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Sacred Texts Independent Learning Project – Year 7

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1 Sacred Texts Independent Learning Project – Year 7
Purpose To prepare for next lesson To prepare for an assessment To consolidate learning from today To improve understanding and use of keywords To improve work from the lesson To extend learning through independent research Over this half term we have been learning about the Christian scared text –The Bible For your independent learning project you are going to find out about a sacred text from another religion. You can chose a sacred text from any religion but you must complete the following three tasks to support your research. Create a Power Point or poster about your chosen text. You need to include at least 10 facts. Find out about the original language the text was written in and have a go yourself at writing in that language. You might want to create an aged effect with your paper too. 3. Research one of the most famous stories that is in that text and either produce a story board or write a recount of the story. You must explain what the message is in the story for believers. Method of assessment Correction activity/ quiz Peer assessed Self assessed Teacher assessed/ checked Formal assessment (test/exam etc) Find out about the similarities and differences between your chosen text and the Bible.

2 World Religions Independent Learning Project – Year 8
There are 6 main world religions: Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Christianity. For your independent learning project you are going to research one of these religions. You can chose which of the 6 religions you are going to research but you must complete the following three tasks to support your research. Create a Power Point or poster about your chosen religion. You need to include: the main beliefs, how you become a member, how they worship, their holy book and regular religious things they have to do. Create a 3D model to represent an artefact or aspect of that religion e.g. a model of a holy building or a holy item. 3. Find out about a famous person who is a member of this religion. Purpose To prepare for next lesson To prepare for an assessment To consolidate learning from today To improve understanding and use of keywords To improve work from the lesson To extend learning through independent research Method of assessment Correction activity/ quiz Peer assessed Self assessed Teacher assessed/ checked Formal assessment (test/exam etc) Find out about diversity within this religion. Create a Venn diagram showing what the groups within the religion believe that is the same, then what is different

3 Humanism Independent Learning Project – Year 9 Method of assessment
There is a growing amount of people in the UK that call themselves Humanists. For your independent learning project you are going to find out about Humanism and what it means to be a Humanist. You need to complete all three tasks. Create a Power Point or poster about Humanism. You need to include: the main beliefs, how you become a member, what rule they live their life by, what they don’t believe in and how they mark different events in their lives including births and marriages. Research the work of the Red Cross and the founder Henry Dunant. Write a letter to the charity group in school to persuade them to raise money for the Red Cross. Find out about a famous person who is a humanist and explain why they chose humanism. Purpose To prepare for next lesson To prepare for an assessment To consolidate learning from today To improve understanding and use of keywords To improve work from the lesson To extend learning through independent research Method of assessment Correction activity/ quiz Peer assessed Self assessed Teacher assessed/ checked Formal assessment (test/exam etc) Create a Venn diagram comparing the similarities between Humanists and either Islam or Christianity.


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