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A Single Paragraph Example (Utilizing a Thinking Map)

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Presentation on theme: "A Single Paragraph Example (Utilizing a Thinking Map)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Single Paragraph Example (Utilizing a Thinking Map)
Step-Up to Writing A Single Paragraph Example (Utilizing a Thinking Map)

2 Prewriting All good writing begins with a plan.
Before you begin to write you must plan and organize your thoughts. You can use a Thinking Map to help gather, organize, and display information that will be used in your writing.

3 Prewriting We are going to use a Circle Map to assist in the prewriting process. You can use a variety of Thinking Maps, this is just one example. The center circle is going to be the TOPIC. The larger outer circle will contain the DETAILS. The frame of reference will have the EXPLANATIONS for the details.

4 Prewriting The first thing you want to do is state your Topic.
Use the small center circle.

5 Riding a Rollercoaster.
The most frightening moment of my life was: Riding a Rollercoaster.

6 Prewriting Next, you want to list the Details that support the Topic.
Use the larger outer circle. Don’t be too concerned about giving a lot of information. This is simply a way to quickly put your thoughts on paper. Later this information will transformed into complete detailed sentences.

7 Riding a Rollercoaster.
The speed was horrifying. The loops nearly scared me to death. I didn’t like the noise it made. The most frightening moment of my life was: Riding a Rollercoaster.

8 Prewriting Finally, you want to provide Explanations for your supporting details. Use the Frame of Reference to write your Explanations. Don’t be too concerned about giving a lot of information. This is simply a way to quickly put your thoughts on paper. Later this information will transformed into complete detailed sentences.

9 Riding a Rollercoaster.
The ride was too fast and jerky. It made me sick to my stomach. I was worried that I was going to fall out of the car. There was an eerie noise when we were climbing the first hill. The speed was scary. The loops nearly scared me to death. I didn’t like the noise it made. The most frightening moment of my life was: Riding a Rollercoaster.

10 Drafting Once the Prewriting has been completed it’s time to put your thoughts into complete sentences. For this example you are going to create a single paragraph. You want to start with the Topic Sentence.

11 Riding a roller coaster is the most frightening thing I have ever done in my life.

12 Drafting After the Topic Sentence you want to start writing the Detail sentences that support the topic. It’s important that each Detail has an Explanation. You want to write at least 1 Explanation for each Detail.

13 Riding a roller coaster is the most frightening thing I have ever done in my life. The scariest part was the speed. The ride was too fast, too jerky, and it caused me to get nauseous.

14 Riding a roller coaster is the most frightening thing I have ever done in my life. The scariest part was the speed. The ride was too fast, too jerky, and it caused me to get nauseous. Another frightening aspect of the ride was the noise. The ride made all sorts of creaking and crackling noises, as if it were going to collapse.

15 Riding a roller coaster is the most frightening thing I have ever done in my life. The scariest part was the speed. The ride was too fast, too jerky, and it caused me to get nauseous. Another frighten aspect of the ride was the noise. The ride made all sorts of creaking and crackling noises, as if it were going to collapse. The loops nearly pushed me over the edge. The entire time I was certain I would plummet to my death.

16 Conclusion You want to finish the paragraph with a Conclusion sentence. This is your last chance to remind the reader of your topic and the important details. Restate the topic sentence in different words.

17 Riding a roller coaster is the most frightening thing I have ever done in my life. The scariest part was the speed. The ride was too fast, too jerky, and it caused me to get nauseous. Another frighten aspect of the ride was the noise. The ride made all sorts of creaking and crackling noises, as if it were going to collapse. The loops nearly pushed me over the edge. The entire time I was certain I would plummet to my death. The speed, noise, and loops made riding a roller coaster the scariest event of my life.

18 The “Grabber” or “Hook”
If you really want to get the attention of the reader try starting your paragraph with a “grabber” sentence. This is a sentence that will capture the reader’s attention. You want to make this sentence interesting and exciting!

19 Have you ever been so afraid of something that you thought you might die? Riding a roller coaster is the most frightening thing I have ever done in my life. The scariest part was the speed. The ride was too fast, too jerky, and it caused me to get nauseous. Another frighten aspect of the ride was the noise. The ride made all sorts of creaking and crackling noises, as if it were going to collapse. The loops nearly pushed me over the edge. The entire time I was certain I would plummet to my death. The speed, noise, and loops made riding a roller coaster the scariest event of my life.

20 Good Luck! THE END!

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