He finally got it right!)

6 The More Excellent Way The way of love – serve, 1 Cor. 12:31-13:3
When we can, Gal. 6:10 Who we can, Lk. 10:29-37 Without tooting our horn, Mt. 6:2

7 Conclusion A corporal became a Christian; Sergeant saw him kneeling in prayer – threw his shoes at him. Next morning the sergeant’s shoes were shined beside his bed! Discipleship is Excellence – It is not easy but it is Christ’s way! (Mt. 5:46-48)

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